[Open-bio-l] RE: Schema for genes & features & mappings to assemblies
Ewan Birney
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 09:19:58 +0100 (BST)
Here is the new Ensembl schema as a DDL, but with better documentation and
consistency between columns.
Of interest to people is probably that Craig Melsopp is looking at
bridging the nascent Ensembl Java layer (currently now used for one thing
in production Ensembl work... wooo hooo!) to Apollo. The Ensembl Java
layer binds to the *current* ensembl schema but with a strong motivation
to work with this future Ensembl schema at some point (the Perl is moving
the same direction).
This probably muddies the waters more than clears than up, but in fact,
looking at a BioSQL adaptor to Apollo would also be great.
# revisited schema naming issues
# Author: Arne Stabenau
# Date: 12.11.2001
# conventions
# use lower case and underscores
# internal ids are integers named tablename_id
# same name is given in foreign key relations
# Table structure for table 'analysis'
CREATE TABLE analysis (
analysis_id int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
created datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
logic_name varchar(40) not null,
db varchar(120),
db_version varchar(40),
db_file varchar(120),
program varchar(80),
program_version varchar(40),
program_file varchar(80),
parameters varchar(80),
module varchar(80),
module_version varchar(40),
gff_source varchar(40),
gff_feature varchar(40),
PRIMARY KEY (analysis_id)
# semantics
# analysis_id - internal id
# created - date to distinguish newer and older versions off the
# same analysis. Not well maintained so far.
# logic_name string to identify the analysis. Used mainly inside pipeline.
# db, db_version, db_file
# - db should be a database name, db version the version of that db
# db_file the file system location of that database,
# probably wiser to generate from just db and configurations
# program, program_version,program_file
# - The binary used to create a feature. Similar semantic to above
# module, module_version
# - Perl module names (RunnableDBS usually) executing this analysis.
# parameters a paramter string which is processed by the perl module
# gff_source, gff_feature
# - how to make a gff dump from features with this analysis
# Table structure for table 'chromosome'
CREATE TABLE chromosome (
chromosome_id tinyint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(40) NOT NULL,
id int(11) NOT NULL,
known_genes int(11) NULL,
unknown_genes int(11) NULL,
snps int(11) NULL,
length int(11) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (chromosome_id)
# Statistics for the web site
# Table structure for table 'clone'
clone_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(40) NOT NULL,
embl_acc varchar(40) NOT NULL,
version int(10) NOT NULL,
embl_version int(10) NOT NULL,
htg_phase int(10) DEFAULT '-1' NOT NULL,
created datetime NOT NULL,
modified datetime NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (clone_id),
KEY embl (embl_acc,embl_version),
KEY id (name, version)
# semantics
# id - string we give to this clone in ensembl
# should be same as embl_id unless clone is not in embl
# embl_id - hows the clone submitted to embl
# htg_phase - finished/unfinished: draft is 123, finished is 4
# Table structure for table 'map_density'
CREATE TABLE map_density (
chromosome_id tinyint unsigned NOT NULL,
chr_start int(10) NOT NULL,
chr_end int(10) NOT NULL,
type varchar(20) NOT NULL,
value int(10) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(type,chromosome_id,chr_start)
# Table structure for table 'contig'
contig_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(40) NOT NULL,
clone_id int(10) NOT NULL,
length int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, # foreign key clone:internal_id
offset int(10) unsigned,
corder int(10) unsigned,
dna_id int(10) NOT NULL, # foreign key dna:id
international_name varchar(40),
PRIMARY KEY (contig_id),
UNIQUE name (name),
KEY clone (clone_id),
KEY dna (dna_id)
# Table structure for table 'dna'
# This table holds the sequence of the contigs from the contig table.
# The sequence is that of the contig, not that of the golden
# path. I.e. to construct the golden path from the dna entries,
# the sequence of contigs with an orientation of -1 must be
# reversed and bases complemented. The assembly
# table has the contig orientation (raw_ori).
# Note the length of the dna.sequence field is always equal
# to the appropriate length field in the contig table
# (probably a violation of some form of normal form since contig.length
# is an attibute of the dna.sequence field)
dna_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
sequence mediumtext NOT NULL,
created datetime NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (dna_id)
) MAX_ROWS = 750000 AVG_ROW_LENGTH = 13000;
# Table structure for table 'exon'
# Note seq_start always less that seq_end, i.e.
# when the exon is on the other strand the seq_start
# is specifying the 3' end of the exon.
# The Sticky Rank differentiates between fragments of
# the same exon. I.e for exons that
# span multiple contigs, all the fragments
# are in this table with the same id,
# but different sticky_rank values
exon_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
contig_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, # foreign key, contig:internal_id
contig_start int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, # start of exon within contig
contig_end int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, # end of exon within specified contig
contig_strand tinyint(2) NOT NULL, # 1 or -1 depending on the strand of the exon
phase tinyint(2) NOT NULL,
end_phase tinyint(2) NOT NULL,
sticky_rank tinyint DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, # see note above
PRIMARY KEY ( exon_id, sticky_rank),
KEY contig_idx (contig_id, contig_start )
CREATE TABLE exon_stable_id (
exon_id int unsigned not null, # foreign key exon:exon_id
stable_id VARCHAR(40) not null,
version int(10) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
created datetime NOT NULL,
modified datetime NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY( exon_id ),
UNIQUE( stable_id, version )
# Table structure for table 'exon_transcript'
CREATE TABLE exon_transcript (
exon_id INT unsigned NOT NULL, # foreign key exon:exon_id
transcript_id INT unsigned NOT NULL, # foregin key transcript:transcript_id
rank int(10) NOT NULL, # Indicates the 5' to 3' position of the exon
# within the transcript ie rank of 1 means
# the exon is the 5' most within this transcript
PRIMARY KEY (exon_id,transcript_id,rank),
KEY transcript (transcript_id)
CREATE TABLE simple_feature (
simple_feature_id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
contig_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_start int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_end int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_strand tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
display_label varchar(40) NOT NULL, # what to show, may link to other things, depends on analysis
analysis_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
# What scoring do we need ?
score double,
PRIMARY KEY ( simple_feature_id ),
KEY contig_idx( contig_id, analysis_id, contig_start ),
KEY analysis_idx( analysis_id, contig_id ),
KEY hit_idx( display_label )
) max_rows=300000000 avg_row_length=80;
CREATE TABLE protein_align_feature (
protein_align_feature_id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
contig_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_start int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_end int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
analysis_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_strand tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
hit_start int(10) NOT NULL,
hit_end int(10) NOT NULL,
hit_name varchar(40) NOT NULL,
cigar_line varchar(255),
# cigar might be too small
# What scoring do we need ?
evalue double,
perc_ident float,
score double,
PRIMARY KEY ( protein_align_feature_id ),
KEY hit_idx( hit_name ),
KEY ctg_idx( contig_id, contig_start, analysis_id )
) max_rows=300000000 avg_row_length=80;
CREATE TABLE dna_align_feature (
dna_align_feature_id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
contig_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
analysis_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_start int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_end int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_strand tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
hit_start int NOT NULL,
hit_end int NOT NULL,
hit_name varchar(40) NOT NULL,
hit_strand tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
phase tinyint(1), # values 0,1,2. Only used if translations are involved
cigar_line varchar(255),
# What scoring do we need ?
evalue double,
perc_ident float,
score double,
PRIMARY KEY ( dna_align_feature_id ),
KEY hit_idx( hit_name ),
KEY ctg_idx( contig_id, analysis_id, contig_start )
) max_rows=300000000 avg_row_length=80;
CREATE TABLE repeat_consensus (
repeat_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
repeat_name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
repeat_class varchar(40) NOT NULL, # eg: SINE, LINE, DNA Transposon,
# Retroviral LTR, Satellite,Tandem
repeat_consensus text, # Or dna_id with entry in DNA table?
PRIMARY KEY( repeat_id )
CREATE TABLE repeat_feature (
repeat_feature_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
contig_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_start int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_end int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_strand tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
analysis_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
repeat_start int(10) NOT NULL,
repeat_end int(10) NOT NULL,
repeat_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
# What scoring do we need ?
score double,
PRIMARY KEY ( repeat_feature_id ),
KEY contig_idx( contig_id, contig_start, analysis_id ),
KEY repeat_idx( repeat_id, contig_id, contig_start ),
KEY analysis_idx( analysis_id )
) max_rows=300000000 avg_row_length=80;
# Table structure for table 'gene'
gene_id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
type VARCHAR(40) not null,
analysis_id int,
transcript_count int not null,
PRIMARY KEY (gene_id)
# Experimental table to decouple locations from located objects
# Genes will have locations here. Others might follow if performance is ok.
# A sister fragment_location table might be constructed if this experiment is
# successful. This would enable better support for unassembled genome.
CREATE TABLE assembly_locations (
type enum( 'gene' ) not null,
type_id int unsigned not null,
assembly_type varchar(20) not null,
chromosome_id tinyint unsigned not null,
chr_start int not null,
chr_end int not null,
chr_strand tinyint not null,
KEY loc_idx( assembly_type, chromosome_id, chr_start, chr_end, chr_strand, type, type_id ),
KEY obj_idx( type, type_id, assembly_type, chromosome_id, chr_start, chr_end, chr_strand )
CREATE TABLE gene_stable_id (
gene_id int unsigned not null, # foreign key gene:gene_id
stable_id VARCHAR(40) not null,
version int(10) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
created datetime NOT NULL,
modified datetime NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY( gene_id ),
UNIQUE( stable_id, version )
# what are we going to do with this ??????
# Table structure for table 'supporting_feature'
# try use the exon_feature table
CREATE TABLE supporting_feature (
supporting_feature_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
exon_id int NOT NULL, # foreign key exon:exon_id
contig_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_start int(10) NOT NULL,
contig_end int(10) NOT NULL,
score int(10) NOT NULL,
strand int(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
analysis_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
hit_start int(11) NOT NULL,
hit_end int(11) NOT NULL,
hit_id varchar(40) NOT NULL,
evalue double,
perc_ident float,
phase tinyint(1),
end_phase tinyint(1),
hit_strand tinyint(1),
PRIMARY KEY (supporting_feature_id),
KEY exon( exon_id ), # most used index here!
KEY analysis (contig_id, analysis_id),
KEY hid (hit_id)
# Avoid feature duplication by just linking exons with their
# belonging feature. Do we need to find exons by feature??
CREATE TABLE exon_feature (
exon_id int unsigned not null,
feature_id int unsigned not null,
feature_type enum( "dna_align", "simple", "protein_align" ) not null,
key exon_idx( exon_id, feature_id, feature_type )
) max_rows=300000000 avg_row_length=80;
# Table structure for table 'transcript'
CREATE TABLE transcript (
transcript_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
gene_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, # foreign key gene:gene_id
translation_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, # foreign key translation:translation_id
exon_count int not null,
PRIMARY KEY (transcript_id),
KEY gene_index (gene_id),
KEY translation_index ( translation_id )
CREATE TABLE transcript_stable_id (
transcript_id int unsigned not null, # foreign key transcript:transcript_id
stable_id VARCHAR(40) not null,
version int(10) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY( transcript_id ),
UNIQUE( stable_id, version )
# Table structure for table 'translation'
# The seq_start and seq_end are 1-based offsets into the
# *relative* coordinate system of start_exon_id and end_exon_id.
# ie, if the translation starts at the first base of the exon, seq_start
# would be 1
CREATE TABLE translation (
translation_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
seq_start INT(10) NOT NULL, # relative to exon start
start_exon_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, # foreign key exon:exon_id
seq_end INT(10) NOT NULL, # relative to exon start
end_exon_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, # foreign key exon:exon_id
PRIMARY KEY (translation_id)
CREATE TABLE translation_stable_id (
translation_id INT unsigned NOT NULL, # foreign key translation:translation_id
stable_id VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
version INT(10) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY( translation_id ),
UNIQUE( stable_id, version )
# this is a denormalised golden path
# The data in this table defines the "static golden path", i.e. the
# best effort draft full genome sequence as determined by the UCSC or NCBI
# (depending which assembly you are using)
# Each row represents a contig (contig_id, FK from contig table) at least part of
# which is present in the golden path. The part of the contig that is
# in the path is delimited by fields raw_start and raw_end (start < end), and
# the absolute position within the golden path chromosome (chromosome_id) is given
# by chr_start and chr_end. Each contig is in some "supercontig" such as a
# "fingerprint clone contig" or NT contig and the super contig is identified
# by field superctg_name and the position of the specified bit of the contig
# within its super contig is given by fields superctg_start and superctg_end.
# With the data set at time of this writing, field type is always "NCBI_xx".
# NB, chr_start <= chr_end, raw_start <= raw_end, and superctg_start <= superctg_end.
CREATE TABLE assembly (
superctg_name varchar(20) NOT NULL,
chromosome_id tinyint unsigned NOT NULL,
contig_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, # foreign key contig:internal_id
chr_start int(10) NOT NULL,
chr_end int(10) NOT NULL,
superctg_start int(10) NOT NULL,
superctg_end int(10) NOT NULL,
superctg_ori tinyint(2) NOT NULL,
contig_start int(10) NOT NULL,
contig_end int(10) NOT NULL,
contig_ori tinyint NOT NULL,
type varchar(20) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(contig_id,type),
KEY(superctg_name, superctg_start),
# Table structure for table 'protein_feature'
CREATE TABLE protein_feature (
protein_feature_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
translation_id int NOT NULL,
seq_start int(10) NOT NULL,
seq_end int(10) NOT NULL,
analysis_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
hit_start int(10) NOT NULL,
hit_end int(10) NOT NULL,
hit_id varchar(40) NOT NULL,
score double NOT NULL,
evalue double,
perc_ident float,
PRIMARY KEY (protein_feature_id),
KEY (translation_id),
KEY hid_index ( hit_id )
#Table structure for table 'interpro'
CREATE TABLE interpro (
interpro_ac varchar(40) NOT NULL,
id varchar(40) NOT NULL,
KEY (interpro_ac),
KEY (id)
#Table structure for table gene_description
CREATE TABLE gene_description (
gene_id int unsigned NOT NULL,
description varchar(255),
PRIMARY KEY (gene_id)
CREATE TABLE karyotype (
chromosome_id tinyint unsigned NOT NULL,
chr_start int(10) NOT NULL,
chr_end int(10) NOT NULL,
band varchar(40) NOT NULL,
stain varchar(40) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (chromosome_id,band)
#Table structure for table objectXref
CREATE TABLE object_xref(
object_xref_id INT not null auto_increment,
ensembl_id int unsigned not null,
ensembl_object_type ENUM( 'RawContig', 'Transcript', 'Gene', 'Translation' ) not null,
xref_id INT unsigned not null,
UNIQUE ( ensembl_object_type, ensembl_id, xref_id ),
KEY xref_index( object_xref_id, xref_id, ensembl_object_type, ensembl_id )
#Table structure for identity_xref
CREATE TABLE identity_xref(
object_xref_id INT unsigned not null ,
query_identity int(5),
target_identity int(5),
PRIMARY KEY (object_xref_id)
#Table structure for table xref
xref_id INT unsigned not null auto_increment,
external_db_id int not null,
dbprimary_acc VARCHAR(40) not null,
display_label VARCHAR(40) not null,
description VARCHAR(255),
PRIMARY KEY( xref_id ),
UNIQUE KEY id_index( dbprimary_acc, external_db_id ),
KEY display_index ( display_label )
#Table structure for table externalSynonym
CREATE TABLE external_synonym(
xref_id INT unsigned not null,
synonym VARCHAR(40) not null,
PRIMARY KEY( xref_id, synonym ),
KEY name_index( synonym )
#Table structure for table externalDB
CREATE TABLE external_db(
external_db_id INT not null auto_increment,
db_name VARCHAR(40) not null,
status ENUM ('KNOWN','XREF','PRED') not null,
PRIMARY KEY( external_db_id )
# Table structure for table 'landmarkMarker'
CREATE TABLE landmark_marker (
marker char(40) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
name char(40) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
chr_start bigint(17) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
chr_end bigint(17) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
chr_strand bigint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
chromosome_id tinyint unsigned NOT NULL,
KEY chromosome_id (chromosome_id,chr_start)
meta_id INT not null auto_increment,
meta_key varchar( 40 ) not null,
meta_value varchar( 255 ) not null,
PRIMARY KEY( meta_id ),
KEY meta_key_index ( meta_key ),
KEY meta_value_index ( meta_value )
CREATE TABLE prediction_transcript (
prediction_transcript_id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
exon_rank smallint unsigned not null,
contig_id int unsigned not null,
contig_start int unsigned not null,
contig_end int unsigned not null,
contig_strand tinyint not null,
start_phase tinyint not null,
score double,
p_value double,
analysis_id int,
exon_count smallint,
PRIMARY KEY( prediction_transcript_id, exon_rank ),
KEY contig_idx( contig_id, contig_start )
# Auto add schema version to database
insert into meta (meta_key, meta_value) values ("schema_version", "$Revision: 1.127 $");
Ewan Birney. Mobile: +44 (0)7970 151230, Work: +44 1223 494420