[Biojava-l] Query about latest changes
Thomas Down
Wed, 9 May 2001 10:33:04 +0100
On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 11:50:19PM +0100, Dr S.M. Huen wrote:
> Thanks for committing the proposed changes, Thomas.
> I've downloaded the latest CVS sources for biojava-live and das-gui and
> compiled them and it seems to work correctly. I added
> SymbolSequenceRenderer and RulerRenderer back into the latest
> SequenceViewer.java to check them.
Makes a difference, doesn't it :).
> What's the new StylesheetRenderer about and how is it used?
It's a slightly magical renderer implementation which renders
features according to a DAS/0.996 stylesheet, with (approximately)
correct handling of default styles and so on.
We've got a DAS-with-stylesheets server running in house
at Sanger, but it's not on the public server yet -- I'll
try to get that rolled over today so you can test it.
> A further query: the webcvs mentions a bug that causes clicks to be
> incorrectly registered in the SequenceViewer event code. Is it still
> extant?
Have to ask Matthew about that. The click-handling code has
always worked fine for me. I /am/ still having trouble with
MouseMotionEvents going missing, but I haven't had time to trace
that yet.