[Bioperl-l] Bio::Object
Jason Stajich
Fri, 8 Dec 2000 11:52:43 -0500 (EST)
I was thinking, as I am starting to use the temp dir for code in
(Bio::Seq;:LargePrimarySeq, Bio::DB::WebSeqDBI ), maybe it would make
sense to have a tempdir routine in Bio::Root::RootI or some sort of
Bio::Root::Util (depending on how we decide to clean things up).
This would be set in a BEGIN block with the code looking something like
eval {
$TEMPDIR = File::Spec->tmpdir();
if( $@ || !defined $TEMPDIR || $TEMPDIR eq '' ) {
if( defined $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ) { $TEMPDIR = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} }
elsif( defined $ENV{'TEMPDIR'} ) { $TEMPDIR = $ENV{'TEMPDIR'} }
elsif(-w '/tmp') { $TEMPDIR = '/tmp' }
else { $TEMPDIR = "."; }
# in initialize we would initialize this
sub _initialize {
I'd also like to be able to have a tempfilename generator - we could use
the File::Temp or File::MkTemp modules or write our own routine in RootI.
Just would be important to have a standardization.
How does this sound?
Jason Stajich
Center for Human Genetics
Duke University Medical Center