[Biojava-dev] version 3.1.0 plans and deprecation

Spencer Bliven sbliven at ucsd.edu
Mon Apr 14 10:48:49 UTC 2014

To continue with the semantic versioning discussion, will we need to change
our git conventions to match this? E.g. have  branches for both the
major/minor/patch versions?


On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Jose Manuel Duarte <jose.duarte at psi.ch>wrote:

> +1 to Andreas' comment
> On 02/04/14 23:00, Andreas Prlic wrote:
>> I do like semantic versioning and I believe it would make it easier for
>> users to understand how significant changes are between releases.
>> There is nothing preventing us from jumping to "4.0" instead of "3.1" . As
>> such I'd say let's start to use semantic versioning starting with next
>> release. This would make the next release the 4.0.0 release.
>> That leaves the question what to do about your case, where you need to
>> remove code due to the deprecation of code in an external library. Since
>> we
>> are making a major version change anyways, let's move forward fast and
>> delete and replace the related code.
>> Andreas
>> On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Michael Heuer <heuermh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Hello devs,
>>> Biojava has never followed the semantic versioning specification
>>> http://semver.org/
>>> in that MAJOR version is set in stone due to the abandoned biojava2
>>> effort and binary incompatible changes have been allowed to take place
>>> between MINOR version changes (and perhaps even between PATCH
>>> versions, although I'm not sure I can find any examples).
>>> I need to make some changes to the org.biojava3.sequencing.io.fastq
>>> package, e.g.
>>> http://www.biojava.org/docs/api/org/biojava3/sequencing/
>>> io/fastq/FastqReader.html#parse(com.google.common.io.
>>> InputSupplier,%20org.biojava3.sequencing.io.fastq.ParseListener)
>>> because InputSupplier and related have been deprecated and scheduled
>>> for removal from Guava.
>>> "This interface is scheduled for removal in June 2015."
>>> http://docs.guava-libraries.googlecode.com/git-history/
>>> v16.0.1/javadoc/com/google/common/io/InputSupplier.html
>>> 3.0.8 --> 3.1.0 has been proposed because some deprecated biojava3
>>> code is ready to be removed.  I am wondering how I should coordinate
>>> the changes to io.fastq, deprecate in 3.0.9 and remove in 3.1.0, or
>>> deprecate in 3.1.0 and remove in 3.2.0?  Similarly in biojava-legacy,
>>> deprecate in 1.8.6 and remove in 1.9 or deprecate in 1.9 and remove in
>>> 1.10?
>>> Or should biojava3 at least move to semantic versioning from this
>>> point forward and jump to 4.0 instead of 3.1.0?
>>> Thanks,
>>>     michael
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