[Bioperl-pipeline] any hope of getting the example to work?

Shawn shawnh@fugu-sg.org
02 Oct 2002 00:41:07 +0800

Oops, see my mail to Andy,
basically its a problem with Ensembl FeatureAdaptor which is expecting 
Bio::EnsEMBL::SeqFeatureI and not Bio::SeqFeatureI compliant objects.

this was for ensembl-4-1, I'm not sure for the later branches.


On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 19:28, Wiepert, Mathieu wrote:
> > and you will get a bunch of errors for that since the ensembl 
> > and bioperl features
> > aren't really compatible. You can ignore them since you are 
> > only interested in
> > the sequences. Or  you could just comment out the storing of features.
> Can you elaborate on this point a bit?  I thought that features and qualifiers were supposed to be handled by bioperl nicely by the Genbank parser and made into seqs of some sort.  Is that not the case?
> -Mat