[MOBY-dev] Re: [MISC] [MOBY-l] Problems testing a newly created MOBY Central (+ Fix)

Mark Wilkinson mwilkinson at mrl.ubc.ca
Wed Sep 1 19:30:30 UTC 2004

Sorry, I am hoping to get all of the documentation updated as quickly as
possible, but grant deadlines are getting in the way...

The change to the database structure was (I think) announced on the
mailing list.  You can also get it by calling the 'DUMP' method of
MOBY::Central (or via the client), or you can examine the database
directly by logging in to a mysql session with the username
moby_external (no password)

here's the table definition for service_instance:

| Field               | Type                             | Null | Key |
Default | Extra          |
| category            | enum('moby','soap','wsdl','cgi') | YES  |     |
NULL    |                |
| servicename         | varchar(255)                     |      | MUL
|         |                |
| service_type_uri    | varchar(255)                     |      |    
|         |                |
| authority_id        | int(10) unsigned                 |      |     |
0       |                |
| url                 | varchar(255)                     |      |    
|         |                |
| contact_email       | varchar(255)                     |      |    
|         |                |
| authoritative       | enum('1','0')                    |      |     |
0       |                |
| description         | text                             |      |    
|         |                |
| service_instance_id | int(10) unsigned                 |      | PRI |
NULL    | auto_increment |
| signatureURL        | varchar(255)                     | YES  |     |
NULL    |                |


On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 12:00, José María Fernández González wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> 	soon I'm going to give a practical seminar about MOBY, and I'm creating 
> a local MOBY Central for the practices. This is not my first time 
> creating a MOBY Central (I created one 9 months ago), but last version 
> in CVS seems to have problems.
> 	First of all, intructions in
> http://www.biomoby.org/InstallingMOBYCentral.html
> should be updated, because last RDF changes in MOBY require RDF::Core 
> Perl library as a pre-requisite before running a MOBY Central (and 
> perhaps a the other libraries??).
> 	The problem I have found is the next: I ran the 
> testMOBYClientCentral_v05.pl script in order to check if the 
> installation was correct. First try failed in the first test due the 
> lack of RDF::Core. The second try (after installing RDF::Core) seemed to 
> run well until it failed in the 18th one, which corresponds to 
> registerService. Next lines are from the Apache error log:
> [Wed Sep 01 19:24:13 2004] [error] [client] Useless use of 
> hash element in void context at 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/RDF/Core/Serializer.pm line 52.
> [Wed Sep 01 19:24:13 2004] [error] [client] DBD::mysql::db 
> selectrow_array failed: Unknown column 'signatureURL' in 'field list' at 
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/MOBY/Adaptor/moby/queryapi/mysql.pm line 
> 172, <IN> line 34
> 	I have dug inside the referenced file told by the error message, and it 
> is a query to the tables service_instance and authority from mobycentral 
> database. It seems the signatureURL column should exist in 
> service_instance table, and so moby database skeletons in CVS should be 
> updated.
> 	What data type should have that column, Mark? I have created it as a 
> VARCHAR(255), and now it works.
> 	Last, moby database skeletons (ie mysql dumps) in CVS should also be 
> updated in order to reflect the last small change Mark told us about the 
> datatype of maximum_value and minimum_value.
> 	Best Regards,
> 		José María
Mark Wilkinson (mwilkinson at mrl.ubc.ca)
University of British Columbia iCAPTURE Centre

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