[MOBY-dev] Executing Moby Workflow straight from java

Jerzy Orlowski jerzyo at genesilico.pl
Thu Sep 11 14:22:09 UTC 2008


I have several hundreds of workflows made up of BioMoby Services and 
want to execute them all without opening any GUI.

I was looking for some solution over the internet and the think I came 
across was using Taverna plugin and try to execute it programaticaly.
I have a few questions:

1. Is it the only way?

2. I found several tutorial tutorials on running  saved workflow saved 
in scufl language.

How do you one make a workflow step by step? like:


and especially, how do one add BioMoby objects this way? Is there any 
tutorial or do I have go though the API?


Jerzy Orlowski

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