[Bioperl-pipeline] some newbie questions

Marc Logghe Marc.Logghe at devgen.com
Mon Sep 15 03:19:47 EDT 2003

Hi all,
I am brand new to biopipe, so please forgive me if I ask some silly questions.
I am currently playing with the idea of implementing the bioperl pipeline and for that I have done some homework by reading a number of biopipe documents. I might have missed a few relevant documents, though ;-)
However there is at least one thing that is not yet clear to me. Up to now, we are mirroring a number of databases, like wormbase, and handling it manually. This means, unpacking it, making the chromosomes and wormpep sequences blastable; genomewide blast to map some features in which we are interested; reformatting the database and custom mapping data to gff; import into gbrowse; ...
>From the documentation it is pretty clear that the genomewide blast is especially suited for biopipe.
But what about all te rest, especially the preparation of the input data ? Also, how can you trigger the pipeline ? I mean, every week wget is fetching new wormbase data, and of course the pipeline shoud only be triggered when new data have arrived. How can you do that ?
Can you use biopipe for tasks like installing the new version of acedb ?
Many thanks in advance,

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