[Bioperl-l] trouble with Boulder::Genbank module
Josiah Altschuler
Sat, 15 Dec 2001 14:42:06 -0500
Hi. I'm running ActivePerl 5.6 on Windows 2000. I installed the Boulder
module from CPAN and I'm trying to access Genbank using Boulder::Genbank.
I'm able to retrieve the correct entries by query, but it keeps retrieving
them over and over in an infinite loop. I figure by showing my code below,
someone can see where I'm making a mistake?
Also, I couldn't find anything in bioperl that would allow me to search
Genbank by query like I'm doing here with Boulder::Genbank. Is this
Anyways, thanks for any help you can give me.
Here is the code,
use Boulder::Genbank;
$a = "courant_nrdb.txt"; #output file for query results
$query = 'Neolamprologus brichardi[Organism]';
$gb = Boulder::Genbank->newFh(-accessor => 'Entrez',
-query => $query,
-db => 'n');
open(OUT, ">$a") || die "cannot create a: $!";
while ($data = <$gb>)
print "entry retrieved\n"; #Telling me it got an entry (It's
repeating infinitely)
$gi = $data->Nid;
$gi =~ s/\D//g; #Get rid of first letter in GI entry
#Now print the entry in FASTA format
print OUT ">gi|$gi|gb|";
print OUT $data->Version;
print OUT "|";
print OUT $data->Accession;
print OUT " ";
print OUT $data->Definition;
print OUT "\n";
print OUT $data->Sequence;
print OUT "\n";
close OUT;