[Bioperl-l] installing bioperl on Windows 2000 (help)

Jonathan Epstein Jonathan_Epstein@nih.gov
Fri, 14 Dec 2001 10:06:19 -0500


In W2K, environment variables are set using Control Panel->System->Advanced->Environment Variables.

Within the environment variable applet, there are two sets of settings; one for User variables and one for System variables (I erroneously referred to "User" as "local").  I believe that your actual settings (e.g., for PATH) consists of that concatenation of the System variable followed by the User variable.  Note that a directory name which appears earlier in this concatenated PATH takes precedence over directory names which appear later.

You may set your environment variables in either place, although clearly it makes sense to try to differentiate between settings that apply to all users and settings that only apply to individual users ... note that I haven't done a very good job of this, as evidenced by the fact that c:/users/epstein/bin appears in the System PATH on my system.

I hope this is clear now ... if not, write back to me privately.


At 09:42 AM 12/14/2001 , Bill Zhuang wrote:
>Jonathan, Could you please tell me how to set "system path"
>and "local path"?