[MOBY-dev] BioMoby Taverna plug-in status?

Mark markw at illuminae.com
Fri Jul 2 17:24:25 UTC 2010

Hear Hear!!  Magallanes is an AMAZING tool!!

I wonder if your team could work together with Eddie and I to implement  
some of those ideas as a Taverna plugin??

Let's talk about it :-)


On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 02:16:30 -0700, Victoria Martin Requena  
<vickymr at uma.es> wrote:

> Hi!
> In our INB node we have developed an "advanced search tool" named
> Magallanes,
> Magallanes is able to search for Web Services using keywords and other
> procedures and
> also has a module to perform automatic workflow composition from an
> input data-type to a output
> datatype (available for BioMoby repositories and others).
> You can read about some of its features at:
> http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/10/334
> Perhaps it may be useful for your tasks.
> You can download and use it from:
> http://chirimoyo.ac.uma.es/magallanes/  or from jORCA:
> http://chirimoyo.ac.uma.es/jorca/
> where you can automatically launch to execution the workflows found by
> Magallanes.
> Best regards,
> Vicky
> El 01/07/2010 19:14, Mark escribió:
>> The answer is "yes" :-)  We're not *abandoning* biomoby, but there's
>> really not much left to do... the project pretty much runs itself,and
>> there are many people around the world writing support packages for
>> it.  So, we will certainly respond to bug reports and will pursue (or
>> at least, help you help yourself) if you have new feature requests.
>> There are many people out there using it, so it will continue to live
>> for a long time!!  We still teach biomoby/taverna in our national
>> bioinformatics courses, so we will NOT be walking away from it!
>> However, the technology is almost 10 years old now, so we (my lab) are
>> quite anxious to move forward with more powerful and
>> standards-compliant technologies (like SADI!).
>> regarding the biomoby plugin limitations:  You can search based on
>> input type or output type (not both), but you are correct that you
>> cannot restrict your search by type.  keyword searches are not
>> available inside of the plugin, but keyword searches can be done in
>> taverna's service tree window.
>> Mark
>> On Thu, 01 Jul 2010 09:43:56 -0700, Guzman Llambias - INCO
>> <gllambi at fing.edu.uy> wrote:
>>> Hi!!
>>> I've been using Taverna with biomoby plug-in and saw that it was a bit
>>> limited compared to the full power of biomoby. You can't search
>>> services looking at the output type, type of service or keywords.
>>> Please, correct me if I'm wrong :) Also, I read some posts that said
>>> that the biomoby founders would put more work on SADI and leave their
>>> work on biomoby. So, my questions are:
>>> - what's going to happen to Taverna's biomoby plug-in?
>>> - is there going to be support and updates?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Guzmán
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