[Biojava-l] BioJava and DAS

Joel Björkman joel.bjorkman at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 04:20:34 EST 2005


I'm new to org.biojava.bio.program.das and I have a couple of
questions regarding fetching features and sequences from dazzle

At the moment I'm only interested in getting the sequence and
annotations from ensembl's database, which should make the problem

It's quite obvious when you're browsing
http://servlet.sanger.ac.uk:8080/das/ that ensemble got a lot of data.

What I'm concerned about is when I look at the different segment sizes 
<SEGMENT id="21" size="46944323" subparts="yes"/>
Some of them are really big.

Taking a peek at the demo that follows with biojava-live shows that
you are supposed to download the entire sequence and then make
operations on it (eg substring).

DASSequenceDB dasDB = new DASSequenceDB(dbURL);
DASSequence dasSeq = (DASSequence) dasDB.getSequence(seqName);
System.out.println("1st 10 bases: " + dasSeq.subStr(1, 10));

Isn't there any way that's more efficient and nicer to the server? Is
there any way to throw requests like this:



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