Bioperl: Bioperl conference
Chris Dagdigian
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 11:39:24 -0500
Hi folks,
I vote in favor of the day before the ISMB tutorial sessions: Thursday August 5th.
As for the format:
o a room with computers so that we can code together and show examples (possibly use
as an ad-hoc way to display electronic posters?)
o a classroom or lecture hall where we can hear talks and have discussions
I really like the format of the Objects In Bioinformatics meetings where there were a
bunch of friendly people gathered in a lecture hall to hear presentations that centered
around a core topic. In this case the topic would be the use of perl for life science
If the outside facility falls through, I think we can get away with not having a
large room of computers. Perhaps we can ask the ISMB folks if we can get
access to a medium-sized conference room in the Hotel on Thursday...that way
we can conduct a little "side meeting" with little additional effort and perhaps only
a little bit of cost (paying the hotel for the conference room).
I'm willing to work on the organizing committee and do website stuff etc. etc. I
have organized large events before, but never ones of a scientific nature. I also
don't know enough people in the community to be able to pull in well known
folks who would be able to "referee" or give the keynote etc. So-- count me
in as an organizer but I'm probably not the best choice to be chairperson.
Before we can do or announce much, we need to have the following:
o concrete date and facility info
o some idea what the meeting topic/format/style will be
-chris dagdigian
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