Berriz, Gabriel F. gabriel_berriz at hms.harvard.edu
Mon Apr 12 11:00:20 UTC 2004

I'm trying to prototype a service that takes a single gene ID as input.  For starters I want to limit myself to yeast genes IDs, and more specifically to SGD IDs, which match the Perl pattern /^[SL]\d{7}$/.  I'm trying to determine the right syntax for the service's input object.  My *guess* is that it will be something like:

  <Object namespace="SGD" id="S1234567"/>

but I have not been able to confirm this guess.  The list returned by retrieveNamespaces includes at least three plausible candidates: SGD, SGD_LOCUS, and SGD_ORF.  The description that comes along with these entries is not enough to disambiguate this choice.

I am also confused by the fact that the namespace "Genbank/gi", which is used in several examples in MOBY-S's documentation, does not appear in the list returned by retrieveNamespaces.

(It is possible that answers to some or all of the questions above are in some part of the documentation that I have missed; if so, please let me know.)

Thanks, and regards,


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