[MOBY-dev] [moby] Re: MobyServlet.war should not be there

Paul Gordon gordonp at ucalgary.ca
Wed Aug 16 21:02:03 UTC 2006

I think I like Mark's approach better than the jars-archive approach, 
because the major point of the WAR is that you don't need to bother with 
CVS, Ant, etc.  It's for Extremely Lazy Programmers.  With regards to 
the links in general, I agree with Mark that they might need to be made 
more prominent.  While the Web site is a major improvement esthetically 
over the old one, the useful links where a naive user might actually 
find something of interest are buried at least 3 links deep.  The 
question is, who has permission and time to update this :-)
> I don't think that putting it at the top level of moby-live will
> necessarily help the situation - many (most?) people simply check-out
> moby-live, rather than moby-live/Perl or moby-live/Java, so they will
> still get this large file when they do a checkout.
> If you send me the URL and a description I can add it to the "Tools"
> page on biomoby.org.  I wonder if it is time to re-think the link
> structure of the website again to make these kinds of resources more
> prominent?
> M
> On Wed, 2006-08-16 at 14:06 -0600, Paul Gordon wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> Sorry for the inconvenience. 
>> Unfortunately you cannot create it with Ant.  It includes a few files 
>> not yet in the repository, and anyway would absolutely require the user 
>> to have a "virgin" JRE (i.e. with no extra libraries installed, 
>> otherwise I can't guarantee the WAR is self-contained).  I can, however, 
>> repoint the docs to my own Web site to download it.  I will do this today. 
>> It would be nice to have somewhere in CVS where large binaries can be 
>> plopped for the public to download...should we create one at the top 
>> level of moby-live somewhere?
>>> Paul and all,
>>>     I had big problems when teaching jMoby. Your file MobyServlet.war is 10
>>> MB long and it causes real problems for people with a slower connection.
>>>    I also think (even though I cannot be fully sure) that such files (war
>>> files) could be created from other pieces that are already part of jMoby CVS
>>> - and therefore they should not be in CVS at all. There should be an ant
>>> script that creates them if needed.
>>>    Sorry, Paul, but I have to remove the file. I understand that this is not
>>> an ideal step - because now your documentation is out of sync - but I simply
>>> did not have other options. Please, please, do not put it back - but make an
>>> ant task to create it (for example).
>>>    Thank you and I apologize for this rather drastic move.
>>>    Martin
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