Bioperl: Bioperl 0.6.1 release

Keith James
10 May 2000 14:58:32 +0100

>>>>> "James" == James Gilbert <> writes:

    James> We also need to propagate these changes into the
    James> EMBL/Genbank _print_FTHelper routines so that the same
    James> location lines which are parsed get printed out!

The stuff I added will parse and write those locations (I thought it
would be silly to put in one without t'other). The test I added reads
embl.test (containing locations with <, > ^ and a qualifier with a
trailing " in the middle of the text) and writes embl.out. It doesn't
diff the input and output simply because the CC and KW lines get
changed, plus line wrapping changes.


Keith James  --  --
The Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambs CB10 1SA
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