Bioperl: parses a max of 250 hits?

Phil Xiang
Thu, 09 Dec 1999 15:28:48 -0800

Dear all,

I am trying to parse the first HSPs of BLAST hits using the following code:

use Bio::Tools::Blast;

        $blast = Bio::Tools::Blast->new( -file   => "$accession.blastn",
                                        -parse  => 1,
                                        -descr  => 1000,
                                        -align  => 1000,
                                        -signif => '1e-10',

        foreach $hit ($blast->hits) {
            printf "%d\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%.1e\t%d\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\n",
                $phase, $accession, $blast->length, $hit->name,
                $hit->bits, $hit->expect,
                $hit->hsp->length, $hit->frac_identical,
                $hit->hsp->start('query'), $hit->hsp->end('query');

Why is it that I don't get more than 250 output records even though the
input BLAST result file contains 1000 hits?

I'd appreciate if anybody can tell me how to get around this restriction.


      Phil Xiang, Ph. D.                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      Manager, Scientific Computing                   ~~~ from wormhole ~~~
      Tularik Inc, South San Francisco                ~~~   to worms    ~~~
      (650) 825-7414 (work), -4318 (fax)              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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