[Biojava-l] Biojava tutorial revisisted
Chun-Nuan Chen
Wed, 08 May 2002 09:22:54 -0700
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I revisisted the biojava tutorial and found a few things that may need
correction. I believe most of them are just typos:
1. in BioJava Blast-like parsing tutorial 0.1 by Cambridge Antibody
|"java *eventbasedparsing/TutorialEx1* files/ncbiblast/shortBlastn.out"
should be:
||"java *eventbasedparsing.TutorialEx1* files/ncbiblast/shortBlastn.out"|
2.in Keith James' "|Parsing Fasta search output":
java *search/FastaSearchParse* files/fp_queries.db files/fp_demo.db
should be:
java *search.FastaSearchParse* files/fp_queries.db files/fp_demo.db
(NB: Although this sample code has been obsoleted in the latest cvs tree
and the functions have been moved to
org/biojava/bio/program/sax/FastaSearchParser.java, the tutorial has not
been updated for this change and the compilation of this old sample code
is not successful due to the removal of some classes it depends on.)
3. in Matthew's Roulet.java example, I have to change a few things to
make the compilation and execution work:
1). The changeSupport viable in the inner RedBlackDist class cannot be
inherited from the super.super class AbstractChangeable since it is
defined as a private variable there (there was a thread discussing this
issue earlier in this mailing list). The workaround is to either modify
the source code of AbstractChangeable.java to make this variable
inheritable and rebuild the biojava.jar or modify the source code of
Roulet.java like the following:
class RedBlackDist extends AbstractDistribution {
* private ChangeSupport changeSupport;*
private ChangeListener parentL;
private ChangeListener propUpdater;
public RedBlackDist(final Distribution parent) {
this.parent = parent;
* changeSupport=get*ChangeSupport(Distribution.WEIGHTS);
2). the generateChangeSupport(Distribution.WEIGHTS) method should be
changed to *get*ChangeSupport(Distribution.WEIGHTS); as shown above.
3). I need to do a few cast-downs in order to make code to compile:
change lines like the following:
Symbol s = (Symbol) i.next();
FundamentalAtomicSymbol s = (FundamentalAtomicSymbol) i.next();
Otherwise, the *getToken *method will not be recognized. Using/casting
back to interface is a good programming practice but will cause a little
bit of headache when debugging problems like above because we need to
trace back to get the exact class to cast down to.
With all above changes, I can complie and run the Roulet applet
successfully.* It is a nice program!*
4. This is not an error or typo and is related to the style of the code
blocks in the tutorial. The css class for the code block is nice for
displaying on the screen but is not printer-friendly. It consumes a lot
of ink but the code is barely readable.
Please correct me if my above statements are not valid.
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I revisisted the biojava tutorial and found a few things that may need correction.
I believe most of them are just typos:<br>
1. in BioJava Blast-like parsing tutorial 0.1 by Cambridge Antibody Technology.<br>
<code>"java <b>eventbasedparsing/TutorialEx1</b> files/ncbiblast/shortBlastn.out"<br>
should be:<br>
</code><code>"java <b>eventbasedparsing.TutorialEx1</b> files/ncbiblast/shortBlastn.out"</code><br>
2.in Keith James' "</code>Parsing Fasta search output":<br>
java <b>search/FastaSearchParse</b> files/fp_queries.db files/fp_demo.db
files/fp_demo.m10 <br>
should be:<br>
java <b>search.FastaSearchParse</b> files/fp_queries.db files/fp_demo.db
files/fp_demo.m10 <br>
(NB: Although this sample code has been obsoleted in the latest cvs tree
and the functions have been moved to org/biojava/bio/program/sax/FastaSearchParser.java,
the tutorial has not been updated for this change and the compilation of this
old sample code is not successful due to the removal of some classes it depends
3. in Matthew's Roulet.java example, I have to change a few things to make
the compilation and execution work:<br>
1). The changeSupport viable in the inner RedBlackDist class cannot be
inherited from the super.super class AbstractChangeable since it is defined
as a private variable there (there was a thread discussing this issue earlier
in this mailing list). The workaround is to either modify the source code
of AbstractChangeable.java to make this variable inheritable and rebuild
the biojava.jar or modify the source code of Roulet.java like the following:<br>
class RedBlackDist extends AbstractDistribution {<br>
<b> private ChangeSupport changeSupport;</b><br>
private ChangeListener parentL;<br>
private ChangeListener propUpdater;<br>
public RedBlackDist(final Distribution parent) {<br>
this.parent = parent;<br>
<b> changeSupport=get</b>ChangeSupport(Distribution.WEIGHTS);<br>
2). the generateChangeSupport(Distribution.WEIGHTS) method should be changed
to <b>get</b>ChangeSupport(Distribution.WEIGHTS); as shown above.<br>
3). I need to do a few cast-downs in order to make code to compile:<br>
change lines like the following:<br>
Symbol s = (Symbol) i.next();<br>
FundamentalAtomicSymbol s = (FundamentalAtomicSymbol) i.next();<br>
Otherwise, the <b>getToken </b>method will not be recognized. Using/casting
back to interface is a good programming practice but will cause a little
bit of headache when debugging problems like above because we need to trace
back to get the exact class to cast down to. <br>
With all above changes, I can complie and run the Roulet applet successfully.<b>
It is a nice program!</b><br>
4. This is not an error or typo and is related to the style of the code blocks
in the tutorial. The css class for the code block is nice for displaying
on the screen but is not printer-friendly. It consumes a lot of ink but the
code is barely readable.<br>
Please correct me if my above statements are not valid.<br>