Bioperl: 0.6 on the horizon

Ewan Birney
Wed, 16 Feb 2000 16:39:23 +0000

0.6 release of bioperl is seriously on the horizon. The 0.6
release represents quite a serious clean up of the code - this
means some potential errors coming in which I want to get 
out before the release.

The current code works very cleanly with my scripts - but they
would. What I really need to do is to encourage people to
download/use anonymous cvs to test out the 06 release. You can 
get a tar file of a snapshot from

Or via anonymous cvs. Go to

and follow instructions (it is easy).

What you should do is -

	a) go through the perl Makefile.PL, make, make test

Tell me if anything fails. There are 4 uninitialised variables I am
chasing down.

	b) run your own scripts against them. Note what does not work
if you can give me

	- a small script which does not work

	- or a diff of a .t file or a new .t file which makes the
functionality not work 

then that is ideal.

A number of large groups/companys I know use bioperl. By getting someone
in these groups or in a company to test out the new bioperl you can
upgrade to the newer, less buggy, better laid out bioperl without

and it helps the project move on.

Ewan Birney. Mobile: +44 (0)7970 151230

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