[Biojava-dev] Conversion progress

Spencer Bliven sbliven at ucsd.edu
Sun Mar 31 08:23:03 UTC 2013

Hey everyone,

TLDR: SVN is now readonly. Github won't be ready until at least tuesday.

The git conversion process is taking longer than I anticipated. It is
complicated by a couple of things:

   - We were using SVN 1.4, which does not preserve information about file
   moves and merges. So even clean-cut branch/merge scenarios need some manual
   intervention to push through.
   - We haven't always stuck with the trunk/tag/branch convention. For
   instance, when switching to maven there was a mvn directory for a while,
   which then was renamed to trunk. svn2git gits very confused by this and
   creates odd multi-rooted branches
   - Some branches are rooted in a single module. I haven't yet figured out
   how to get git to recognize these as related to anything

Anyways, these have been frustrating for me. One solution would be to just
delete all the history that happened outside of the trunk/branch/tag
convention. This may be the only practical solution, but the OCD part of me
hates throwing away that info.

I'm going to take a break from it tomorrow, and hopefully push something up
Monday. Sorry for the delay.


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