Bioperl/ANNOUNCE Bioperl Workshop Schedule / Recent donations to the Bioperl Project
Georg Fuellen
Mon, 21 Jun 1999 10:43:24 +0200 (MET DST)
=== This mail was sent via the Bioperl Announcement mailing list, see footer ===
1: Bioperl Workshop Schedule (Ewan Birney)
2: Recent donations to the Bioperl Project (Chris Dagdigian)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 18:28:46 +0100 (BST)
From: Ewan Birney <>
Subject: Bioperl: Bioperl Workshop Schedule
The schedule for the bioperl workshop is as follows:
Bioperl Workshop (5th August, DKFZ, Heidelberg)
9.20 Welcome
9.30 Overview of bioperl: from hackers to cvs
<Steve Chervitz>
10.30 Tea/Coffee
11.00 Integrating Algorithms using Bioperl
<Ewan Birney>
11.30 Building a flexible database interface for Sage Analysis
<Merlijn van der Mee>
12.00-1.30 Lunch
1.30 A Perl subroutine library for bioinformatics and genome projects
<Jong Park>
2.00 Getting Results with BioPerl - The "Bio::Search::*" Way
<Aaron Mackey>
2.30 Gene Feature Format Modules
<Richard Bruskiewich>
3.00-4.00 Tea/Coffee
<Lincoln Stein>
Early registration for the bioperl workshop will end on the 1st of July,
after which the cost for registration will increase, and we cannot
guarentee places (as we have to decide on numbers for the rooms etc). If
you do want to come along, please go the web site at
and register. You can pay by credit card (a page linked through on the
site), but please fill in an email registration whatever your payment
Ewan Birney
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:44:13 -0400
From: Chris Dagdigian <>
Subject: Recent donations to the Bioperl Project
BioPerl Project Announcement
This is a brief announcement regarding two significant
recent donations to the Bioperl Project.
Compaq Computer Corporation ( has
provided the project with a 600mhz Alpha system that
will replace our current internet server.
The donation was facilitated by the Compaq Bioinformatics
Solutions Center and members of the Compaq High Performance
Technical Computing Group. We owe a special debt of thanks to
Nat Goodman for getting the process started.
The new server is up and running in Cambridge, Massachusetts
with co-location hosting and bandwidth donated by Genetics
Institute Inc. (
More specific details including plans for managing the
transition over to the new server will be posted and discussed
on the bioperl-guts mailing list.
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