[MOBY-guts] biomoby commit

Paul Gordon gordonp at dev.open-bio.org
Wed Mar 17 20:55:51 UTC 2010

Wed Mar 17 16:55:51 EDT 2010
Update of /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/client
In directory dev.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv12571/src/main/org/biomoby/client

Modified Files:
	MobyRequest.java MobyRequestEvent.java 
Log Message:
Updates to pass sent data around with response (used by Seahawk PbE system)
moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/client MobyRequest.java,1.44,1.45 MobyRequestEvent.java,1.5,1.6
RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/client/MobyRequest.java,v
retrieving revision 1.44
retrieving revision 1.45
diff -u -r1.44 -r1.45
--- /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/client/MobyRequest.java	2009/07/15 18:35:30	1.44
+++ /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/client/MobyRequest.java	2010/03/17 20:55:51	1.45
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
 		    // Inform the handler that some data has been added to the response (for incremental display?)
 		    if(handler != null){
-			MobyRequestEvent mre = new MobyRequestEvent(finalContents, this, mservice, null, requestId);
+			MobyRequestEvent mre = new MobyRequestEvent(finalContents, this, mservice, inData, null, requestId);
 			StringWriter xmlWriter = new StringWriter();
 			MobyDataUtils.toXMLDocument(xmlWriter, finalContents);
@@ -412,10 +412,20 @@
      * @return the id that the callback event will return from getID(), allowing a client to distinguish between multiple concurrent invocation callbacks
     public synchronized int invokeService(MobyRequestEventHandler handler){
-	int id = autoID++;
+	final int id = autoID++;
-	Thread t = new InvocationThread(this, inputData, handler, id);  // see internal class definition below
-	t.start();
+	try{
+	    Thread t = new InvocationThread(this, inputData, handler, id);  // see internal class definition below
+	    t.start();
+	} catch(final Exception e){
+	    // Launching callback in new Thread avoids possible deadlocks caused by handler 
+	    // calling invokeService() again as a retry 
+	    final MobyRequestEventHandler h = handler;
+	    final MobyContentInstance i = inputData;
+	    final MobyService s = getService();
+	    final MobyRequest t = this;
+	    (new Thread(){public void run(){h.processEvent(new MobyRequestEvent(i, t, s, null, e, id));}}).start();
+	}
 	return id;
@@ -424,24 +434,29 @@
     // the handler specified in the invocation.
     class InvocationThread extends Thread {
 	MobyContentInstance data;
+	ByteArrayOutputStream dataXML; 
 	MobyService mservice;
 	MobyRequest mobyRequest; 
 	MobyRequestEventHandler handler;
 	int requestId;
-	InvocationThread(MobyRequest mr, MobyContentInstance inData, MobyRequestEventHandler h, int id){
+	InvocationThread(MobyRequest mr, MobyContentInstance inData, MobyRequestEventHandler h, int id) throws Exception{
 	    data = inData;
 	    mobyRequest = mr;
 	    mservice = mobyRequest.getService();
 	    handler = h;
 	    requestId = id;
+	    dataXML = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+	    MobyDataUtils.toXMLDocument(dataXML, data);
 	    // Name the thread after the service being run, mostly for ease of debugging
 	public void run() {
-	    MobyRequestEvent requestEvent = new MobyRequestEvent(data, mobyRequest, mservice, null, requestId);
+	    MobyRequestEvent requestEvent = new MobyRequestEvent(data, mobyRequest, mservice, data, null, requestId);
 	    // Tell the handler we're starting the request, with the given data
@@ -452,13 +467,14 @@
 		content = mobyRequest.invokeService(data, contentsXML, handler, requestId); //RPC call...
 	    catch(Exception e){
-		responseEvent = new MobyRequestEvent(content, mobyRequest, mservice, e, requestId);
+		responseEvent = new MobyRequestEvent(content, mobyRequest, mservice, data, e, requestId);
 	    catch(Error err){
-		responseEvent = new MobyRequestEvent(content, mobyRequest, mservice, err, requestId);
+		responseEvent = new MobyRequestEvent(content, mobyRequest, mservice, data, err, requestId);
 	    if(responseEvent == null){
-		responseEvent = new MobyRequestEvent(content, mobyRequest, mservice, null, requestId);
+		responseEvent = new MobyRequestEvent(content, mobyRequest, mservice, data, null, requestId);
 	    // We've got the raw XML laying around, so why not provide it unmolested to the callback?
@@ -480,37 +496,6 @@
-     * This method retrieves from Moby Central a copy of the WSDL document for the service
-     * (or uses an internally cached copy from a previous invocation), and sets the variables for the 
-     * SOAP call appropriately so you can consequently call performSOAPRequest.
-     */
-//PG    protected Call getServiceFromWSDL() throws MobyException, NoSuccessException{
-// 	String wsdl = null;
-// 	// Since this is how we retrieve a service from Central, use the same values as the key to the hash
-// 	String wsdlCacheKey = mobyService.getName() + "@" + mobyService.getAuthority();
-// 	// This is the same call as last time, so we don't need to change the setup
-// 	if(wsdlCacheKey.equals(lastWsdlCacheKey)){
-// 	    return setCallFromWSDL((String) wsdlCache.get(wsdlCacheKey));
-// 	}
-// 	// We haven't encountered this service yet
-// 	else if(!wsdlCache.containsKey(wsdlCacheKey)){
-// 	    wsdl = mobyCentral.getServiceWSDL(mobyService.getName(), mobyService.getAuthority());
-// 	    wsdlCache.put(wsdlCacheKey, wsdl);
-// 	}
-//         // We've dealt with this one before
-// 	else{
-// 	    wsdl = (String) wsdlCache.get(wsdlCacheKey);
-// 	}
-// 	lastWsdlCacheKey = wsdlCacheKey;  // Keep track of the last invocation
-	// Get ready to do SOAP
-//PG    return setCallFromWSDL(null);
-//    }
-    /**
      * Creates the SOAP Call that will be invoked later.  This should be based on the WSDL document
      * and parameter information from the MobyService, but these are currently not up to snuff.

RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/client/MobyRequestEvent.java,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
--- /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/client/MobyRequestEvent.java	2007/06/08 14:04:27	1.5
+++ /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/client/MobyRequestEvent.java	2010/03/17 20:55:51	1.6
@@ -18,17 +18,19 @@
     protected int eventID;
     protected MobyContentInstance contents;
     protected MobyRequest originatingMobyRequest;
+    protected MobyContentInstance originatingMobyRequestInputData;
     protected String dataPayloadXML;
     protected MobyService service;
     protected Throwable exception;
     private static int nextEventID = 0;
-    public MobyRequestEvent(MobyContentInstance mci, MobyRequest requestSource, MobyService serv, Throwable e, int id){
+    public MobyRequestEvent(MobyContentInstance mci, MobyRequest requestSource,  MobyService serv, MobyContentInstance serviceInput, Throwable e, int id){
 	consumed = false;
 	done = false;
-	contents = mci;
+	contents = mci;	
 	originatingMobyRequest = requestSource;
+	originatingMobyRequestInputData = serviceInput;
 	exception = e;
 	eventID = id;
 	service = serv;
@@ -42,6 +44,24 @@
+     * This method should be used instead of getSource().getInput() because the MobyRequest object may have multiple 
+     * concurrent threads using it, meaning that the inputXML is not necessarily what it was when the service was
+     * invoked.
+     *
+     * @return if a Moby client waiting for a service response, this data is the payload given as input to the service
+     */
+    public MobyContentInstance getSourceInput(){
+	return originatingMobyRequestInputData;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param inputXML the Moby XML sent to the service this event is refering to.
+     */
+    public void setSourceInput(MobyContentInstance inputPayload){
+	originatingMobyRequestInputData = inputPayload;
+    }
+    /**
      * @return the contents of the MOBY request or response (depending on whether MobyRequest is acting as a client or server) 
     public MobyContentInstance getContent(){

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