[Bioperl-pipeline] Annotation example error

shawnh@fugu-sg.org shawnh@fugu-sg.org
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 08:45:36 +0800 (SGT)

> I tried removing the ensembl branch of bioperl-live from my path and
> got an error about not being able to locate Bio/Annotation.pm, the
> example code obviously needs this. This exists in ensembl_bioperl-live
> but not bioperl_live. I checked the inheritance/include tree for this
> object and it appeared that it would quite happily sit in bioperl-live,
> so I copied it to bioperl-live/Bio and the pipeline ran, yipee!


> The ens_test database appears to have been updated correctly.
> Thanks for all the assistance, now that I have the example running I will
> being
> trying to implement our own pipeline, so you probably haven't heard the last
> of my
> cries for help.  
> The biopipe website mentions that genscan will be implemented shortly,
> this is the next logical step for us also, so I was wondering how imminent
> is this, is it
> a matter of days, weeks, or months? No pressure, I just didn't want to spend
> a lot of time
> working on something which may be available shortly.

Actually I'm just started running genscans on the farm yesterday. So its
done, just need to make sure its doing the work properly before we package it out.

> Cheers and Thanks again,

yup no problems
