[MOBY] [MOBY-l] Registering new MOBY object

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Wed Apr 14 19:25:51 UTC 2004

Hi Gabriel,

I think you should perhaps look at a few examples of services, or walk
through one of Ken's tutorials online (click on the "Tutorials and How
To's" link on the moby homepage), to answer many of your questions all
in one shot, since most of the answers you are looking for are explicit
or implicit in these tutorials...

> What is the meaning of articleName?  In the case when the relationship type 
> is "hasa" I suppose that articleName is analogous to the name of a "field" 
> for a class.  In the cases when the relationship type is either "isa" or 
> "has" it is not clear to me how to intepret this parameter.

articleName is meaningless for ISA relationships - just leave it blank.

> In any case, how is this "articleName" used subsequently?

it is used to identify a subcomponent of a complex object. If you look
at a few example objects in the API this will be clear.

<VirtualSequence namespace='foo' id='bar'>
	<Integer namespace='' id='' articleName='Length'>10</Integer>

> How are additional attributes (such as namespace and id) for these object 
> elements specified?

again, please look at the examples, and see above.  Everything is an
object, and objects have namespace and id attributes.

> Other than acting as a wrapper around this MOBY 
> object, what purpose does the Simple element fulfill?

none. that is their only function.  There may be a reason to add
additional substructure in the future, but at the moment they are an
empty wrapper around a single object, and help to ensure that Simple and
Collection inputs have ~the same XML structures.


Mark Wilkinson (mwilkinson at mrl.ubc.ca)
University of British Columbia iCAPTURE Centre

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