[MOBY-dev] MOBY Database Dumps - procedure

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Wed Mar 5 20:20:21 UTC 2003

On the biomoby website I describe the connection procedure for a
readonly user through which you can browse the database and make dumps
(http://biomoby.org/MOBY-Central-Connect.html)  I guess it isn't obvious
how to find this... it is the last link on the page :-)

Anyway, to make it even easier I have just added a new method to the
MOBY Central API and Perl client API.  the "DUMP" method will dump out
the database for you upon request.

use MOBY::Client::Central;
my $C = MOBY::Client::Central->new();
print $C->DUMP;

This will get you the current database and schema at any time.


Mark Wilkinson, Ph.D.                \==-|       
Bioinformatics Consultant             \=/        0010010010100101110010
Illuminae Media                       /-\        
727 6th Ave. N.                      /-==|       0010100100111101010010
Saskatoon, SK, Canada               |==-/        
S7K 2S8                              \=/         0100100100010010010101
+1 (306) 373 3841                     /\         
markw at illuminae.com                  /=-\        1101001010100101010101

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