[Bioperl-l] split seq feature and fuzzy feature proposal

Jason Stajich jason@chg.mc.duke.edu
Thu, 18 Jan 2001 12:55:53 -0500 (EST)


Please look it over, I didn't describe the detail of the fuzzy feature
methods because I'm not sure there will be extra methods, just overriding
things like start,end to be remapped.  The different feature types need to
be differentiated so that Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper can handle then differently
when parsing/writing.

Ewan, Let me know what I've left off.  Hilmar does this sound reasonable,
straightforward enough to you?

Some may have a beef about the name - SplitSeqFeature - you are welcome
to propose a better one.

Send you comments or make corrections to the wiki (send a courtesy 
note to let us know to check the webpage). 

Thanks for you help.

Jason Stajich
Center for Human Genetics
Duke University Medical Center 