[MOBY] Re: [MOBY-l] getPBfromGO

Paul Gordon gordonp at cbr.nrc.ca
Wed Mar 31 23:06:03 UTC 2004

Mark Wilkinson wrote:

>I wonder if this is the same problem that we noticed a couple of weeks
>ago with Frank's services...  There seems to be a mis-match between how
>Java libraries encode/decode base-64 data and how the Perl libraries do
>the same :-P
I have had no trouble using Java to decode a Base64 SOAP message body 
from any number of services (served from both Perl and Java).  But, 
jMOBY isn't giving me that service at the moment when I check the 
registry, so I can't test it.  I'll hunt that first problem and see if I 
can help with the second...

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