Bioperl: Blast executables for power pc mac?
Keith Allen
Tue, 27 Apr 1999 12:14:06 -0700
Hi Folx,
Sorry to bug the group with an off topic query, but this tends
to be a great resource for this sort of miscellaneous question.
I'm looking for NCBI BLAST2.0x executables to run on a mac
ppc box (a laptop, actually, dont ask why, its a long strange story),
but I'm not having any luck. I've got the source for the NCBI toolkit
with instructions how to build it in Codewarrior, but my experience
building the toolkit on Solaris, and trying to build it on Linux, makes
me very wary of trying to do it on the mac.
If anyone could point me to some executables I'd be MOST grateful.
-Keith Allen
Keith Allen, PhD
Bioinformatics Specialist
Deltagen, Inc
1031 Bing St.
San Carlos, CA 94070
650 610-6826
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