Bioperl/ANNOUNCE bioperl '99

Ewan Birney
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 15:22:33 +0000 (GMT)

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  Bioperl Workshop '99

  We are planning to hold the workshop on 5th August 1999 at DKFZ
in Heidelberg. The 5th August is the day before the start of the tutorial
sessions at ISMB. (The main conference starts on Saturday). 
DKFZ is an easy bus ride away from the main ISMB hotels
and conference area. The workshop will be organised by the following

  Ewan Birney (chair), Chris Dagdigian, Georg Fuellen,
  Lincoln Stein, David States, Jong Park, Marc Rehmsmeier 
  and Steve Chervitz.

The committee can be addressed as a group at the email address The web site for the workshop is at This is just a place holder for the

To discover what kind of numbers of people are interested, we would
like to have a straw poll of the people on the list for the
conference. *Please* reply if you are thinking about coming, so we can
try to get the right sort of facillities. 

*If there is not a big response then we wont hold it*, as we don't
want to spend alot of our time for nothing. So - if in doubt, email!

Responding to this email does not commit you to do anything, but
please respond if you are interested (otherwise we don't know!)

Send the mail to not 'reply to' but use
'forward' to 

Please put Y or N below:


1. [ ] I am interested in coming to the bioperl workshop

2. [ ] I am interested in giving a talk

3. [ ] I am interested in presenting a poster 

Any other comments:

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