[Biojava-l] Query about latest changes
Matthew Pocock
Wed, 09 May 2001 13:05:14 +0100
Hi David,
Stonking set of updates - I'd been worrying about how to fix the
rendering glitches for weeks. You are in Cambridge, England? Let's get
the local contingent together and find a pub to celebrate.
Dr S.M. Huen wrote:
> Thanks for committing the proposed changes, Thomas.
> I've downloaded the latest CVS sources for biojava-live and das-gui and
> compiled them and it seems to work correctly. I added
> SymbolSequenceRenderer and RulerRenderer back into the latest
> SequenceViewer.java to check them.
Oops - missed these. Added then back now.
> What's the new StylesheetRenderer about and how is it used?
DAS has a concept of stylesheets which are little XML documents that
associate glyphs (boxes, arrows, lines, X, +, ...) with feature types.
The Stylesheet class automagicaly keeps track of this information and
renders a line of information for each type using its glyp. It delegates
the layout logic to LayeredRenderer. In a similar manner,
StylesheetRenderer provides one 'line' of information for each
annotation server and uses LayeredRenderer to lay these out. In our
case, each 'line' in the StylesheetRenderer will in fact be a Stylesheet
instance which itself will render one line per style-sheet type.
Boxes within boxes.
> A further query: the webcvs mentions a bug that causes clicks to be
> incorrectly registered in the SequenceViewer event code. Is it still
> extant?
I think all of these have been squashed. Clicks work for the cases I
have tried.
> Regards,
> David Huen, Dept. of Genetics, University of Cambridge.
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