[Bioperl-l] An open letter to bioinformatcis researchers

Paul Gordon nodrogluap@yahoo.com
Sun, 10 Dec 2000 07:44:27 -0800 (PST)

[Not cross-posted]

Just an idea...

Depending on the wording of the MTA, I'm sure we could
have a nice little bioperl script/module that
facilitates the downloading of the data into an
aggregate form...  You'd be redistributing code, not
the data it downloads.

> The terms of the Celera/Science agreement will give 
> us access to the genome sequence, but not >
unencumbered access.  Celera is suggesting publishing
> their data under a MTA (Material Transfer Agreement)
> which would prevent large scale downloads and >
incorporation of this data into GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ. In
> order to download the data, you and your institution
> will have to sign a contract guaranteeing that you >
will not "redistribute" the Celera data.

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