[Bioperl-l] swiss fix
Jason Stajich
Wed, 6 Sep 2000 10:02:12 -0400 (EDT)
Okay, so the reason I added the (incorrect) Bio::SeqIO::swiss fix stemmed
back from the original problem, downloading using Bio::DB::GenPept,
outputting the data as swissprot.
Of course this is just the stream handler, data is downloaded
from ncbi as GenPept (which we handle with the GenBank format)
and display_id() is filled in via SeqIO::genbank, which doesn't
add the _$div to the display_id. One solution is to check in swissprot
before writing out the record that the display_id indeed follows the
locus_div format, if it doesn't then add the _$div to the display_id.
Jason Stajich
(919)684-1806 (office)
(919)684-2275 (fax)
Center for Human Genetics - Duke University Medical Center