[Bioperl-l] EST mirroring
Juha Muilu
Thu, 12 Jul 2001 17:55:38 +0100
Hi All,
Couple of years back I wrote perl/DBI scripts for mirroring dbEST from
the NCBI's sybase database to Oracle. Now the public access to the
database is closed and I am alone with my good but bit messy scripts
The data is distributed nowadays in a daily bcp-dumps. I do not like
to give up easily and I'm planning to blow dust on the camel book and
hack some perl code again.
The EST database is fairly simple and code can be made general enough
for other purposes as well. I am not planning to do any complex schema
mappings, only one-to-one conversion between the tables. Columns can
have different names and data types and be in different order etc.
Before I start I like to know are people intrested in this or perhaps
already done it?
|Juha Muilu, Ph.D., EMBL Outstation| Email: muilu@ebi.ac.uk |
|European Bioinformatics Institute | Phone: +44 (0)1223 494 624 |
|Wellcome Trust Genome Campus | Fax: +44 (0)1223 494 468 |
|Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK | http://industry.ebi.ac.uk/~muilu|