[MOBY-l] The server code

Mark Wilkinson mwilkinson at gene.pbi.nrc.ca
Wed Oct 31 22:27:47 UTC 2001

An immediate avalanche of requests for the server code... here it is.  I
implemented it as a CGI, though there are other ways which are ~equally as

Just remember, you are NOT allowed to make fun of my Perl code!!    I know it
isn't pretty, but this was just thrown together to see if it worked at all!


"Speed is subsittute fo accurancy."

Dr. Mark Wilkinson
Bioinformatics Group
National Research Council of Canada
Plant Biotechnology Institute
110 Gymnasium Place
Saskatoon, SK

-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# _________________________________________________________________

use SOAP::Transport::HTTP;
my $debug = 0;

my $x = new SOAP::Transport::HTTP::CGI;

sub PrimarySeq { 
	my ($class, $ac) = @_;  
	# for some reason class is always "main"???  
	# I haven't fully devined how SOAP::Lite works... 

	# this is just a LOG file for my own interest
	# it isn't necessary for the service to run
	_LOG ("\ndata in sub: ", (join "\n", @_));
	use LWP::UserAgent;
	my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();                          # prepare for net connection

	# this retrieves a sequence from SRS based on genbank id
	my $URL = "http://www.cbr.nrc.ca/srs6bin/cgi-bin/wgetz?-id+6OtPo1HPYMQ+-e+[GENBANK:'" . $ac . "']";
	my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $URL;
    my $content = $ua->request($req)->as_string;             # execute HTTP call and receive respone
	my $seq = (($content =~ /<I>Sequence<\/I>.*?<pre>(.*?)<\/pre>/s) && $1); # simply strip the sequence out of the HTML
	$seq =~ s/\W//g; # clean it up
	$seq =~ s/\d//g; # clean it up more

	# prepare the MOBY-compatible output
	# note that the structure of the output 
	# will normally also be defined 
	# in the service.wsdl, etc.  documents
	# but I haven't got around to that yet
	my $soapseq = SOAP::Data->name(PrimarySeq => $seq);  # PrimarySeq data type
	my $mib = SOAP::Data->name(MIB => "<ref2 name value/>\n<ref2 name2 value2/>\n");  # MIB data type with dummy X-refs
	my $moby = SOAP::Data->name(MOBY => ($mib,$soapseq));	# the entire MOBY block
	return $moby;  # and return it.
# _____________________________________________________________________

sub _LOG {
	return unless $debug;
	open LOG, ">>/tmp/ServLogOut.txt" or die "can't open logfile $!\n";
	print LOG join "\n", @_;
	print LOG "\n---\n";
	close LOG;


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