Bioperl: Final pre release

Ewan Birney
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 18:22:58 +0000 (GMT)

I have put in the 06 branch. This means that we have now decide on
the feature set, functionality and general code to work for the new
0.6 release of bioperl. 

It is *very* important that people who use bioperl heavily that they
try to pick this release up and test it, ideally in place of their
exisiting bioperl. It *should* be backwardly compatible (you will
get warnings when you use deprecated methods). There are so many
new aspects to bioperl, including better performance and richer
object definitions that it is undoubtedly worth upgrading.

The release is at

It is a standard CPAN module, so installation should be trivial.

I'd like to publically thank many people who contributed to this
release and in particular the new comers. They include:

  James   Gilbert
  Heikki  Lehväslaiho
  Jason   Stajich
  Elia    Stupka
  Lincoln Stein
  Peter   Schattner
  Michele Clamp
  Kate    Linder
Please - I am not sure that I have everyone who has committed stuff over
the last 6 months, so if you know you have contributed, whether in code,
testing, documentation or design, please speak up. (yes - we need to start
a contributor's list).

Just to mention, bioperl is not possible without the continued work

  Steve Chervitz

and in particular, a big thank you to

  Chris Dadigdan

who provides system administration to the entire bio* set of sites

Anyway - go get it - go test it! Expect the full release next week with a
revamped web site.

Ewan Birney. Mobile: +44 (0)7970 151230

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