[Bioperl-l] (no subject)

Luba Pardo lubapardo at gmail.com
Thu Dec 14 10:54:07 UTC 2006

I am new bioperl and I have been trying to run the examples available in
bptutorial.pl and other basic literature. I have installed the latest
release of bioperl 1.5.2 in a usr/local/src directory. Any time I try to
retrieve the SwissProt and EMBL databases it gives me an error. With genbank
it seems to be fine. I wonder if the installation was not successful, as  I
would expect that these databases accesses were included in the modules of
BioPerl Core. In addition, I would like to ask whether to run Clustaw within
the setting of BioPerl I need to download and install it in the same
directory in which I have installed bioperl, or is it included in the module
of Bio::Align.
I am not sure whether this is the best place to ask these very basic
questions. If not, could anyone please refer me to the proper e mail
Thank you very much in advance.

Luba Pardo MD, PhD

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