[MOBY-dev] observations about registrations with RDF

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Wed Sep 22 23:31:00 UTC 2004

Hello from beautiful Banff!  I'm here at the SAB meeting for the grant 
under which MOBY-S is funded... wish me luck!

It turns out that the conference centre has public wireless access in 
the pub, but not in the rooms... oh dear!  ;-)

Yes, Martin and I have discussed this, and agreed that it should be a 
part of the MOBY Central API.  Martin, keep reminding me, as I have a 
ton of other things consuming my time at the moment so constant pressure 
will be required to get it done in a timely way...

Cheers all!


Martin Senger wrote:

>>This is a snippet of Marks former mail:
>>Of course, at the moment nobody has a signatureURL   I have set up a
>>simple CGI page for existing service providers where they can supply a
>>URL and get the signature RDF for all of their existing services:
>   Yes, I know about it. But Mark said that this cgi-bin will be there 
>only temporarily. I had in mind something more permanent (for example if 
>you loose your RDF you should be able to get it back somehow from the 
>registry, without registering it again...). We have discussed this with 
>Mark already and he seems to agree with providing such functionality - I 
>had put it in the list of observations just not to let it slip from my
>(and his :-)) mind...
>   Cheers,
>   Martin

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