[MOBY-dev] question to ask

mark wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Thu Aug 25 22:04:55 UTC 2005

This is for the Java guru's to answer...


-----Original Message-----
From: Chunyan Wang <wangch at cpsc.ucalgary.ca>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 16:04:34 
To:markw at illuminae.com,       Core developer announcements <moby-dev at portal.open-bio.org>
Subject: [MOBY-dev] question to ask

Hi Mark,
I have a question to ask you:
I made my service can take a large input sequences (1000 to 5000 DNA) in 
XML format. I use "./build/run/run-cmdline-client -scall search_Pfam 
../../../JMOBY2/DNASEQ/input_1000" to test this service. The input_1000 
contains 1000 DNA sequences in XML format. This service takes 3 mins and 
34 seconds to parse the input file, and terminated after 3 mins and 41 
seconds, then I got the error message as the following:

org.biomoby.shared.MobyException: ===ERROR===
Fault details:
[string: null]
Fault string: (0)null
Fault code:   {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}HTTP
Fault actor:  null
When calling:

    at org.biomoby.client.CentralImpl.doCall(CentralImpl.java:196)
    at org.biomoby.client.CentralImpl.call(CentralImpl.java:1422)
    at MobyCmdLineClient.main(MobyCmdLineClient.java:641)

I thought the service got time out, so I changed "call.setTimeout(new 
Integer (0)" to "call.setTimeout(new Integer (600000)" in the 
"CentralImpl.java", then recompiled and I tested the service again, but 
still got same message. However,  the big problem which I have right now 
is the service will be terminated after around 4 mins. I want to delay 
the timeout time. If you can, could you let me know is there anyway 
which I can solve this problem. Now I just tested on 800 and 1000 
sequences. The 800 sequences worked fine, but not 1000 sequences. please 
help me if you can. I know you are very busy.
Thanks so much!


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Mark Wilkinson
...on the road!

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