[MOBY-dev] question to ask

Chunyan Wang wangch at cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Fri Aug 26 15:55:03 UTC 2005

Thanks, Martin.
You said you tried the same service, which service? Is that search_Pfam? 
This service is tested with up to 800 sequences; it worked fine by using 
command line, but not from the MOBY Browser (works fine with one 
sequence). Actually, this is another big problem I have right now. The 
another problem is : When a user submits a request to one of our 
services from the MOBY Browser, if our server is busy and the request 
needs to take more than a few minutes to finish, then the service gets 
For our services, we need them to be able to take mutiple input 
sequences (maybe up to 5000 sequences) and  input with seconary input.
I am not sure what these problems are. But I will look into them. If 
anyone can give me suggestions, please let me know. Thanks.


Martin Senger wrote:

>   I am afraid I do not have any good answer for you. When I tried the
>same service today (with a very short sequence) I have got timeout after
>several seconds. It said "(504)Proxy Timeout ( This operation returned
>because the timeout period expired.)", which seems exactly what you
>witnessed. My feeling is that the proxy mentioned in the message is on the
>service provider side. I think that the best would be to contact and ask
>the service provider.
>   With regards,
>   Martin

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