[Biojava-dev] Build system changes

Matthew Pocock matthew_pocock at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jan 19 09:37:30 EST 2004

 --- Thomas Down <thomas at derkholm.net> wrote: > Once
upon a time, Matthew Pocock wrote:

> One question: how determined are you to keep the
> SableCC grammars
> in a separate jar file?  They get build alongside
> biojava, and
> aren't useful on their own, so why not keep them in
> the main jar.

Happy for them to go into biojava.jar - they need to
be produced & compiled seperately though to avoid
timestamping difficulties - particularly as we haven't
fixed the sablecc-ant-task rebuilding yet. They should
get picked up by the manifest entry in biojava.jar -
perhaps they are not :(

> One less item on my CLASSPATH...
>      Thomas.

While you're making potentially incompattible changes,
could you make all libs and all targets end up in
ant-build/lib so that people just copy all .jars from
the lib directiory, rather than the current mess of
picking the right jars from the right places? It was
one of those things I never got arround to, and it
keeps ant-build cleaner. Does this count as a major


oh, and thanks for tackling this

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