[Bioperl-l] annotating existing Seq objects

Stephen Henderson s.henderson@ucl.ac.uk
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 13:21:56 +0100

I have used the BioPerl tools to write some simple scripts for retrieving
batches of Ref_sequences from Genbank (in Fasta flat file format). I have a
slight problem in that some of the retrieved sequence objects:

$seq= $gb->get_Seq_by_id($ets[$i])

have a distinct display_id from that which I have retrieved them with e.g I
put in X98048, and I get back HS408N23 (I'm not exactly sure why?)

Anyway to work round this I simply want to append my initial query to the
end of the display_id in the fasta comment line, and then save the files.
The documentation here shows good examples of creating new Seq objects, or
returning various properties of seq objects, but are there simple methods to
append/change Seq features such as accession_id, display_id themselves
without recourse to creating new objects.