[MOBY-l] how to call a service with secondaries?

Bertrand Neron bneron at pasteur.fr
Mon May 3 08:22:52 UTC 2004

I'd like to implement a bioMoby service with a Simple (a dnaSequence) and severals secondaries
but I have some problems.

to parse the XML input, I use the sub MOBY::CommonSubs::complexServiceInputParser($message)
 and XML::DOM . I see on the API (http://biomoby.org/moby-live/Perl/MOBY/CommonSubs.html#complexserviceinputparser) that the xml input should have this structure

<queryInput queryID = '1'>
   <Simple articleName='name1'>
       <Object namespace=blah id=blah/>
   <Parameter articleName='cutoff'>

but the xml which my service recieve when I invoke it with the execute method had this structure

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
        <moby:MOBY xmlns:moby='http://www.biomoby.org/moby-s'>
                <moby:queryInput queryID='1'>
                   <moby:Simple moby:articleName=''>
                     <dnaSequence namespace="" id=""    articleName="sequence">
                          <Integer namespace="" id="" articleName="Length">19<\In
                          <String namespace="" id="" articleName="SequenceString"
                   <moby:Simple moby:articleName=''>
                   <Parameter namespace="" id="" articleName="hybridation_type">
                   <moby:Simple moby:articleName=''>
                       <Parameter namespace="" id="" articleName="nucacid_concentration">
                   <moby:Simple moby:articleName=''>
                         <Parameter namespace="" id="" articleName="salt_concentratio">


each Parameter is embeded in a moby:Simple and the Parameter end Markups have an \  instead of / ??

How can I invoke a service with a Simple and several secondaries?
what kind of xml I should expected?




this the code I used to register the service and to call the service.

# Register the service
sub register_service {
  my $C = shift;
  my $reg = $C->registerService(
				serviceName  => 'Melting',
				serviceType  => "Analysis",
				authURI      => $authURI,
				contactEmail => $email,

				description  => "Melting: enthalpie, entropy and melting temperature (N. Le Novere)",
				category => "moby",
				URL          => $url,
				input        => [ ["sequence",['dnaSequence' => [] ] ]],
				output       => [ ['', ["text-plain" => []]], ],
				secondary => {
					      "hybridation_type" => {'dataType' => 'String' ,
								    'enum' => ['dnadna','dnarna','rnarna']},
					      "nnfile" => {'dataType'=> 'String' ,
							   'default' =>'default' ,
							   'enum' => ['default','all97a.nn','bre86a.nn','fre86a.nn','san96a.nn','sug95a.nn','sug96a.nn','xia98a.nn']},
					      "complement_string" =>{'dataType' => 'String' },
					      "salt_concentratio" =>{'data_type' => 'Float' ,
								    'min' => 0.0 ,
								   ' max' => 10.0 },
					      "nucaid_concentration" => {'data_type' => 'Float',
									min => 0.0 ,
									max => 1.0 },
					      "correction_factor" => {'data_type' => 'Float' },
					      "salt_correction" => {'data_type' => 'String', 
								    'enum' => ['wet91a','san96a','san98a']},
					      "approx" => {'data_type' => 'Integer',
							   'default' => 0,
							  'enum' => [ 0 , 1]},
					      "dandling_ends" => {'data_type' => 'Integer',
								  'default' => 0,
								 'enum' => [ 0 , 1 ]},
					      "mismatches" => {'da

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