[MOBY] Re: [MOBY-l] Policy on the use of prefix 'moby'?

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Tue Apr 13 15:59:35 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 08:48, Gabriel Berriz wrote:

> was not sure whether the BioMoby standard really intended to make these 
> keywords part of the default namespace, or whether the 'moby' prefix was 
> being omitted to avoid clutter and coders were also omitting it because the 
> software was tolerating this deviation from the standard.

I believe the latter is the case - what is happening is that I wrote the
first example services, trying to keep them as "clean" as possible to
help people follow what was going on - this included "munging" the XML
as plaintext so that it was plainly visible by-eye in my scripts to help
people visualize what the messages were.  People then copy/pasted these
examples into their own services, and VOILA!

Again, I think that the tooling here is the key - we shouldn't be
writing XML "my hand" in any case, and it would be fairly
straightforward (though perhaps not as intuitive) to write thin wrappers
around the standard XML libraries that built MOBY messages using an API
rather than plaintext.  Then we could enforce good message structure at
the library level.


Mark Wilkinson (mwilkinson at mrl.ubc.ca)
University of British Columbia iCAPTURE Centre

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