[MOBY-guts] biomoby commit

Andreas Groscurth groscurt at dev.open-bio.org
Wed Dec 3 12:09:41 UTC 2008

Wed Dec  3 07:09:40 EST 2008
Update of /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/client
In directory dev.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv11937/src/main/org/biomoby/client

Modified Files:
Log Message:
reformatted it to the original version and removed the System.properties for the service authentication
moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/client CentralImpl.java,1.58,1.59
RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/client/CentralImpl.java,v
retrieving revision 1.58
retrieving revision 1.59
diff -u -r1.58 -r1.59
--- /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/client/CentralImpl.java	2008/11/26 08:53:43	1.58
+++ /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/client/CentralImpl.java	2008/12/03 12:09:40	1.59
@@ -69,50 +69,53 @@
 import java.util.logging.*;
- * A default implementation of the interface {@link org.biomoby.shared.Central Central} allowing access to a Moby
- * registry.
- * <p>
- * This class is supposed to be used by all other clients that wish to communicate with the Moby Registry, but do not
- * want to know about all XML details that are necessary for talking with the Moby Central directly. This is an example
- * of a client program:
- * 
- * <pre>
+ * A default implementation of the
+ * interface {@link org.biomoby.shared.Central Central}
+ * allowing access to a Moby registry.
+ *<p>
+ * This class is supposed to be used by all other clients that wish
+ * to communicate with the Moby Registry, but do not want to know
+ * about all XML details that are necessary for talking with the Moby Central
+ * directly. This is an example of a client program:
+ *<pre>
  * import org.biomoby.shared.Central;
  * import org.biomoby.shared.MobyException;
  * import org.biomoby.client.CentralImpl;
  * import java.util.Map;
  * import java.util.Iterator;
- * 
+ *
  * public class Test {
- * 
- *     public static void main( String[] args ) throws MobyException {
- * 
- *         Central worker = new CentralImpl();
- *         Map authorities = worker.getServiceNamesByAuthority();
- * 
- *         for ( Iterator it = authorities.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
- *             Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) it.next();
- *             System.out.println( entry.getKey() );
- *             String[] names = ( String[] ) entry.getValue();
- *             for ( int i = 0; i &lt; names.length; i++ )
- *                 System.out.println( &quot;\t&quot; + names[ i ] );
- *         }
- *     }
+ *
+ *    public static void main (String[] args)
+ *       throws MobyException {
+ *
+ *       Central worker = new CentralImpl();
+ *       Map authorities = worker.getServiceNamesByAuthority();
+ *
+ *       for (Iterator it = authorities.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+ *          Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)it.next();
+ *          System.out.println (entry.getKey());
+ *          String[] names = (String[])entry.getValue();
+ *          for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
+ *             System.out.println ("\t" + names[i]);
+ *       }
+ *    }
  * }
- * </pre>
- * 
+ *</pre>
+ *
  * @author <A HREF="mailto:senger at ebi.ac.uk">Martin Senger</A>
  * @version $Id$
-public class CentralImpl implements Central, SimpleCache {
+public class CentralImpl
+    implements Central, SimpleCache {
     private URL endpoint;
     private String uri;
     protected boolean debug = false;
     /** Common central used to if getDefaultCentral() is called */
-    protected static Map< String, CentralImpl > defaultCentrals = new HashMap< String, CentralImpl >();
+    protected static Map<String,CentralImpl> defaultCentrals = new HashMap<String,CentralImpl>();
     /** Default location (endpoint) of a Moby registry. */
     public static final String DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = "http://moby.ucalgary.ca/moby/MOBY-Central.pl";
@@ -121,322 +124,368 @@
     public static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "http://moby.ucalgary.ca/MOBY/Central";
-     * The META-INF resource file that will be checked to determine what default class should be instantiated in order
-     * to create a Central Implementation when getDefaultCentral() is called.
+     * The META-INF resource file that will be checked to determine what
+     * default class should be instantiated in order to create a Central Implementation     
+     * when getDefaultCentral() is called.
     public static final String CENTRAL_IMPL_RESOURCE_NAME = "org.biomoby.shared.CentralDefaultImpl";
     /** The class to use for getDefaultCentral if all else fails */
     public static final String DEFAULT_CENTRAL_IMPL_CLASSNAME = "org.biomoby.client.CentralDigestCachedImpl";
-    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( "org.biomoby.client.CentralImpl" );
+    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.biomoby.client.CentralImpl");
-    /**
-     * Thread local that gives each thread its own DocumentBuilderFactory (since it is not thread-safe). Code taken from
-     * Apache's JaxpUtils.
-     */
-    public static ThreadLocal DOCUMENT_BUILDER_FACTORIES = new ThreadLocal() {
-        protected synchronized Object initialValue() {
-            DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
-            dbf.setNamespaceAware( true );
-            return dbf;
-        }
-    };
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * Default constructor. It connects to a default Moby registry (as defined in {@link #DEFAULT_ENDPOINT}) using a
-     * default namespace (as defined int {@link #DEFAULT_NAMESPACE}).
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public CentralImpl() throws MobyException {
+   /**
+    * Thread local that gives each thread its own
+    * DocumentBuilderFactory (since it is not thread-safe). Code taken
+    * from Apache's JaxpUtils.
+    */
+   public static ThreadLocal DOCUMENT_BUILDER_FACTORIES = new ThreadLocal() {
+       protected synchronized Object initialValue() {
+           DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
+           dbf.setNamespaceAware (true);
+           return dbf;
+       }
+       };
+    /*************************************************************************
+     * Default constructor. It connects to a default Moby registry
+     * (as defined in {@link #DEFAULT_ENDPOINT}) using a default namespace
+     * (as defined int {@link #DEFAULT_NAMESPACE}).
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public CentralImpl()
+    throws MobyException {
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /*************************************************************************
      * Constructor allowing to specify which Moby Registry to use.
-     * 
-     * @throws MobyException
-     *             if 'endpoint' is not a valid URL, or if no DOM parser is available
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public CentralImpl( String endpoint ) throws MobyException {
-        this( endpoint, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * Constructor allowing to specify which Moby Registry and what namespace to use. If any of the parameters is null,
-     * its default value is used instead.
-     * <p>
-     * 
-     * @throws MobyException
-     *             if 'endpoint' is not a valid URL, or if no DOM parser was found
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public CentralImpl( String endpoint, String namespace ) throws MobyException {
-        if ( endpoint == null || "".equals( endpoint.trim() ) ) endpoint = DEFAULT_ENDPOINT;
-        if ( namespace == null || "".equals( namespace.trim() ) ) namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE;
-        try {
-            this.endpoint = new URL( endpoint );
-        }
-        catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {
-            throw new MobyException( "Bad URL: " + endpoint );
-        }
-        this.uri = namespace;
-        cache = new Hashtable< String, Object >();
-        useCache = true;
+     *
+     * @throws MobyException if 'endpoint' is not a valid URL, or if no
+     *                          DOM parser is available
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public CentralImpl (String endpoint)
+    throws MobyException {
+    this (endpoint, DEFAULT_NAMESPACE);
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************
+     * Constructor allowing to specify which Moby Registry and what
+     * namespace to use. If any of the parameters is null, its default
+     * value is used instead.
+     *<p>
+     * @throws MobyException if 'endpoint' is not a valid URL, or if no
+     *                          DOM parser was found
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public CentralImpl (String endpoint, String namespace)
+    throws MobyException {
+    if (endpoint == null || "".equals (endpoint.trim()))
+        endpoint = DEFAULT_ENDPOINT;
+    if (namespace == null || "".equals (namespace.trim()))
+        namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE;
+    try {
+        this.endpoint = new URL (endpoint);
+    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
+        throw new MobyException ("Bad URL: " + endpoint);
+    }
+    this.uri = namespace;
+    cache = new Hashtable<String,Object>();
+    useCache = true;
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************
+     * Loads a DOM Document from an InputStream. Uses thread-safe
+     * mechanism.
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public static Document loadDocument (InputStream input)
+    throws MobyException {
+    try {
+        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf
+        = (DocumentBuilderFactory)DOCUMENT_BUILDER_FACTORIES.get();
+        DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
+        return (db.parse (input));
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+        throw new MobyException ("Problem with reading XML input: " + e.toString(), e);
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * Loads a DOM Document from an InputStream. Uses thread-safe mechanism.
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public static Document loadDocument( InputStream input ) throws MobyException {
-        try {
-            DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = ( DocumentBuilderFactory ) DOCUMENT_BUILDER_FACTORIES.get();
-            DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
-            return ( db.parse( input ) );
-        }
-        catch ( Exception e ) {
-            throw new MobyException( "Problem with reading XML input: " + e.toString(), e );
-        }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /*************************************************************************
      * Call 'method' with 'parameters' and return its result.
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    protected Object doCall( String method, Object[] parameters ) throws MobyException {
-        Call call = null;
-        try {
-            Service service = new Service();
-            call = ( Call ) service.createCall();
-            call.setTargetEndpointAddress( endpoint );
-            call.setTimeout( new Integer( 0 ) );
-            String user = System.getProperty( "user" );
-            String password = System.getProperty( "password" );
-            if ( user != null && password != null ) {
-                call.setProperty( Call.USERNAME_PROPERTY, user );
-                call.setProperty( Call.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, password );
-            }
-            call.setSOAPActionURI( uri + "#" + method );
-            if ( debug ) {
-                System.err.println( "METHOD CALL: " + method );
-                System.err.println( "------------" );
-                if ( parameters.length > 0 ) System.err.println( parameters[ 0 ] + "\n" );
-                System.err.println( "------------\n" );
-                Object result = call.invoke( uri, method, parameters );
-                System.err.println( "METHOD RETURN:" );
-                System.err.println( "------------" );
-                if ( result != null ) System.err.println( result + "\n" );
-                System.err.println( "------------\n" );
-                return resultToString( result );
-            }
-            else {
-                return resultToString( call.invoke( uri, method, parameters ) );
-            }
-        }
-        catch ( AxisFault e ) {
-            throw new MobyException( formatFault( e, endpoint.toString(), ( call == null ? null : call
-                    .getOperationName() ) ), e );
-            // (endpoint.toString()+(call == null ? "" : call.getOperationName()), e);
-        }
-        catch ( Exception e ) {
-            throw new MobyException( e.toString(), e );
-            // e.printStackTrace();
-        }
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * Parse the given XML sniplet to find tag 'success'. If it has value '1' look further for tag 'id' and return it
-     * back (or return an empty string if ID is not there). Otherwise raise an exception with the 'culprit' and with the
-     * message from the tag 'message'.
-     * <p>
-     * 
-     * The return value is a two-element long array. The first element is the ID (given by BioMobe registry), and the
-     * second element is RDF corresponding with the registered object (BioMoby returns this only for service instances,
-     * so for other objects this will be null).
-     * <p>
-     * 
-     * This is how the XML is supposed to look: <MOBYRegistration> <success> <!-- 1 | 0 | -1 --> </success> <id> <!--
-     * some id number for your registration --> </id> <message> <![CDATA[message here]]> </message> <RDF> <!-- RDF of
-     * your service instance here (if applicable) --> </RDF> </MOBYRegistration>
-     * 
-     * Success takes the value "1" to indicate success, "0" to indicate failure, and "-1" to indicate "Pending
-     * Curation".
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    protected String[] checkRegistration( String xml, Object culprit ) throws MobyException, NoSuccessException,
-            PendingCurationException {
-        String id = "", success = "0", message = "", rdf = "";
-        // parse returned XML
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( xml.getBytes() ) );
-        Element root = document.getDocumentElement();
-        NodeList children = root.getChildNodes();
-        for ( int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++ ) {
-            if ( children.item( i ).getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) continue;
-            Element elem = ( Element ) children.item( i );
-            if ( elem.getNodeName().equals( "id" ) ) {
-                if ( elem.getFirstChild() != null ) id = elem.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
-            }
-            else if ( elem.getNodeName().equals( "success" ) ) {
-                if ( elem.getFirstChild() != null ) success = elem.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
-            }
-            else if ( elem.getNodeName().equals( "message" ) ) {
-                if ( elem.getFirstChild() != null ) message = elem.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
-            }
-            else if ( elem.getNodeName().equals( "RDF" ) ) {
-                if ( elem.getFirstChild() != null ) rdf = elem.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
-            }
-        }
-        if ( success.equals( "0" ) )
-            throw new NoSuccessException( message, culprit );
-        else if ( success.equals( "-1" ) ) throw new PendingCurationException();
-        return new String[] { id, rdf };
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * Return a piece of XML created from the definitions representing input data types and their usage in the given
-     * service. Only data considered primary are included. Note that the main job of converting to XML is done by
-     * instances of MobyPrimaryData.
-     * 
-     * The returned XML looks like this: <Input> <!-- zero or more Primary (Simple and/or Complex) articles --> </Input>
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    protected String buildPrimaryInputTag( MobyService service ) {
-        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-        MobyData[] primaryInputs = service.getPrimaryInputs();
-        buf.append( "<Input>\n" );
-        for ( int i = 0; i < primaryInputs.length; i++ )
-            buf.append( primaryInputs[ i ].toXML() );
-        buf.append( "</Input>\n" );
-        return new String( buf );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * Return a piece of XML created from the definitions representing input data types and their usage in the given
-     * service. Only data considered secondary are included. Note that the main job of converting to XML is done by
-     * instances of MobySecondaryData.
-     * 
-     * The returned XML looks like this: <secondaryArticles> <!-- zero or more INPUT Secondary articles -->
-     * </secondaryArticles>
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    protected String buildSecondaryInputTag( MobyService service ) {
-        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-        MobyData[] secInputs = service.getSecondaryInputs();
-        buf.append( "<secondaryArticles>\n" );
-        for ( int i = 0; i < secInputs.length; i++ ) {
-            buf.append( secInputs[ i ].toXML() );
-        }
-        buf.append( "</secondaryArticles>\n" );
-        return new String( buf );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * Return a piece of XML created from the definitions representing output data types and their usage in the given
-     * service. Only data considered primary are included. Note that the main job of converting to XML is done by
-     * instances of MobyPrimaryData.
-     * 
-     * The returned XML looks like this: <Output> <!-- zero or more Primary (Simple and/or Complex) articles -->
-     * </Output>
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    protected String buildOutputTag( MobyService service ) {
-        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-        MobyData[] primaryOutputs = service.getPrimaryOutputs();
-        buf.append( "<Output>\n" );
-        for ( int i = 0; i < primaryOutputs.length; i++ )
-            buf.append( primaryOutputs[ i ].toXML() );
-        buf.append( "</Output>\n" );
-        return new String( buf );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * Return a piece of XML represented a query object (an object used to find a service).
-     * 
+     *************************************************************************/
+    protected Object doCall (String method, Object[] parameters)
+    throws MobyException {
+    Call call = null;
+    try {
+        Service service = new Service();
+        call = (Call) service.createCall();
+        call.setTargetEndpointAddress (endpoint);
+        call.setTimeout (new Integer (0));
+        call.setSOAPActionURI (uri + "#" + method);
+        if (debug) {
+        System.err.println ("METHOD CALL: " + method);
+        System.err.println ("------------");
+        if (parameters.length > 0)
+            System.err.println (parameters[0] + "\n");
+        System.err.println ("------------\n");
+        Object result = call.invoke (uri, method, parameters);
+        System.err.println ("METHOD RETURN:");
+        System.err.println ("------------");
+        if (result != null)
+            System.err.println (result + "\n");
+        System.err.println ("------------\n");
+        return resultToString (result);
+        } else {
+        return resultToString (call.invoke (uri, method, parameters));
+        }
+    } catch (AxisFault e) {
+        throw new MobyException
+        (formatFault (e,
+                  endpoint.toString(),
+                  (call == null ? null : call.getOperationName())),
+         e);
+//      (endpoint.toString()+(call == null ? "" : call.getOperationName()), e);
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+        throw new MobyException (e.toString(), e);
+//      e.printStackTrace();
+    }
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * Parse the given XML sniplet to find tag 'success'. If it has value '1'
+     * look further for tag 'id' and return it back (or return an empty string
+     * if ID is not there). Otherwise raise an exception with the 'culprit'
+     * and with the message from the tag 'message'. <p>
+     *
+     * The return value is a two-element long array. The first element
+     * is the ID (given by BioMobe registry), and the second element
+     * is RDF corresponding with the registered object (BioMoby
+     * returns this only for service instances, so for other objects
+     * this will be null). <p>
+     *
+     * This is how the XML is supposed to look:
+     *     <MOBYRegistration>
+     *        <success> <!-- 1 | 0 | -1 --> </success>
+     *        <id> <!-- some id number for your registration --> </id>  
+     *        <message> <![CDATA[message here]]> </message>
+     *        <RDF> <!-- RDF of your service instance here (if applicable) --> </RDF>
+     *     </MOBYRegistration>
+     *
+     * Success takes the value "1" to indicate success, "0" to
+     * indicate failure, and "-1" to indicate "Pending Curation".
+     *************************************************************************/
+    protected String[] checkRegistration (String xml, Object culprit)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException, PendingCurationException {
+    String id = "", success = "0", message = "", rdf = "";
+    // parse returned XML
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (xml.getBytes()));
+    Element root = document.getDocumentElement();
+    NodeList children = root.getChildNodes();
+    for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
+        if (children.item (i).getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
+        continue;
+        Element elem = (Element)children.item (i);
+        if (elem.getNodeName().equals ("id")) {
+        if (elem.getFirstChild() != null)
+            id = elem.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
+        } else if (elem.getNodeName().equals("success")) {
+        if (elem.getFirstChild() != null)
+            success = elem.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
+        } else if (elem.getNodeName().equals ("message")) {
+        if (elem.getFirstChild() != null)
+            message = elem.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
+        } else if (elem.getNodeName().equals ("RDF")) {
+        if (elem.getFirstChild() != null)
+            rdf = elem.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
+        }
+    }
+    if (success.equals ("0"))
+        throw new NoSuccessException (message, culprit);
+    else if (success.equals ("-1"))
+        throw new PendingCurationException();
+    return new String[] { id, rdf };
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * Return a piece of XML created from the definitions representing input
+     * data types and their usage in the given service. Only data considered
+     * primary are included. Note that the main job of converting to XML is
+     * done by instances of MobyPrimaryData.
+     *
      * The returned XML looks like this:
-     * 
-     * <inputObjects> <Input> <!-- one or more Simple or Complex Primary articles --> </Input> </inputObjects>
-     * <outputObjects> <Output> <!-- one or more Simple or Complex Primary articles --> </Output> </outputObjects>
-     * <serviceType>ServiceTypeTerm</serviceType> <serviceName>ServiceName</serviceName> <Category>moby</Category>
-     * <authURI>http://desired.service.provider</authURI>; <expandObjects>1|0</expandObjects> <expandServices>1|0</expandServices>
-     * <authoritative>1|0</authoritative> <keywords> <keyword>something</keyword> .... .... </keywords>
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    protected String buildQueryObject( MobyService service, String[] keywords, boolean expandObjects,
-            boolean expandServices, boolean authoritative ) {
-        if ( service == null ) {
-            service = new MobyService( "dummy" );
-            service.setCategory( "" );
-        }
-        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-        buf.append( "<inputObjects>\n<Input>\n" );
-        MobyData[] pi = service.getPrimaryInputs();
-        if ( pi.length > 0 ) {
-            for ( int i = 0; i < pi.length; i++ )
-                buf.append( pi[ i ].toXML() );
-        }
-        buf.append( "</Input>\n</inputObjects>\n" );
-        buf.append( "<outputObjects>\n<Output>\n" );
-        MobyData[] po = service.getPrimaryOutputs();
-        if ( po.length > 0 ) {
-            for ( int i = 0; i < po.length; i++ )
-                buf.append( po[ i ].toXML() );
-        }
-        buf.append( "</Output>\n</outputObjects>\n" );
-        buf.append( "<serviceType>" + service.getType() + "</serviceType>\n" );
-        String name = service.getName();
-        if ( !name.equals( "" ) && !name.equals( "dummy" ) && !name.equals( MobyService.DUMMY_NAME ) )
-            buf.append( "<serviceName>" + service.getName() + "</serviceName>\n" );
-        String sigURL = service.getSignatureURL();
-        if ( !sigURL.equals( "" ) ) buf.append( "<signatureURL>" + sigURL + "</signatureURL>\n" );
-        buf.append( "<Category>" + service.getCategory() + "</Category>\n" );
-        buf.append( "<authURI>" + service.getAuthority() + "</authURI>\n" );
-        buf.append( "<expandObjects>" );
-        buf.append( expandObjects ? "1" : "0" );
-        buf.append( "</expandObjects>\n" );
-        buf.append( "<expandServices>" );
-        buf.append( expandServices ? "1" : "0" );
-        buf.append( "</expandServices>\n" );
-        buf.append( "<authoritative>" );
-        buf.append( authoritative ? "1" : "0" );
-        buf.append( "</authoritative>\n" );
-        buf.append( "<keywords>\n" );
-        if ( keywords != null && keywords.length > 0 ) {
-            for ( int i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++ ) {
-                buf.append( "<keyword>" );
-                buf.append( keywords[ i ] );
-                buf.append( "</keyword>\n" );
-            }
-        }
-        buf.append( "</keywords>\n" );
-        return new String( buf );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * Extract one or more MobyService objects from the given XML piece. The XML should look like this:
-     * 
+     *    <Input>
+     *       <!-- zero or more Primary (Simple and/or Complex) articles -->
+     *    </Input>
+     *************************************************************************/
+    protected String buildPrimaryInputTag (MobyService service) {
+    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+    MobyData[] primaryInputs = service.getPrimaryInputs();
+    buf.append ("<Input>\n");
+    for (int i = 0; i < primaryInputs.length; i++)
+        buf.append (primaryInputs[i].toXML());
+    buf.append ("</Input>\n");
+    return new String (buf);
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * Return a piece of XML created from the definitions representing input
+     * data types and their usage in the given service. Only data considered
+     * secondary are included. Note that the main job of converting to XML is
+     * done by instances of MobySecondaryData.
+     *
+     * The returned XML looks like this:
+     *    <secondaryArticles>
+     *       <!-- zero or more INPUT Secondary articles -->
+     *    </secondaryArticles>
+     *************************************************************************/
+    protected String buildSecondaryInputTag (MobyService service) {
+    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+    MobyData[] secInputs = service.getSecondaryInputs();
+    buf.append ("<secondaryArticles>\n");
+    for (int i = 0; i < secInputs.length; i++) {
+        buf.append (secInputs[i].toXML());
+    }
+    buf.append ("</secondaryArticles>\n");
+    return new String (buf);
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * Return a piece of XML created from the definitions representing output
+     * data types and their usage in the given service. Only data considered
+     * primary are included. Note that the main job of converting to XML is
+     * done by instances of MobyPrimaryData.
+     *
+     * The returned XML looks like this:
+     *    <Output>
+     *       <!-- zero or more Primary (Simple and/or Complex) articles --> 
+     *    </Output>
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    protected String buildOutputTag (MobyService service) {
+    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+    MobyData[] primaryOutputs = service.getPrimaryOutputs();
+    buf.append ("<Output>\n");
+    for (int i = 0; i < primaryOutputs.length; i++)
+        buf.append (primaryOutputs[i].toXML());
+    buf.append ("</Output>\n");
+    return new String (buf);
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * Return a piece of XML represented a query object (an object used
+     * to find a service).
+     *
+     * The returned XML looks like this:
+     *
+     *    <inputObjects>
+     *      <Input>
+     *           <!-- one or more Simple or Complex Primary articles -->
+     *      </Input>
+     *    </inputObjects>
+     *    <outputObjects>
+     *      <Output>
+     *           <!-- one or more Simple or Complex Primary articles -->
+     *      </Output>
+     *    </outputObjects>
+     *    <serviceType>ServiceTypeTerm</serviceType>
+     *    <serviceName>ServiceName</serviceName>
+     *    <Category>moby</Category>
+     *    <authURI>http://desired.service.provider</authURI>;
+     *    <expandObjects>1|0</expandObjects> 
+     *    <expandServices>1|0</expandServices>
+     *    <authoritative>1|0</authoritative>
+     *    <keywords>
+     *         <keyword>something</keyword>
+     *         ....
+     *         ....
+     *    </keywords>
+     *************************************************************************/
+    protected String buildQueryObject (MobyService service,
+                       String[] keywords,
+                       boolean expandObjects,
+                       boolean expandServices,
+                       boolean authoritative) {
+    if (service == null) {
+        service = new MobyService ("dummy");
+        service.setCategory ("");
+    }
+    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+    buf.append ("<inputObjects>\n<Input>\n");
+    MobyData[] pi = service.getPrimaryInputs();
+    if (pi.length > 0) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < pi.length; i++)
+        buf.append (pi[i].toXML());
+    }
+    buf.append ("</Input>\n</inputObjects>\n");
+    buf.append ("<outputObjects>\n<Output>\n");
+    MobyData[] po = service.getPrimaryOutputs();
+    if (po.length > 0) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < po.length; i++)
+        buf.append (po[i].toXML());
+    }
+    buf.append ("</Output>\n</outputObjects>\n");
+    buf.append ("<serviceType>" + service.getType() + "</serviceType>\n");
+    String name = service.getName();
+    if (!name.equals ("") && !name.equals ("dummy") && !name.equals (MobyService.DUMMY_NAME))
+        buf.append ("<serviceName>" + service.getName() + "</serviceName>\n");
+    String sigURL = service.getSignatureURL();
+    if (!sigURL.equals (""))
+        buf.append ("<signatureURL>" + sigURL + "</signatureURL>\n");
+    buf.append ("<Category>" + service.getCategory() + "</Category>\n");
+    buf.append ("<authURI>" + service.getAuthority() + "</authURI>\n");
+    buf.append ("<expandObjects>");
+    buf.append (expandObjects ? "1" : "0");
+    buf.append ("</expandObjects>\n");
+    buf.append ("<expandServices>");
+    buf.append (expandServices ? "1" : "0");
+    buf.append ("</expandServices>\n");
+    buf.append ("<authoritative>");
+    buf.append (authoritative ? "1" : "0");
+    buf.append ("</authoritative>\n");
+    buf.append ("<keywords>\n");
+    if (keywords != null && keywords.length > 0) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) {
+        buf.append ("<keyword>");
+        buf.append (keywords[i]);
+        buf.append ("</keyword>\n");
+        }
+    }
+    buf.append ("</keywords>\n");
+    return new String (buf);
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * Extract one or more MobyService objects from the given XML piece.
+     * The XML should look like this:
      * <pre>
      *  &lt;Services&gt;
-     *    &lt;Service authURI=&quot;authority.URI.here&quot; lsid=&quot;...&quot; serviceName=&quot;MyService&quot;&gt;
+     *    &lt;Service authURI="authority.URI.here" lsid="..." serviceName="MyService"&gt;
      *      &lt;serviceType&gt;Service_Ontology_Term&lt;/serviceType&gt;
      *      &lt;Category&gt;moby&lt;/Category&gt; &lt;!-- or 'cgi' or 'soap' --&gt;
      *      &lt;contactEmail&gt;your at email.addy.here&lt;/contactEmail&gt;
@@ -459,359 +508,359 @@
      *    ...
      *  &lt;/Services&gt;
      * </pre>
-     * 
-     * @throws MobyException
-     *             if the XML document is invalid
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public MobyService[] extractServices( String xml ) throws MobyException {
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( xml.getBytes() ) );
-        NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName( "Service" );
-        MobyService[] results = new MobyService[ list.getLength() ];
-        for ( int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++ ) {
-            Element elem = ( Element ) list.item( i );
-            MobyService service = new MobyService( elem.getAttribute( "serviceName" ) );
-            service.setAuthority( elem.getAttribute( "authURI" ) );
-            service.setLSID( elem.getAttribute( "lsid" ) );
-            NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
-            for ( int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++ ) {
-                String nodeName = children.item( j ).getNodeName();
-                if ( nodeName.equals( "Description" ) ) {
-                    service.setDescription( getFirstValue( children.item( j ) ) );
-                }
-                else if ( nodeName.equals( "Category" ) ) {
-                    service.setCategory( getFirstValue( children.item( j ) ) );
-                }
-                else if ( nodeName.equals( "URL" ) ) {
-                    service.setURL( getFirstValue( children.item( j ) ) );
-                }
-                else if ( nodeName.equals( "signatureURL" ) ) {
-                    service.setSignatureURL( getFirstValue( children.item( j ) ) );
-                }
-                else if ( nodeName.equals( "contactEmail" ) ) {
-                    service.setEmailContact( getFirstValue( children.item( j ) ) );
-                }
-                else if ( nodeName.equals( "serviceType" ) ) {
-                    service.setType( getFirstValue( children.item( j ) ) );
-                    MobyServiceType mst = new MobyServiceType( service.getType() );
-                    NamedNodeMap map = ( children.item( j ).getAttributes() );
-                    if ( map != null ) {
-                        Node node = map.getNamedItemNS( children.item( j ).getNamespaceURI(), "lsid" );
-                        if ( node != null ) mst.setLSID( node.getNodeValue() );
-                    }
-                    service.setServiceType( mst );
-                }
-                else if ( nodeName.equals( "authoritative" ) ) {
-                    String authoritative = getFirstValue( children.item( j ) );
-                    service.setAuthoritative( authoritative.equals( "1" ) ? true : false );
-                }
-                else if ( nodeName.equals( "Input" ) ) {
-                    // <Input>
-                    // <!-- one or more Simple and/or Complex Primary articles -->
-                    // <Simple articleName="NameOfArticle">
-                    // ...
-                    // </Simple>
-                    // <Collection articleName="NameOfArticle">
-                    // <Simple>......</Simple>
-                    // <Simple>......</Simple>
-                    // </Collection>
-                    // </Input>
-                    NodeList inputs = children.item( j ).getChildNodes();
-                    for ( int k = 0; k < inputs.getLength(); k++ ) {
-                        if ( inputs.item( k ).getNodeName().equals( "Simple" ) ) {
-                            MobyPrimaryDataSimple data = new MobyPrimaryDataSimple( ( Element ) inputs.item( k ) );
-                            service.addInput( data );
-                        }
-                        else if ( inputs.item( k ).getNodeName().equals( "Collection" ) ) {
-                            MobyPrimaryDataSet data = new MobyPrimaryDataSet( ( Element ) inputs.item( k ) );
-                            service.addInput( data );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else if ( nodeName.equals( "Output" ) ) {
-                    // <Output>
-                    // <!-- one or more Simple and/or Complex Primary articles -->
-                    // </Output>
-                    NodeList inputs = children.item( j ).getChildNodes();
-                    for ( int k = 0; k < inputs.getLength(); k++ ) {
-                        if ( inputs.item( k ).getNodeName().equals( "Simple" ) ) {
-                            MobyPrimaryDataSimple data = new MobyPrimaryDataSimple( ( Element ) inputs.item( k ) );
-                            service.addOutput( data );
-                        }
-                        else if ( inputs.item( k ).getNodeName().equals( "Collection" ) ) {
-                            MobyPrimaryDataSet data = new MobyPrimaryDataSet( ( Element ) inputs.item( k ) );
-                            service.addOutput( data );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else if ( nodeName.equals( "secondaryArticles" ) ) {
-                    // <Parameter articleName="NameOfArticle">
-                    // ...
-                    // </Parameter>
-                    NodeList parameters = children.item( j ).getChildNodes();
-                    for ( int k = 0; k < parameters.getLength(); k++ ) {
-                        if ( parameters.item( k ).getNodeName().equals( "Parameter" ) ) {
-                            MobySecondaryData data = new MobySecondaryData( ( Element ) parameters.item( k ) );
-                            service.addInput( data );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
+     * @throws MobyException if the XML document is invalid
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public MobyService[] extractServices (String xml)
+    throws MobyException {
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (xml.getBytes()));
+    NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName ("Service");
+    MobyService[] results = new MobyService [list.getLength()];
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
+        Element elem = (Element)list.item (i);
+        MobyService service = new MobyService (elem.getAttribute ("serviceName"));
+        service.setAuthority (elem.getAttribute ("authURI"));
+        service.setLSID (elem.getAttribute ("lsid"));
+        NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
+        for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) {
+        String nodeName = children.item (j).getNodeName();
+        if (nodeName.equals ("Description")) {
+            service.setDescription (getFirstValue (children.item (j)));
+        } else if (nodeName.equals ("Category")) {
+            service.setCategory (getFirstValue (children.item (j)));
+        } else if (nodeName.equals ("URL")) {
+            service.setURL (getFirstValue (children.item (j)));
+        } else if (nodeName.equals ("signatureURL")) {
+            service.setSignatureURL (getFirstValue (children.item (j)));
+        } else if (nodeName.equals ("contactEmail")) {
+            service.setEmailContact (getFirstValue (children.item (j)));
+        } else if (nodeName.equals ("serviceType")) {
+            service.setType (getFirstValue (children.item (j)));
+            MobyServiceType mst = new MobyServiceType(service.getType());
+            NamedNodeMap map = (children.item (j).getAttributes());
+            if (map != null) {
+                Node node = map.getNamedItemNS(children.item(j).getNamespaceURI(),"lsid");
+                if (node != null)
+                    mst.setLSID(node.getNodeValue());
+            }
+            service.setServiceType(mst);
+        } else if (nodeName.equals ("authoritative")) {
+            String authoritative = getFirstValue (children.item (j));
+            service.setAuthoritative (authoritative.equals ("1") ? true : false);
+        } else if (nodeName.equals ("Input")) {
+            // <Input>
+            //   <!-- one or more Simple and/or Complex Primary articles -->
+            //   <Simple articleName="NameOfArticle">
+            //      ...
+            //   </Simple>
+            //   <Collection articleName="NameOfArticle">
+            //      <Simple>......</Simple>
+            //      <Simple>......</Simple>
+            //   </Collection>
+            // </Input>
+            NodeList inputs = children.item (j).getChildNodes();
+            for (int k = 0; k < inputs.getLength(); k++) {
+            if (inputs.item (k).getNodeName().equals ("Simple")) {
+                MobyPrimaryDataSimple data = new MobyPrimaryDataSimple ((Element)inputs.item (k));
+                service.addInput (data);
+            } else if (inputs.item (k).getNodeName().equals ("Collection")) {
+                MobyPrimaryDataSet data = new MobyPrimaryDataSet ((Element)inputs.item (k));
+                service.addInput (data);
+            }
+            }
+        } else if (nodeName.equals ("Output")) {
+            // <Output>
+            //   <!-- one or more Simple and/or Complex Primary articles --> 
+            // </Output>
+            NodeList inputs = children.item (j).getChildNodes();
+            for (int k = 0; k < inputs.getLength(); k++) {
+            if (inputs.item (k).getNodeName().equals ("Simple")) {
+                MobyPrimaryDataSimple data = new MobyPrimaryDataSimple ((Element)inputs.item (k));
+                service.addOutput (data);
+            } else if (inputs.item (k).getNodeName().equals ("Collection")) {
+                MobyPrimaryDataSet data = new MobyPrimaryDataSet ((Element)inputs.item (k));
+                service.addOutput (data);
+            }
+            }
+        } else if (nodeName.equals ("secondaryArticles")) {
+            // <Parameter articleName="NameOfArticle">
+            //   ...
+            // </Parameter>
+            NodeList parameters = children.item (j).getChildNodes();
+            for (int k = 0; k < parameters.getLength(); k++) {
+            if (parameters.item (k).getNodeName().equals ("Parameter")) {
+                MobySecondaryData data = new MobySecondaryData ((Element)parameters.item (k));
+                service.addInput (data);
+            }
-            results[ i ] = service;
-        return results;
+        }
+        results [i] = service;
+    }
+    return results;
     // protect against null values
-    protected String getFirstValue( Node child ) {
-        Node node = child.getFirstChild();
-        if ( node == null ) return "";
-        String value = node.getNodeValue();
-        if ( value == null ) return "";
-        return value;
+    protected String getFirstValue (Node child) {
+    Node node = child.getFirstChild();
+    if (node == null) return "";
+    String value = node.getNodeValue();
+    if (value == null) return "";
+    return value;
+    }
+    protected String getFirstValue (NodeList children) {
+    if (children.item(0) != null && children.item(0).hasChildNodes()) {
+        children.item(0).normalize();
+        return getFirstValue (children.item(0));
-    protected String getFirstValue( NodeList children ) {
-        if ( children.item( 0 ) != null && children.item( 0 ).hasChildNodes() ) {
-            children.item( 0 ).normalize();
-            return getFirstValue( children.item( 0 ) );
-        }
-        return "";
+    return "";
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * Implementing SimpleCache interface.
-     * 
-     * Why to have an interface for such trivial thing? Well, because I needed to overwrite the caching mechanism in the
-     * subclasses so I needed to have all caching functions as separate methods - that's why I have collect them in an
-     * interface.
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    private Hashtable< String, Object > cache; // this is the cache itself
-    private boolean useCache; // this signal that we are actually caching things
+     *
+     * Why to have an interface for such trivial thing? Well, because
+     * I needed to overwrite the caching mechanism in the subclasses
+     * so I needed to have all caching functions as separate methods -
+     * that's why I have collect them in an interface.
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    private Hashtable<String,Object> cache;   // this is the cache itself
+    private boolean useCache;  // this signal that we are actually caching things
     // not used here
-    public String createId( String rootName, String semanticType, String syntaxType, long lastModified, Properties props ) {
-        return ""; // not used here
+    public String createId (String rootName,
+                String semanticType, String syntaxType,
+                long lastModified,
+                Properties props) {
+    return ""; // not used here
     // check existence of a cached object
-    public boolean existsInCache( String id ) {
-        synchronized ( cache ) {
-            if ( useCache )
-                return cache.containsKey( id );
-            else
-                return false;
-        }
+    public boolean existsInCache (String id) {
+    synchronized (cache) {
+        if (useCache) return cache.containsKey (id);
+        else return false;
+    }
     // retrieve from cache
-    public Object getContents( String id ) {
-        synchronized ( cache ) {
-            if ( useCache )
-                return cache.get( id );
-            else
-                return null;
-        }
+    public Object getContents (String id) {
+    synchronized (cache) {
+        if (useCache) return cache.get (id);
+        else return null;
+    }
     // cache an object
-    public void setContents( String id, java.lang.Object data ) {
-        synchronized ( cache ) {
-            if ( useCache ) cache.put( id, data );
-        }
+    public void setContents (String id, java.lang.Object data) {
+    synchronized (cache) {
+        if (useCache) cache.put (id, data);
+    }
     // in this implementation, it clears the whole cache, regardless
     // what 'id' is passed
-    public void removeFromCache( String id ) {
-        cache.clear();
+    public void removeFromCache (String id) {
+    cache.clear();
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     * And the other methods related to caching (but not part of the SimpleCache interface).
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * By default, caching is enabled to reduce network traffic. Setting this to false will clear the cache, and not
-     * cache any further calls unless it is set to true again.
-     * <p>
-     * 
-     * @param shouldCache
-     *            whether retrieveXXX call results should be cached in case they are called again (i.e. don't request
-     *            MobyCentral every time)
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public void setCacheMode( boolean shouldCache ) {
-        useCache = shouldCache;
-        if ( !useCache ) removeFromCache( null );
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     * And the other methods related to caching (but not part of the
+     * SimpleCache interface).
+     *
+     **************************************************************************/
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * By default, caching is enabled to reduce network traffic.
+     * Setting this to false will clear the cache, and not cache any
+     * further calls unless it is set to true again. <p>
+     *
+     * @param shouldCache whether retrieveXXX call results should be
+     * cached in case they are called again (i.e. don't request
+     * MobyCentral every time)
+     **************************************************************************/
+    public void setCacheMode (boolean shouldCache) {
+    useCache = shouldCache;
+    if (! useCache)
+        removeFromCache (null);
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * Find if caching is currently enabled.
-     * 
+     *
      * @return true if caching is enabled
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public boolean getCacheMode() {
-        return useCache;
+     **************************************************************************/
+    public boolean getCacheMode(){
+    return useCache;
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * Parses and imports the following XML.
-     * 
      * <pre>
      * &lt;serviceNames&gt;
-     *   &lt;serviceName name=&quot;serviceName&quot; authURI='authority.info.here'/&gt;
+     *   &lt;serviceName name="serviceName" authURI='authority.info.here'/&gt;
      *   ...
      *   ...
      * &lt;/serviceNames&gt;
      * </pre>
-     * 
-     * @deprecated Replaced by {@link #getServiceNamesByAuthority}. The reason is that this method returns a random
-     *             result if there are more services with the same name but belonging to different authorities.
-     *             <p>
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public Map< String, String > getServiceNames() throws MobyException {
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "retrieveServiceNames", new Object[] {} );
-        // parse returned XML
-        Map< String, String > results = new TreeMap< String, String >( getStringComparator() );
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( result.getBytes() ) );
-        NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName( "serviceName" );
-        for ( int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++ ) {
-            Element elem = ( Element ) list.item( i );
-            results.put( elem.getAttribute( "name" ), elem.getAttribute( "authURI" ) );
-        }
+     *
+     * @deprecated Replaced by {@link
+     * #getServiceNamesByAuthority}. The reason is that this method
+     * returns a random result if there are more services with the
+     * same name but belonging to different authorities. <p>
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public Map<String,String> getServiceNames()
+    throws MobyException {
+    String result = (String)doCall ("retrieveServiceNames",
+                    new Object[] {});
+    // parse returned XML
+    Map<String,String> results = new TreeMap<String,String> (getStringComparator());
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (result.getBytes()));
+    NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName ("serviceName");
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
+        Element elem = (Element)list.item (i);
+        results.put (elem.getAttribute ("name"),
+             elem.getAttribute ("authURI"));
+    }
-        return results;
+    return results;
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * Parses and imports the following XML.
-     * 
      * <pre>
      * &lt;serviceNames&gt;
-     *   &lt;serviceName name=&quot;serviceName&quot; lsid=&quot;...&quot; authURI='authority.info.here'/&gt;
+     *   &lt;serviceName name="serviceName" lsid="..." authURI='authority.info.here'/&gt;
      *   ...
      *   ...
      * &lt;/serviceNames&gt;
      * </pre>
-     * 
-     * @return a Map which has authorities as keys, and String arrays with service names as a values.
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public Map getServiceNamesByAuthority() throws MobyException {
-        String result = getServiceNamesByAuthorityAsXML();
-        return createServicesByAuthorityFromXML( result, true );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * Similar to {@link #getServiceNamesByAuthority} but the resulting Map contains slightly more.
-     * <p>
-     * 
-     * @return a Map which has authorities as keys, and arrays of MobyServices as a values. Each MobyService is filled
-     *         with its name, authority and LSID.
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public Map getServicesByAuthority() throws MobyException {
-        String result = getServiceNamesByAuthorityAsXML();
-        return createServicesByAuthorityFromXML( result, false );
+     *
+     * @return a Map which has authorities as keys, and String arrays
+     * with service names as a values.
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public Map getServiceNamesByAuthority()
+    throws MobyException {
+    String result = getServiceNamesByAuthorityAsXML();
+    return createServicesByAuthorityFromXML (result, true);
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * Similar to {@link #getServiceNamesByAuthority} but the
+     * resulting Map contains slightly more. <p>
+     *
+     * @return a Map which has authorities as keys, and arrays of
+     * MobyServices as a values. Each MobyService is filled with its
+     * name, authority and LSID.
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public Map getServicesByAuthority()
+    throws MobyException {
+    String result = getServiceNamesByAuthorityAsXML();
+    return createServicesByAuthorityFromXML (result, false);
-    protected String getServiceNamesByAuthorityAsXML() throws MobyException {
-        return ( String ) doCall( "retrieveServiceNames", new Object[] {} );
+    protected String getServiceNamesByAuthorityAsXML()
+    throws MobyException {
+    return (String)doCall ("retrieveServiceNames",
+                   new Object[] {});
     // if onlyNames == true
-    // Map: authority name -> String[]
-    // (filled with service namea)
+    //    Map: authority name -> String[]
+    //                        (filled with service namea)
     // else
-    // Map: authority name -> MobyService[]
-    // (filled with service name, authority and lsid)
-    protected Map createServicesByAuthorityFromXML( String result, boolean onlyNames ) throws MobyException {
-        // parse returned XML
-        Map results = new TreeMap( getStringComparator() );
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( result.getBytes() ) );
-        NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName( "serviceName" );
-        for ( int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++ ) {
-            Element elem = ( Element ) list.item( i );
-            String name = elem.getAttribute( "name" );
-            String auth = elem.getAttribute( "authURI" );
-            Vector< Object > v = ( results.containsKey( auth ) ? ( Vector ) results.get( auth )
-                    : new Vector< Object >() );
-            if ( onlyNames ) {
-                v.addElement( name );
-            }
-            else {
-                MobyService ms = new MobyService( name );
-                ms.setAuthority( auth );
-                ms.setLSID( elem.getAttribute( "lsid" ) );
-                v.addElement( ms );
-            }
-            results.put( auth, v );
-        }
-        // change values of type Vector to MobyService[] or String[]
-        for ( Iterator it = results.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-            Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) it.next();
-            Vector v = ( Vector ) entry.getValue();
-            if ( onlyNames ) {
-                String[] sNames = new String[ v.size() ];
-                v.copyInto( sNames );
-                entry.setValue( sNames );
-            }
-            else {
-                MobyService[] mss = new MobyService[ v.size() ];
-                v.copyInto( mss );
-                entry.setValue( mss );
-            }
+    //    Map: authority name -> MobyService[]
+    //                        (filled with service name, authority and lsid)
+    protected Map createServicesByAuthorityFromXML (String result,
+                            boolean onlyNames)
+    throws MobyException {
+    // parse returned XML
+    Map results = new TreeMap (getStringComparator());
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (result.getBytes()));
+    NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName ("serviceName");
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
+        Element elem = (Element)list.item (i);
+        String name = elem.getAttribute ("name");
+        String auth = elem.getAttribute ("authURI");
+        Vector<Object> v =
+        (results.containsKey (auth) ? (Vector)results.get (auth) : new Vector<Object>());
+        if (onlyNames) {
+        v.addElement (name);
+        } else {
+        MobyService ms = new MobyService (name);
+        ms.setAuthority (auth);
+        ms.setLSID (elem.getAttribute ("lsid"));
+        v.addElement (ms);
+        }
+        results.put (auth, v);
+    }
+    // change values of type Vector to MobyService[] or String[]
+    for (Iterator it = results.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)it.next();
+        Vector v = (Vector)entry.getValue();
+        if (onlyNames) {
+        String[] sNames = new String [v.size()];
+        v.copyInto (sNames);
+        entry.setValue (sNames);
+        } else {
+        MobyService[] mss = new MobyService [v.size()];
+        v.copyInto (mss);
+        entry.setValue (mss);
+    }
-        return results;
+    return results;
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * Parses and imports the following XML.
-     * 
      * <pre>
      *  &lt;serviceProviders&gt;
-     *     &lt;serviceProvider name=&quot;authority.URI.here&quot;/&gt;
+     *     &lt;serviceProvider name="authority.URI.here"/&gt;
      *          ...
      *          ...
      *  &lt;/serviceProviders&gt;
      * </pre>
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public String[] getProviders() throws MobyException {
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public String[] getProviders()
+    throws MobyException {
-        String cacheId = "retrieveServiceProviders";
-        String[] cachedResults = ( String[] ) getContents( cacheId );
-        if ( cachedResults != null ) return cachedResults;
+    String cacheId = "retrieveServiceProviders";
+    String[] cachedResults = (String[])getContents (cacheId);
+    if (cachedResults != null)
+        return cachedResults;
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "retrieveServiceProviders", new Object[] {} );
+    String result = (String)doCall ("retrieveServiceProviders",
+                    new Object[] {});
-        // parse returned XML
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( result.getBytes() ) );
-        NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName( "serviceProvider" );
-        String[] results = new String[ list.getLength() ];
-        for ( int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++ )
-            results[ i ] = ( ( Element ) list.item( i ) ).getAttribute( "name" );
+    // parse returned XML
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (result.getBytes()));
+    NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName ("serviceProvider");
+    String[] results = new String [list.getLength()];
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++)
+        results[i] = ((Element)list.item (i)).getAttribute ("name");
-        // Add this data to the cache in case we get called again
-        setContents( cacheId, results );
+    // Add this data to the cache in case we get called again
+    setContents (cacheId, results);
-        return results;
+    return results;
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * Parses and imports the following XML.
-     * 
      * <pre>
      *  &lt;serviceTypes&gt;
-     *     &lt;serviceType name=&quot;serviceName&quot; lsid=&quot;...&quot;&gt;
+     *     &lt;serviceType name="serviceName" lsid="..."&gt;
      *            &lt;Description&gt;&lt;![CDATA[free text description here]]&gt;&lt;/Description&gt;
      *            &lt;contactEmail&gt;...&lt;/contactEmail&gt;
      *            &lt;authURI&gt;...&lt;/authURI&gt;
@@ -820,52 +869,57 @@
      *          ...
      *  &lt;/serviceTypes&gt;
      * </pre>
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public Map getServiceTypes() throws MobyException {
-        String result = getServiceTypesAsXML();
-        Map results = new TreeMap( getStringComparator() );
-        MobyServiceType[] types = createServiceTypesFromXML( result );
-        for ( int i = 0; i < types.length; i++ ) {
-            results.put( types[ i ].getName(), types[ i ].getDescription() );
-        }
-        return results;
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public Map getServiceTypes()
+    throws MobyException {
+    String result = getServiceTypesAsXML();
+    Map results = new TreeMap (getStringComparator());
+    MobyServiceType[] types = createServiceTypesFromXML (result);
+    for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
+        results.put (types[i].getName(),
+             types[i].getDescription());
+    }
+    return results;
-    protected String getServiceTypesAsXML() throws MobyException {
-        return ( String ) doCall( "retrieveServiceTypes", new Object[] {} );
+    protected String getServiceTypesAsXML()
+    throws MobyException {
+    return (String)doCall ("retrieveServiceTypes",
+                   new Object[] {});
     // but be aware that the created MobyServiceTypes are not complete
     // - they do not have the relationship information; that's why
     // this method is not public; the full service types are available
     // from CentralDigest implementations
-    protected MobyServiceType[] createServiceTypesFromXML( String result ) throws MobyException {
+    protected MobyServiceType[] createServiceTypesFromXML (String result)
+    throws MobyException {
-        // parse returned XML
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( result.getBytes() ) );
-        NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName( "serviceType" );
-        if ( list == null || list.getLength() == 0 ) return new MobyServiceType[] {};
-        MobyServiceType[] results = new MobyServiceType[ list.getLength() ];
-        for ( int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++ ) {
-            Element elem = ( Element ) list.item( i );
-            MobyServiceType st = new MobyServiceType( elem.getAttribute( "name" ) );
-            st.setLSID( elem.getAttribute( "lsid" ) );
-            st.setDescription( getFirstValue( elem.getElementsByTagName( "Description" ) ) );
-            st.setEmailContact( getFirstValue( elem.getElementsByTagName( "contactEmail" ) ) );
-            st.setAuthority( getFirstValue( elem.getElementsByTagName( "authURI" ) ) );
-            results[ i ] = st;
-        }
-        java.util.Arrays.sort( results );
-        return results;
+    // parse returned XML
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (result.getBytes()));
+    NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName ("serviceType");
+    if (list == null || list.getLength() == 0)
+        return new MobyServiceType[] {};
+    MobyServiceType[] results = new MobyServiceType [list.getLength()];
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
+        Element elem = (Element)list.item (i);
+        MobyServiceType st = new MobyServiceType (elem.getAttribute ("name"));
+        st.setLSID (elem.getAttribute ("lsid"));
+        st.setDescription (getFirstValue (elem.getElementsByTagName ("Description")));
+        st.setEmailContact (getFirstValue (elem.getElementsByTagName ("contactEmail")));
+        st.setAuthority (getFirstValue (elem.getElementsByTagName ("authURI")));
+        results[i] = st;
+    }
+    java.util.Arrays.sort (results);
+    return results;
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * Parses and imports the following XML.
-     * 
      * <pre>
      *  &lt;Namespaces&gt;
-     *     &lt;Namespace name=&quot;namespace&quot; lsid=&quot;...&quot;&gt;
+     *     &lt;Namespace name="namespace" lsid="..."&gt;
      *            &lt;Description&gt;&lt;![CDATA[free text description here]]&gt;&lt;/Description&gt;
      *            &lt;contactEmail&gt;...&lt;/contactEmail&gt;
      *            &lt;authURI&gt;...&lt;/authURI&gt;
@@ -874,122 +928,133 @@
      *          ...
      *  &lt;/Namespaces&gt;
      * </pre>
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public MobyNamespace[] getFullNamespaces() throws MobyException {
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public MobyNamespace[] getFullNamespaces()
+    throws MobyException {
-        String result = getNamespacesAsXML();
-        return createNamespacesFromXML( result );
+    String result = getNamespacesAsXML();
+    return createNamespacesFromXML (result);
-    protected String getNamespacesAsXML() throws MobyException {
-        return ( String ) doCall( "retrieveNamespaces", new Object[] {} );
+    protected String getNamespacesAsXML()
+    throws MobyException {
+    return (String)doCall ("retrieveNamespaces",
+                   new Object[] {});
-    protected MobyNamespace[] createNamespacesFromXML( String result ) throws MobyException {
-        // parse returned XML
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( result.getBytes() ) );
-        NodeList list = document.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName( "Namespace" );
-        if ( list == null || list.getLength() == 0 ) {
-            return new MobyNamespace[] {};
-        }
-        MobyNamespace[] results = new MobyNamespace[ list.getLength() ];
-        for ( int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++ ) {
-            Element elem = ( Element ) list.item( i );
-            MobyNamespace nm = new MobyNamespace( elem.getAttribute( "name" ) );
-            nm.setLSID( elem.getAttribute( "lsid" ) );
-            nm.setDescription( getFirstValue( elem.getElementsByTagName( "Description" ) ) );
-            nm.setEmailContact( getFirstValue( elem.getElementsByTagName( "contactEmail" ) ) );
-            nm.setAuthority( getFirstValue( elem.getElementsByTagName( "authURI" ) ) );
-            results[ i ] = nm;
-        }
+    protected MobyNamespace[] createNamespacesFromXML (String result)
+    throws MobyException {
-        java.util.Arrays.sort( results );
-        return results;
+    // parse returned XML
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (result.getBytes()));
+    NodeList list = document.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName ("Namespace");
+    if (list == null || list.getLength() == 0) {
+        return new MobyNamespace[] {};
+    }
+    MobyNamespace[] results = new MobyNamespace [list.getLength()];
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
+        Element elem = (Element)list.item (i);
+        MobyNamespace nm = new MobyNamespace (elem.getAttribute ("name"));
+        nm.setLSID (elem.getAttribute ("lsid"));
+        nm.setDescription (getFirstValue (elem.getElementsByTagName ("Description")));
+        nm.setEmailContact (getFirstValue (elem.getElementsByTagName ("contactEmail")));
+        nm.setAuthority (getFirstValue (elem.getElementsByTagName ("authURI")));
+        results[i] = nm;
+    }
+    java.util.Arrays.sort (results);
+    return results;
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     * @deprecated Replaced by {@link #getFullNamespaces} that gives
+     * more information for the same price. <p>
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public Map getNamespaces()
+    throws MobyException {
+    Map results = new TreeMap (getStringComparator());
+    MobyNamespace[] namespaces = getFullNamespaces();
+    for (int i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) {
+        results.put (namespaces[i].getName(),
+             namespaces[i].getDescription());
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     * @deprecated Replaced by {@link #getFullNamespaces} that gives more information for the same price.
-     *             <p>
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public Map getNamespaces() throws MobyException {
-        Map results = new TreeMap( getStringComparator() );
-        MobyNamespace[] namespaces = getFullNamespaces();
-        for ( int i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++ ) {
-            results.put( namespaces[ i ].getName(), namespaces[ i ].getDescription() );
-        }
-        return results;
+    return results;
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * Parses and imports the following XML.
-     * 
      * <pre>
      *  &lt;objectNames&gt;
-     *     &lt;Object name=&quot;objectName&quot; lsid=&quot;...&quot;&gt;
+     *     &lt;Object name="objectName" lsid="..."&gt;
      *            &lt;Description&gt;&lt;![CDATA[free text description here]]&gt;&lt;/Description&gt;
      *     &lt;/Object&gt;
      *          ...
      *          ...
      *  &lt;/objectNames&gt;
      * </pre>
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public Map getDataTypeNames() throws MobyException {
-        String result = getDataTypeNamesAsXML();
-        return createDataTypeNamesFromXML( result, true );
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public Map getDataTypeNames()
+    throws MobyException {
+    String result = getDataTypeNamesAsXML();
+    return createDataTypeNamesFromXML (result, true);
-    protected String getDataTypeNamesAsXML() throws MobyException {
-        return ( String ) doCall( "retrieveObjectNames", new Object[] {} );
+    protected String getDataTypeNamesAsXML()
+    throws MobyException {
+    return (String)doCall ("retrieveObjectNames",
+                   new Object[] {});
     // if onlyNames == true
-    // Map: data type name -> description (String)
+    //    Map: data type name -> description (String)
     // else
-    // Map: data type name -> MobyDataType[]
-    // (filled with name, description, and lsid)
-    protected Map createDataTypeNamesFromXML( String result, boolean onlyNames ) throws MobyException {
-        // parse returned XML
-        Map results = new TreeMap( getStringComparator() );
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( result.getBytes() ) );
-        NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName( "Object" );
-        for ( int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++ ) {
-            Element elem = ( Element ) list.item( i );
-            String name = elem.getAttribute( "name" );
-            if ( name == null ) continue; // ignore no-named data types
-            String desc = "";
-            NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
-            for ( int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++ ) {
-                if ( children.item( j ).getNodeName().equals( "Description" ) ) {
-                    desc = getFirstValue( children.item( j ) );
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if ( onlyNames ) {
-                results.put( name, desc );
-            }
-            else {
-                MobyDataType dt = new MobyDataType( name );
-                dt.setDescription( desc );
-                dt.setLSID( elem.getAttribute( "lsid" ) );
-                results.put( name, dt );
-            }
+    //    Map: data type name -> MobyDataType[]
+    //                        (filled with name, description, and lsid)
+    protected Map createDataTypeNamesFromXML (String result,
+                          boolean onlyNames)
+    throws MobyException {
+    // parse returned XML
+    Map results = new TreeMap (getStringComparator());
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (result.getBytes()));
+    NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName ("Object");
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
+        Element elem = (Element)list.item (i);
+        String name = elem.getAttribute ("name");
+        if (name == null)
+        continue;  // ignore no-named data types
+        String desc = "";
+        NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
+        for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) {
+        if (children.item (j).getNodeName().equals ("Description")) {
+            desc = getFirstValue (children.item (j));
+            break;
-        return results;
+        }
+        if (onlyNames) {
+        results.put (name, desc);
+        } else {
+        MobyDataType dt = new MobyDataType (name);
+        dt.setDescription (desc);
+        dt.setLSID (elem.getAttribute ("lsid"));
+        results.put (name, dt);
+        }
+    }
+    return results;
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * Parses and imports the following XML. An example:
-     * 
+     *
      * <pre>
      * &lt;retrieveObjectDefinition&gt;
-     *   &lt;objectType lsid=&quot;...&quot;&gt;go_term&lt;/objectType&gt;
+     *   &lt;objectType lsid="..."&gt;go_term&lt;/objectType&gt;
      *   &lt;Description&gt;&lt;![CDATA[A very lightweight object holding a GO term name and its definition]]&gt;&lt;/Description&gt;
      *   &lt;authURI&gt;http://www.illuminae.com&lt;/authURI&gt;
      *   &lt;contactEmail&gt;markw at illuminae.com&lt;/contactEmail&gt;
@@ -1006,448 +1071,529 @@
      *   &lt;/Relationship&gt;
      * &lt;/retrieveObjectDefinition&gt;
      * </pre>
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public MobyDataType getDataType( String dataTypeName ) throws MobyException, NoSuccessException {
-        String result = getDataTypeAsXML( dataTypeName );
-        return createDataTypeFromXML( result, dataTypeName );
-    }
-    public MobyDataType[] getDataTypes() throws MobyException, NoSuccessException {
-        Map< String, String > datatypeMap = getDataTypeNames();
-        MobyDataType[] datatypes = new MobyDataType[ datatypeMap.size() ];
-        int i = 0;
-        for ( String dataTypeName : datatypeMap.keySet() ) {
-            datatypes[ i++ ] = getDataType( dataTypeName );
-        }
-        return datatypes;
-    }
-    protected String getDataTypeAsXML( String dataTypeName ) throws MobyException, NoSuccessException {
-        return ( String ) doCall( "retrieveObjectDefinition", new Object[] { "<retrieveObjectDefinition>"
-                + "<objectType>" + dataTypeName + "</objectType>" + "</retrieveObjectDefinition>" } );
-    }
-    protected MobyDataType createDataTypeFromXML( String xmlSource, String dataTypeName ) throws MobyException,
-            NoSuccessException {
-        // parse returned XML
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( xmlSource.getBytes() ) );
-        NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName( "retrieveObjectDefinition" );
-        if ( list == null || list.getLength() == 0 )
-            throw new NoSuccessException( "Data Type name was not found.", dataTypeName );
-        MobyDataType data = null;
-        Element elem = ( Element ) list.item( 0 );
-        NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
-        // first find the "real" (LSID-ized) data type name
-        for ( int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++ ) {
-            String nodeName = children.item( j ).getNodeName();
-            if ( nodeName.equals( "objectType" ) ) {
-                data = new MobyDataType( getFirstValue( children.item( j ) ) );
-                data.setLSID( ( ( Element ) children.item( j ) ).getAttribute( "lsid" ) );
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        // if not found (unprobable) use the name given by the caller
-        if ( data == null ) data = new MobyDataType( dataTypeName );
-        // now fill the data type object with the rest of attributes
-        for ( int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++ ) {
-            String nodeName = children.item( j ).getNodeName();
-            if ( nodeName.equals( "Description" ) ) {
-                data.setDescription( getFirstValue( children.item( j ) ) );
-            }
-            else if ( nodeName.equals( "authURI" ) ) {
-                data.setAuthority( getFirstValue( children.item( j ) ) );
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public MobyDataType getDataType (String dataTypeName)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException {
+    String result = getDataTypeAsXML (dataTypeName);
+    return createDataTypeFromXML (result, dataTypeName);
+    }
+    public MobyDataType[] getDataTypes()
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException {
+    Map<String,String> datatypeMap = getDataTypeNames();
+    MobyDataType[] datatypes = new MobyDataType[datatypeMap.size()];
+    int i = 0;
+    for(String dataTypeName: datatypeMap.keySet()){
+        datatypes[i++] = getDataType(dataTypeName);
+    }
+    return datatypes;
+    }
+    protected String getDataTypeAsXML (String dataTypeName)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException {
+    return (String)doCall ("retrieveObjectDefinition",
+                   new Object[] {
+                   "<retrieveObjectDefinition>" +
+                   "<objectType>" + dataTypeName + "</objectType>" +
+                   "</retrieveObjectDefinition>"
+                   });
+    }
+    protected MobyDataType createDataTypeFromXML (String xmlSource, String dataTypeName)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException {
+    // parse returned XML
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (xmlSource.getBytes()));
+    NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName ("retrieveObjectDefinition");
+    if (list == null || list.getLength() == 0)
+        throw new NoSuccessException ("Data Type name was not found.",
+                      dataTypeName);
+    MobyDataType data = null;
+    Element elem = (Element)list.item (0);
+    NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
+    // first find the "real" (LSID-ized) data type name
+    for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) {
+        String nodeName = children.item (j).getNodeName();
+        if (nodeName.equals ("objectType")) {
+        data = new MobyDataType (getFirstValue (children.item (j)));
+        data.setLSID ( ((Element)children.item (j) ).getAttribute ("lsid"));
+        break;
+        }
+    }
+    // if not found (unprobable) use the name given by the caller
+    if (data == null)
+        data = new MobyDataType (dataTypeName);
+    // now fill the data type object with the rest of attributes
+    for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) {
+        String nodeName = children.item (j).getNodeName();
+        if (nodeName.equals ("Description")) {
+        data.setDescription (getFirstValue (children.item (j)));
+        } else if (nodeName.equals ("authURI")) {
+        data.setAuthority (getFirstValue (children.item (j)));
+        } else if (nodeName.equals ("contactEmail")) {
+        data.setEmailContact (getFirstValue (children.item (j)));
+        } else if (nodeName.equals ("Relationship")) {
+        String relationshipType = ((Element)children.item (j)).getAttribute ("relationshipType");
+        if (relationshipType.endsWith ("isa")) {
+            NodeList parents = children.item (j).getChildNodes();
+            for (int k = 0; k < parents.getLength(); k++) {
+            if (parents.item (k).getNodeName().equals ("objectType")) {
+                data.addParentName (getFirstValue (parents.item (k)));
+            }
+            }
+        } else if (relationshipType.endsWith ("hasa")) {
+            NodeList belows = children.item (j).getChildNodes();
+            for (int k = 0; k < belows.getLength(); k++) {
+            if (belows.item (k).getNodeName().equals ("objectType")) {
+                data.addChild ( ((Element)belows.item (k)).getAttribute ("articleName"),
+                        getFirstValue (belows.item (k)),
+                        Central.iHASA );
+            }
+            }
+        } else if (relationshipType.endsWith ("has")) {
+            NodeList belows = children.item (j).getChildNodes();
+            for (int k = 0; k < belows.getLength(); k++) {
+            if (belows.item (k).getNodeName().equals ("objectType")) {
+                data.addChild ( ((Element)belows.item (k)).getAttribute ("articleName"),
+                        belows.item (k).getFirstChild().getNodeValue(),
+                        Central.iHAS );
-            else if ( nodeName.equals( "contactEmail" ) ) {
-                data.setEmailContact( getFirstValue( children.item( j ) ) );
-            }
-            else if ( nodeName.equals( "Relationship" ) ) {
-                String relationshipType = ( ( Element ) children.item( j ) ).getAttribute( "relationshipType" );
-                if ( relationshipType.endsWith( "isa" ) ) {
-                    NodeList parents = children.item( j ).getChildNodes();
-                    for ( int k = 0; k < parents.getLength(); k++ ) {
-                        if ( parents.item( k ).getNodeName().equals( "objectType" ) ) {
-                            data.addParentName( getFirstValue( parents.item( k ) ) );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else if ( relationshipType.endsWith( "hasa" ) ) {
-                    NodeList belows = children.item( j ).getChildNodes();
-                    for ( int k = 0; k < belows.getLength(); k++ ) {
-                        if ( belows.item( k ).getNodeName().equals( "objectType" ) ) {
-                            data.addChild( ( ( Element ) belows.item( k ) ).getAttribute( "articleName" ),
-                                    getFirstValue( belows.item( k ) ), Central.iHASA );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else if ( relationshipType.endsWith( "has" ) ) {
-                    NodeList belows = children.item( j ).getChildNodes();
-                    for ( int k = 0; k < belows.getLength(); k++ ) {
-                        if ( belows.item( k ).getNodeName().equals( "objectType" ) ) {
-                            data.addChild( ( ( Element ) belows.item( k ) ).getAttribute( "articleName" ), belows.item(
-                                    k ).getFirstChild().getNodeValue(), Central.iHAS );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-        return data;
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public String getServiceWSDL( String serviceName ) throws MobyException, NoSuccessException {
-        Map names = getServiceNames();
-        for ( Iterator it = names.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-            Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) it.next();
-            if ( ( ( String ) entry.getKey() ).equals( serviceName ) )
-                return getServiceWSDL( serviceName, ( String ) entry.getValue() );
-        }
-        throw new NoSuccessException( "Service not found.", serviceName );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public String getServiceWSDL( String serviceName, String authority ) throws MobyException, NoSuccessException {
-        String cacheId = "getServiceWSDL" + serviceName + ":" + authority;
-        String cachedResults = ( String ) getContents( cacheId );
-        if ( cachedResults != null ) return cachedResults;
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "retrieveService",
-                new Object[] { "<retrieveService>" + "<Service authURI=\"" + authority + "\" serviceName=\""
-                        + serviceName + "\"/>" + "</retrieveService>" } );
-        // parse returned XML
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( result.getBytes() ) );
-        Element service = document.getDocumentElement();
-        Node wsdl = service.getFirstChild();
-        if ( wsdl == null )
-            throw new NoSuccessException( "Service not found OR WSDL is not available.", serviceName + " (" + authority
-                    + ")" );
-        String results = wsdl.getNodeValue();
-        setContents( cacheId, results );
-        return results;
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public String getRegisterDataTypeXML( MobyDataType dataType ) {
-        // build the ISA tag (expressing hierarchy of data types)
-        String[] names = dataType.getParentNames();
-        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-        for ( int i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
-            buf.append( "<objectType>" );
-            buf.append( names[ i ] );
-            buf.append( "</objectType>" );
-            buf.append( "\n" );
-        }
-        // build the HASA/HAS tags (expressing containments of data types)
-        MobyRelationship[] children = dataType.getChildren();
-        StringBuffer buf2 = new StringBuffer(); // for HASA
-        StringBuffer buf3 = new StringBuffer(); // for HAS
-        for ( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
-            if ( children[ i ].getRelationshipType() == Central.iHASA ) {
-                buf2.append( "<objectType articleName=\"" );
-                buf2.append( children[ i ].getName() );
-                buf2.append( "\">" );
-                buf2.append( children[ i ].getDataTypeName() );
-                buf2.append( "</objectType>" );
-            }
-            else if ( children[ i ].getRelationshipType() == Central.iHAS ) {
-                buf3.append( "<objectType articleName=\"" );
-                buf3.append( children[ i ].getName() );
-                buf3.append( "\">" );
-                buf3.append( children[ i ].getDataTypeName() );
-                buf3.append( "</objectType>" );
-            }
-        return "<registerObjectClass>" + "<objectType>" + dataType.getName() + "</objectType>"
-                + "<Description><![CDATA[" + dataType.getDescription() + "]]>" + "</Description>"
-                + "<Relationship relationshipType=\"ISA\">" + new String( buf ) + "</Relationship>"
-                + "<Relationship relationshipType=\"HASA\">" + new String( buf2 ) + "</Relationship>"
-                + "<Relationship relationshipType=\"HAS\">" + new String( buf3 ) + "</Relationship>" + "<authURI>"
-                + dataType.getAuthority() + "</authURI>" + "<contactEmail>" + dataType.getEmailContact()
-                + "</contactEmail>" + "</registerObjectClass>";
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public void registerDataType( MobyDataType dataType ) throws MobyException, NoSuccessException,
-            PendingCurationException {
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "registerObjectClass", new Object[] { getRegisterDataTypeXML( dataType ) } );
-        dataType.setId( checkRegistration( result, dataType )[ 0 ] );
+    return data;
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public String getServiceWSDL (String serviceName)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException {
+    Map names = getServiceNames();
+    for (Iterator it = names.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)it.next();
+        if ( ((String)entry.getKey()).equals (serviceName) )
+        return getServiceWSDL (serviceName, (String)entry.getValue());
+    }
+    throw new NoSuccessException ("Service not found.", serviceName);
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public String getServiceWSDL (String serviceName, String authority)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException {
+    String cacheId = "getServiceWSDL" + serviceName + ":" + authority;
+    String cachedResults = (String)getContents (cacheId);
+    if (cachedResults != null)
+        return cachedResults;
+    String result =
+        (String)doCall ("retrieveService",
+                new Object[] {
+                "<retrieveService>" +
+                  "<Service authURI=\"" + authority + "\" serviceName=\"" + serviceName + "\"/>" +
+                "</retrieveService>"
+                });
+    // parse returned XML
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (result.getBytes()));
+    Element service = document.getDocumentElement();
+    Node wsdl = service.getFirstChild();
+    if (wsdl == null)
+        throw new NoSuccessException ("Service not found OR WSDL is not available.",
+                       serviceName + " (" + authority + ")");
+    String results = wsdl.getNodeValue();
+    setContents (cacheId, results);
+    return results;
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public String getRegisterDataTypeXML (MobyDataType dataType) {
+    // build the ISA tag (expressing hierarchy of data types)
+    String[] names = dataType.getParentNames();
+    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+    for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+        buf.append ("<objectType>");
+        buf.append (names[i]);
+        buf.append ("</objectType>");
+        buf.append ("\n");
+    }
+    // build the HASA/HAS tags (expressing containments of data types)
+    MobyRelationship[] children = dataType.getChildren();
+    StringBuffer buf2 = new StringBuffer();  // for HASA
+    StringBuffer buf3 = new StringBuffer();  // for HAS
+    for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+        if (children[i].getRelationshipType() == Central.iHASA) {
+        buf2.append ("<objectType articleName=\"");
+        buf2.append (children[i].getName());
+        buf2.append ("\">");
+        buf2.append (children[i].getDataTypeName());
+        buf2.append ("</objectType>");
+        } else if (children[i].getRelationshipType() == Central.iHAS) {
+        buf3.append ("<objectType articleName=\"");
+        buf3.append (children[i].getName());
+        buf3.append ("\">");
+        buf3.append (children[i].getDataTypeName());
+        buf3.append ("</objectType>");
+        }
+    }
+    return
+        "<registerObjectClass>" +
+        "<objectType>" + dataType.getName() + "</objectType>" +
+        "<Description><![CDATA[" + dataType.getDescription() + "]]>" +
+        "</Description>" +
+        "<Relationship relationshipType=\"ISA\">" + new String (buf) +
+        "</Relationship>" +
+        "<Relationship relationshipType=\"HASA\">" + new String (buf2) +
+        "</Relationship>" +
+        "<Relationship relationshipType=\"HAS\">" + new String (buf3) +
+        "</Relationship>" +
+        "<authURI>" + dataType.getAuthority() + "</authURI>" +
+        "<contactEmail>" + dataType.getEmailContact() + "</contactEmail>" +
+        "</registerObjectClass>";
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public void registerDataType (MobyDataType dataType)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException, PendingCurationException {
+    String result =
+        (String)doCall ("registerObjectClass",
+                new Object[] { getRegisterDataTypeXML (dataType) });
+    dataType.setId (checkRegistration (result, dataType)[0]);
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /*************************************************************************
      * B
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public void unregisterDataType( MobyDataType dataType ) throws MobyException, NoSuccessException,
-            PendingCurationException {
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "deregisterObjectClass", new Object[] { "<deregisterObjectClass>"
-                + "<objectType>" + dataType.getName() + "</objectType>" + "</deregisterObjectClass>" } );
-        checkRegistration( result, dataType );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public String getRegisterServiceTypeXML( MobyServiceType serviceType ) {
-        // build the ISA tag (expressing hierarchy of service types)
-        String[] names = serviceType.getParentNames();
-        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-        for ( int i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
-            buf.append( "<serviceType>" );
-            buf.append( names[ i ] );
-            buf.append( "</serviceType>" );
-            buf.append( "\n" );
-        }
-        return "<registerServiceType>" + "<serviceType>" + serviceType.getName() + "</serviceType>" + "<contactEmail>"
-                + serviceType.getEmailContact() + "</contactEmail>" + "<authURI>" + serviceType.getAuthority()
-                + "</authURI>" + "<Description><![CDATA[" + serviceType.getDescription() + "]]>" + "</Description>"
-                + "<Relationship relationshipType=\"ISA\">" + new String( buf ) + "</Relationship>"
-                + "</registerServiceType>";
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public void registerServiceType( MobyServiceType serviceType ) throws MobyException, NoSuccessException,
-            PendingCurationException {
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "registerServiceType",
-                new Object[] { getRegisterServiceTypeXML( serviceType ) } );
-        serviceType.setId( checkRegistration( result, serviceType )[ 0 ] );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public void unregisterServiceType( MobyServiceType serviceType ) throws MobyException, NoSuccessException,
-            PendingCurationException {
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "deregisterServiceType", new Object[] { "<deregisterServiceType>"
-                + "<serviceType>" + serviceType.getName() + "</serviceType>" + "</deregisterServiceType>" } );
-        checkRegistration( result, serviceType );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public String getRegisterNamespaceXML( MobyNamespace namespace ) {
-        return "<registerNamespace>" + "<namespaceType>" + namespace.getName() + "</namespaceType>" + "<contactEmail>"
-                + namespace.getEmailContact() + "</contactEmail>" + "<authURI>" + namespace.getAuthority()
-                + "</authURI>" + "<Description><![CDATA[" + namespace.getDescription() + "]]>" + "</Description>"
-                + "</registerNamespace>";
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public void registerNamespace( MobyNamespace namespace ) throws MobyException, NoSuccessException,
-            PendingCurationException {
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "registerNamespace", new Object[] { getRegisterNamespaceXML( namespace ) } );
-        namespace.setId( checkRegistration( result, namespace )[ 0 ] );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public void unregisterNamespace( MobyNamespace namespace ) throws MobyException, NoSuccessException,
-            PendingCurationException {
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "deregisterNamespace", new Object[] { "<deregisterNamespace>"
-                + "<namespaceType>" + namespace.getName() + "</namespaceType>" + "</deregisterNamespace>" } );
-        checkRegistration( result, namespace );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public String getRegisterServiceXML( MobyService service ) {
-        return "<registerService>" + "<Category>" + service.getCategory() + "</Category>" + "<serviceName>"
-                + service.getName() + "</serviceName>" + "<serviceType>" + service.getType() + "</serviceType>"
-                + "<serviceLSID>" + ( service.getLSID() == null ? "" : service.getLSID().trim() ) + "</serviceLSID>"
-                + "<authURI>" + service.getAuthority() + "</authURI>" + "<signatureURL>"
-                + escapeXML( service.getSignatureURL() ) + "</signatureURL>" + "<URL>" + escapeXML( service.getURL() )
-                + "</URL>" + "<contactEmail>" + service.getEmailContact() + "</contactEmail>"
-                + "<authoritativeService>" + ( service.isAuthoritative() ? "1" : "0" ) + "</authoritativeService>"
-                + "<Description><![CDATA[" + service.getDescription() + "]]>" + "</Description>"
-                + buildPrimaryInputTag( service ) + buildSecondaryInputTag( service ) + buildOutputTag( service )
-                + "</registerService>";
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public void registerService( MobyService service ) throws MobyException, NoSuccessException,
-            PendingCurationException {
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "registerService", new Object[] { getRegisterServiceXML( service ) } );
-        String[] registered = checkRegistration( result, service );
-        service.setId( registered[ 0 ] );
-        service.setRDF( registered[ 1 ] );
-        String pathToRDF = service.getPathToRDF();
-        if ( !pathToRDF.equals( "" ) ) {
-            File fileRDF = new File( pathToRDF );
-            try {
-                PrintStream fileout = new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( fileRDF ) );
-                fileout.println( registered[ 1 ] );
-                fileout.close();
-            }
-            catch ( IOException e ) {
-                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( 100 );
-                buf.append( "Failed to save RDF in '" );
-                buf.append( fileRDF.getAbsolutePath() + "'. " );
-                buf.append( e.toString() );
-                try {
-                    File tmpFile = File.createTempFile( service.getName() + "-", ".rdf" );
-                    PrintStream fileout = new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( tmpFile ) );
-                    fileout.println( registered[ 1 ] );
-                    fileout.close();
-                    buf.append( "\nReturned RDF file was therefore stored in: " );
-                    buf.append( tmpFile.getAbsolutePath() );
-                }
-                catch ( IOException e2 ) {
-                    buf.append( "\nEven saving in a temporary file failed: " );
-                    buf.append( e2.toString() );
-                }
-                throw new MobyException( buf.toString() );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public void unregisterService( MobyService service ) throws MobyException, NoSuccessException,
-            PendingCurationException {
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "deregisterService", new Object[] { "<deregisterService>" + "<authURI>"
-                + service.getAuthority() + "</authURI>" + "<serviceName>" + service.getName() + "</serviceName>"
-                + "</deregisterService>" } );
-        checkRegistration( result, service );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public MobyService[] findService( String serviceType ) throws MobyException {
-        if ( serviceType == null ) return new MobyService[] {};
-        MobyService pattern = new MobyService( "dummy" );
-        pattern.setCategory( "" );
-        pattern.setType( serviceType );
-        return findService( pattern, null );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public MobyService[] findService( String[] keywords ) throws MobyException {
-        if ( keywords == null ) return new MobyService[] {};
-        return findService( null, keywords );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public MobyService[] findService( MobyService pattern ) throws MobyException {
-        if ( pattern == null ) return new MobyService[] {};
-        return findService( pattern, null );
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public MobyService[] findService( MobyService pattern, String[] keywords ) throws MobyException {
-        return findService( pattern, keywords, true, true );
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public void unregisterDataType (MobyDataType dataType)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException, PendingCurationException {
+    String result =
+        (String)doCall ("deregisterObjectClass",
+                new Object[] {
+                "<deregisterObjectClass>" +
+                  "<objectType>" + dataType.getName() + "</objectType>" +
+                "</deregisterObjectClass>"
+                });
+    checkRegistration (result, dataType);
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public String getRegisterServiceTypeXML (MobyServiceType serviceType) {
+    // build the ISA tag (expressing hierarchy of service types)
+    String[] names = serviceType.getParentNames();
+    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+    for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+        buf.append ("<serviceType>");
+        buf.append (names[i]);
+        buf.append ("</serviceType>");
+        buf.append ("\n");
+    }
+    return
+        "<registerServiceType>" +
+        "<serviceType>" + serviceType.getName() + "</serviceType>" +
+        "<contactEmail>" + serviceType.getEmailContact() + "</contactEmail>" +
+        "<authURI>" + serviceType.getAuthority() + "</authURI>" +
+        "<Description><![CDATA[" + serviceType.getDescription() + "]]>" +
+        "</Description>" +
+        "<Relationship relationshipType=\"ISA\">" + new String (buf) +
+        "</Relationship>" +
+        "</registerServiceType>";
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public void registerServiceType (MobyServiceType serviceType)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException, PendingCurationException {
+    String result =
+        (String)doCall ("registerServiceType",
+                new Object[] { getRegisterServiceTypeXML (serviceType) });
+    serviceType.setId (checkRegistration (result, serviceType)[0]);
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public void unregisterServiceType (MobyServiceType serviceType)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException, PendingCurationException {
+    String result =
+        (String)doCall ("deregisterServiceType",
+                new Object[] {
+                "<deregisterServiceType>" +
+                  "<serviceType>" + serviceType.getName() + "</serviceType>" +
+                "</deregisterServiceType>"
+                });
+    checkRegistration (result, serviceType);
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public String getRegisterNamespaceXML (MobyNamespace namespace) {
+    return
+        "<registerNamespace>" +
+        "<namespaceType>" + namespace.getName() + "</namespaceType>" +
+        "<contactEmail>" + namespace.getEmailContact() + "</contactEmail>" +
+        "<authURI>" + namespace.getAuthority() + "</authURI>" +
+        "<Description><![CDATA[" + namespace.getDescription() + "]]>" +
+        "</Description>" +
+        "</registerNamespace>";
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public void registerNamespace (MobyNamespace namespace)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException, PendingCurationException {
+    String result =
+        (String)doCall ("registerNamespace",
+                new Object[] { getRegisterNamespaceXML (namespace) });
+    namespace.setId (checkRegistration (result, namespace)[0]);
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public void unregisterNamespace (MobyNamespace namespace)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException, PendingCurationException {
+    String result =
+        (String)doCall ("deregisterNamespace",
+                new Object[] {
+                "<deregisterNamespace>" +
+                  "<namespaceType>" + namespace.getName() + "</namespaceType>" +
+                "</deregisterNamespace>"
+                });
+    checkRegistration (result, namespace);
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public String getRegisterServiceXML (MobyService service) {
+    return
+        "<registerService>" +
+        "<Category>" + service.getCategory() + "</Category>" +
+        "<serviceName>" + service.getName() + "</serviceName>" +
+        "<serviceType>" + service.getType() + "</serviceType>" +
+        "<serviceLSID>" + (service.getLSID() == null ? "" : service.getLSID().trim() )+ "</serviceLSID>" +
+        "<authURI>" + service.getAuthority() + "</authURI>" +
+        "<signatureURL>" + escapeXML (service.getSignatureURL()) + "</signatureURL>" +
+        "<URL>" + escapeXML (service.getURL()) + "</URL>" +
+        "<contactEmail>" + service.getEmailContact() + "</contactEmail>" +
+        "<authoritativeService>" + (service.isAuthoritative() ? "1" : "0") + "</authoritativeService>" +
+        "<Description><![CDATA[" + service.getDescription() + "]]>" +
+        "</Description>" +
+        buildPrimaryInputTag (service) + 
+        buildSecondaryInputTag (service) + 
+        buildOutputTag (service) + 
+        "</registerService>";
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public void registerService (MobyService service)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException, PendingCurationException {
+    String result =
+        (String)doCall ("registerService",
+                new Object[] { getRegisterServiceXML (service) });
+    String[] registered = checkRegistration (result, service);
+    service.setId (registered [0]);
+    service.setRDF (registered [1]);
+    String pathToRDF = service.getPathToRDF();
+    if ( ! pathToRDF.equals ("") ) {
+        File fileRDF = new File (pathToRDF);
+        try {
+        PrintStream fileout = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (fileRDF));
+        fileout.println (registered [1]);
+        fileout.close();
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer (100);
+        buf.append ("Failed to save RDF in '");
+        buf.append (fileRDF.getAbsolutePath() + "'. ");
+        buf.append (e.toString());
+        try {
+            File tmpFile = File.createTempFile (service.getName() + "-", ".rdf");
+            PrintStream fileout = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (tmpFile));
+            fileout.println (registered [1]);
+            fileout.close();
+            buf.append ("\nReturned RDF file was therefore stored in: ");
+            buf.append (tmpFile.getAbsolutePath());
+        } catch (IOException e2) {
+            buf.append ("\nEven saving in a temporary file failed: ");
+            buf.append (e2.toString());
+        }
+        throw new MobyException (buf.toString());
+        }
+    }
+    }
+    /*************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public void unregisterService (MobyService service)
+    throws MobyException, NoSuccessException, PendingCurationException {
+    String result =
+        (String)doCall ("deregisterService",
+                new Object[] {
+                "<deregisterService>" +
+                  "<authURI>" + service.getAuthority() + "</authURI>" +
+                  "<serviceName>" + service.getName() + "</serviceName>" +
+                "</deregisterService>"
+                });
+    checkRegistration (result, service);
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public MobyService[] findService (String serviceType)
+    throws MobyException {
+    if (serviceType == null)
+        return new MobyService[] {};
+    MobyService pattern = new MobyService ("dummy");
+    pattern.setCategory ("");
+    pattern.setType (serviceType);
+    return findService (pattern, null);
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public MobyService[] findService (String[] keywords)
+    throws MobyException {
+    if (keywords == null)
+        return new MobyService[] {};
+    return findService (null, keywords);
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public MobyService[] findService (MobyService pattern)
+    throws MobyException {
+    if (pattern == null)
+        return new MobyService[] {};
+    return findService (pattern, null);
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public MobyService[] findService (MobyService pattern, String[] keywords)
+    throws MobyException {
+    return findService (pattern, keywords, true, true);
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * All 'findService' methods end up here.
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public MobyService[] findService( MobyService pattern, String[] keywords, boolean includeChildrenServiceTypes,
-            boolean includeParentDataTypes ) throws MobyException {
-        if ( pattern == null ) {
-            pattern = new MobyService( "dummy" );
-            pattern.setCategory( "" );
-        }
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public MobyService[] findService (MobyService pattern, String[] keywords,
+                      boolean includeChildrenServiceTypes,
+                      boolean includeParentDataTypes)
+    throws MobyException {
+    if (pattern == null) {
+        pattern = new MobyService ("dummy");
+        pattern.setCategory ("");
+    }
-        String result = getServicesAsXML( pattern, keywords, includeChildrenServiceTypes, includeParentDataTypes );
-        MobyService[] services = extractServices( result );
-        return services;
+    String result =
+        getServicesAsXML (pattern, keywords, includeChildrenServiceTypes, includeParentDataTypes);
+    MobyService[] services = extractServices (result);
+    return services;
     // ...actually all 'findService' methods end up here
-    protected String getServicesAsXML( MobyService pattern, String[] keywords, boolean includeChildrenServiceTypes,
-            boolean includeParentDataTypes ) throws MobyException {
-        String[] query = new String[] { "<findService>"
-                + buildQueryObject( pattern, keywords, includeParentDataTypes, includeChildrenServiceTypes, false )
-                + "</findService>" };
-        return ( String ) doCall( "findService", query );
+    protected String getServicesAsXML (MobyService pattern, String[] keywords,
+                       boolean includeChildrenServiceTypes,
+                       boolean includeParentDataTypes)
+    throws MobyException {
+    String[] query = new String[] { 
+                "<findService>" +
+                buildQueryObject (pattern, keywords,
+                          includeParentDataTypes,
+                          includeChildrenServiceTypes,
+                          false) + 
+                "</findService>"
+    };
+    return (String)doCall ("findService", query);
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public String call( String methodName, String inputXML ) throws MobyException {
-        Object result;
-        if ( inputXML == null || inputXML.equals( "" ) )
-            result = doCall( methodName, new Object[] {} );
-        else
-            result = doCall( methodName, new Object[] { inputXML } );
-        return ( String ) result;
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public String call (String methodName, String inputXML)
+    throws MobyException {
+    Object result;
+    if (inputXML == null || inputXML.equals (""))
+        result = doCall (methodName, new Object[] { });
+    else 
+        result = doCall (methodName, new Object[] { inputXML });
+    return (String)result;
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    protected static String resultToString (Object result)
+    throws MobyException {
+    if (result == null)
+        throw new MobyException ("Returned result is null.");
+    if (result instanceof String)
+        return (String)result;
+    if (result instanceof String[]) {
+        String[] tmp = (String[])result;
+        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+        for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++)
+        buf.append (tmp[i]);
+        return new String (buf);
+    if (result instanceof byte[])
+        return new String ((byte[])result);
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    protected static String resultToString( Object result ) throws MobyException {
-        if ( result == null ) throw new MobyException( "Returned result is null." );
-        if ( result instanceof String ) return ( String ) result;
-        if ( result instanceof String[] ) {
-            String[] tmp = ( String[] ) result;
-            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-            for ( int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++ )
-                buf.append( tmp[ i ] );
-            return new String( buf );
-        }
-        if ( result instanceof byte[] ) return new String( ( byte[] ) result );
-        throw new MobyException( "Unknown type of result: " + result.getClass().getName() );
+    throw new MobyException ("Unknown type of result: " + result.getClass().getName());
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public boolean setDebug( boolean enabled ) {
-        boolean oldMode = debug;
-        debug = enabled;
-        return oldMode;
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public boolean setDebug (boolean enabled) {
+    boolean oldMode = debug;
+    debug = enabled;
+    return oldMode;
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * Parses and imports the following XML.
-     * 
      * <pre>
      * &lt;Relationships&gt;
      *   &lt;Relationship relationshipType='urn:lsid:biomoby.org:servicerelation:isa'&gt;
@@ -1456,45 +1602,55 @@
      *   &lt;/Relationship&gt;
      * &lt;/Relationships&gt;
      * </pre>
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public String[] getServiceTypeRelationships( String serviceTypeName, boolean expand ) throws MobyException {
-        String result = getServiceTypeRelationshipsAsXML( serviceTypeName, expand );
-        return createServiceTypeRelationshipsFromXML( result );
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public String[] getServiceTypeRelationships (String serviceTypeName,
+                         boolean expand)
+    throws MobyException {
+    String result = getServiceTypeRelationshipsAsXML (serviceTypeName, expand);
+    return createServiceTypeRelationshipsFromXML (result);
-    protected String getServiceTypeRelationshipsAsXML( String serviceTypeName, boolean expand ) throws MobyException {
-        return ( String ) doCall( "Relationships", new Object[] { "<Relationship>" + "<serviceType>" + serviceTypeName
-                + "</serviceType>" + "<relationshipType>" + Central.ISA + "</relationshipType>"
-                + "<expandRelationship>" + ( expand ? "1" : "0" ) + "</expandRelationship>" + "</Relationship>" } );
+    protected String getServiceTypeRelationshipsAsXML (String serviceTypeName,
+                               boolean expand)
+    throws MobyException {
+    return
+        (String)doCall ("Relationships",
+                new Object[] {
+                "<Relationship>" +
+                "<serviceType>" + serviceTypeName + "</serviceType>" +
+                "<relationshipType>" + Central.ISA + "</relationshipType>" +
+                "<expandRelationship>" + (expand ? "1" : "0") + "</expandRelationship>" +
+                "</Relationship>"
+                });
-    protected String[] createServiceTypeRelationshipsFromXML( String result ) throws MobyException {
+    protected String[] createServiceTypeRelationshipsFromXML (String result)
+    throws MobyException {
-        // parse returned XML
-        Vector< String > v = new Vector< String >();
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( result.getBytes() ) );
-        NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName( "Relationship" );
-        for ( int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++ ) {
-            Element elem = ( Element ) list.item( i );
-            NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
-            for ( int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++ ) {
-                if ( children.item( j ).getNodeName().equals( "serviceType" ) ) {
-                    v.addElement( getFirstValue( children.item( j ) ) );
-                }
-            }
+    // parse returned XML
+    Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>();
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (result.getBytes()));
+    NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName ("Relationship");
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
+        Element elem = (Element)list.item (i);
+        NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
+        for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) {
+        if (children.item (j).getNodeName().equals ("serviceType")) {
+            v.addElement (getFirstValue (children.item (j)));
+        }
-        String[] results = new String[ v.size() ];
-        v.copyInto( results );
-        return results;
+    }
+    String[] results = new String [v.size()];
+    v.copyInto (results);
+    return results;
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * Parses and imports the following XML.
-     * 
      * <pre>
-     * lt;Relationships&gt;
+     *&lt;Relationships&gt;
      *  &lt;Relationship relationshipType='urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectrelation:isa'&gt;
      *    &lt;objectType&gt;urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectclass:virtualsequence&lt;/objectType&gt;
      *    &lt;objectType&gt;urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectclass:object&lt;/objectType&gt;
@@ -1503,411 +1659,431 @@
      *    &lt;objectType&gt;urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectclass:string&lt;/objectType&gt;
      *    &lt;objectType&gt;urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectclass:integer&lt;/objectType&gt;
      *  &lt;/Relationship&gt;
-     * lt;/Relationships&gt;
+     *&lt;/Relationships&gt;
      * </pre>
-     * 
-     * Added at Sun Feb 19 19:32:31 PHT 2006: it recognizes also an attributes 'lsid' and 'articleName' in
-     * &lt;objectType&gt; element.
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public Map getDataTypeRelationships( String dataTypeName ) throws MobyException {
-        String cacheId = "getDataTypeRelationships_" + dataTypeName;
-        Map cachedResults = ( Map ) getContents( cacheId );
-        if ( cachedResults != null ) return cachedResults;
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "Relationships", new Object[] { "<Relationships>" + "<objectType>"
-                + dataTypeName + "</objectType>" + "<relationshipType>" + Central.ISA + "</relationshipType>"
-                + "<relationshipType>" + Central.HASA + "</relationshipType>" + "<relationshipType>" + Central.HAS
-                + "</relationshipType>" + "<expandRelationship>1</expandRelationship>" + "</Relationships>" } );
-        // parse returned XML
-        Map results = new HashMap();
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( result.getBytes() ) );
-        NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName( "Relationship" );
-        for ( int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++ ) {
-            Element elem = ( Element ) list.item( i );
-            String relType = elem.getAttribute( "relationshipType" );
-            NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
-            Vector< String > v = new Vector< String >();
-            for ( int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++ ) {
-                if ( children.item( j ).getNodeName().equals( "objectType" ) ) {
-                    v.addElement( getFirstValue( children.item( j ) ) );
-                }
-            }
-            String[] names = new String[ v.size() ];
-            v.copyInto( names );
-            results.put( relType, names );
+     *
+     * Added at Sun Feb 19 19:32:31 PHT 2006: it recognizes also an
+     * attributes 'lsid' and 'articleName' in &lt;objectType&gt; element.
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public Map getDataTypeRelationships (String dataTypeName)
+    throws MobyException {
+    String cacheId = "getDataTypeRelationships_" + dataTypeName;
+    Map cachedResults = (Map)getContents (cacheId);
+    if (cachedResults != null)
+        return cachedResults;
+    String result =
+        (String)doCall ("Relationships",
+                new Object[] {
+                "<Relationships>" +
+                "<objectType>" + dataTypeName + "</objectType>" +
+                "<relationshipType>" + Central.ISA + "</relationshipType>" +
+                "<relationshipType>" + Central.HASA + "</relationshipType>" +
+                "<relationshipType>" + Central.HAS + "</relationshipType>" +
+                "<expandRelationship>1</expandRelationship>" +
+                "</Relationships>"
+                });
+    // parse returned XML
+    Map results = new HashMap();
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (result.getBytes()));
+    NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName ("Relationship");
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
+        Element elem = (Element)list.item (i);
+        String relType = elem.getAttribute ("relationshipType");
+        NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
+        Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>();
+        for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) {
+        if (children.item (j).getNodeName().equals ("objectType")) {
+            v.addElement (getFirstValue (children.item (j)));
+        }
+        String[] names = new String [v.size()];
+        v.copyInto (names);
+        results.put (relType, names);
+    }
-        setContents( cacheId, results );
-        return results;
+    setContents (cacheId, results);
+    return results;
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * Parses and imports the following XML.
-     * 
      * <pre>
-     * lt;Relationships&gt;
+     *&lt;Relationships&gt;
      *  &lt;Relationship relationshipType='urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectrelation:isa'&gt;
      *    &lt;objectType&gt;urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectclass:virtualsequence&lt;/objectType&gt;
      *    &lt;objectType&gt;urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectclass:object&lt;/objectType&gt;
      *  &lt;/Relationship&gt;
-     * lt;/Relationships&gt;
+     *&lt;/Relationships&gt;
      * </pre>
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public String[] getDataTypeRelationships( String dataTypeName, String relationshipType ) throws MobyException {
-        String cacheId = "getDataTypeRelationships_" + dataTypeName + ":" + relationshipType;
-        String[] cachedResults = ( String[] ) getContents( cacheId );
-        if ( cachedResults != null ) return cachedResults;
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "Relationships", new Object[] { "<Relationships>" + "<objectType>"
-                + dataTypeName + "</objectType>" + "<relationshipType>" + relationshipType + "</relationshipType>"
-                + "<expandRelationship>1</expandRelationship>" + "</Relationships>" } );
-        // parse returned XML
-        Vector< String > v = new Vector< String >();
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( result.getBytes() ) );
-        NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName( "Relationship" );
-        // it should always be just one element in this list
-        for ( int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++ ) {
-            Element elem = ( Element ) list.item( i );
-            NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
-            for ( int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++ ) {
-                if ( children.item( j ).getNodeName().equals( "objectType" ) ) {
-                    v.addElement( getFirstValue( children.item( j ) ) );
-                }
-            }
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public String[] getDataTypeRelationships (String dataTypeName,
+                          String relationshipType)
+    throws MobyException {
+    String cacheId = "getDataTypeRelationships_" + dataTypeName + ":" + relationshipType;
+    String[] cachedResults = (String[])getContents (cacheId);
+    if (cachedResults != null)
+        return cachedResults;
+    String result =
+        (String)doCall ("Relationships",
+                new Object[] {
+                "<Relationships>" +
+                "<objectType>" + dataTypeName + "</objectType>" +
+                "<relationshipType>" + relationshipType + "</relationshipType>" +
+                "<expandRelationship>1</expandRelationship>" +
+                "</Relationships>"
+                });
+    // parse returned XML
+    Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>();
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (result.getBytes()));
+    NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName ("Relationship");
+    // it should always be just one element in this list
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
+        Element elem = (Element)list.item (i);
+        NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes();
+        for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) {
+        if (children.item (j).getNodeName().equals ("objectType")) {
+            v.addElement (getFirstValue (children.item (j)));
-        String[] results = new String[ v.size() ];
-        v.copyInto( results );
+        }
+    }
+    String[] results = new String [v.size()];
+    v.copyInto (results);
-        setContents( cacheId, results );
-        return results;
+    setContents (cacheId, results);
+    return results;
-    // /**************************************************************************
-    // *
-    // *************************************************************************/
-    // public MobyRelationship[] getRelationships (String dataTypeName)
-    // throws MobyException {
-    // return null;
-    // }
+//     /**************************************************************************
+//      *
+//      *************************************************************************/
+//     public MobyRelationship[] getRelationships (String dataTypeName)
+//  throws MobyException {
+//  return null;
+//     }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
     public String getRegistryEndpoint() {
-        return endpoint.toString();
+    return endpoint.toString();
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
     public String getRegistryNamespace() {
-        return uri;
+    return uri;
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /**************************************************************************
      * Parses and imports the following XML.
-     * 
      * <pre>
      * &lt;resourceURLs&gt;
-     *   &lt;Resource name=&quot;Service&quot;         url=&quot;...&quot; /&gt;
-     *   &lt;Resource name=&quot;Object&quot;          url=&quot;...&quot; /&gt;
-     *   &lt;Resource name=&quot;Namespace&quot;       url=&quot;...&quot; /&gt;
-     *   &lt;Resource name=&quot;ServiceInstance&quot; url=&quot;...&quot; /&gt;
-     *   &lt;Resource name=&quot;Full&quot;            url=&quot;...&quot; /&gt;
+     *   &lt;Resource name="Service"         url="..." /&gt;
+     *   &lt;Resource name="Object"          url="..." /&gt;
+     *   &lt;Resource name="Namespace"       url="..." /&gt;
+     *   &lt;Resource name="ServiceInstance" url="..." /&gt;
+     *   &lt;Resource name="Full"            url="..." /&gt;
      * &lt;/resourceURLs&gt;
      * </pre>
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public MobyResourceRef[] getResourceRefs() throws MobyException {
-        String cacheId = "retrieveResourceURLs";
-        MobyResourceRef[] cachedResults = ( MobyResourceRef[] ) getContents( cacheId );
-        if ( cachedResults != null ) return cachedResults;
-        String result = ( String ) doCall( "retrieveResourceURLs", new Object[] {} );
-        // parse returned XML
-        Vector< MobyResourceRef > v = new Vector< MobyResourceRef >();
-        Document document = loadDocument( new ByteArrayInputStream( result.getBytes() ) );
-        NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName( "Resource" );
-        for ( int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++ ) {
-            Element elem = ( Element ) list.item( i );
-            try {
-                v.addElement( new MobyResourceRef( elem.getAttribute( "name" ), new URL( ( String ) elem
-                        .getAttribute( "url" ) ), elem.getAttribute( "type" ) ) );
-            }
-            catch ( MalformedURLException e2 ) {
-                if ( debug ) System.err.println( "Bad URL: " + elem.getAttribute( "url" ) );
-            }
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public MobyResourceRef[] getResourceRefs()
+    throws MobyException {
+    String cacheId = "retrieveResourceURLs";
+    MobyResourceRef[] cachedResults = (MobyResourceRef[])getContents (cacheId);
+    if (cachedResults != null)
+        return cachedResults;
+    String result = (String)doCall ("retrieveResourceURLs",
+                    new Object[] {});
+    // parse returned XML
+    Vector<MobyResourceRef> v = new Vector<MobyResourceRef>();
+    Document document = loadDocument (new ByteArrayInputStream (result.getBytes()));
+    NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName ("Resource");
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
+        Element elem = (Element)list.item (i);
+        try {
+        v.addElement
+            (new MobyResourceRef (elem.getAttribute ("name"),
+                      new URL ((String)elem.getAttribute ("url")),
+                      elem.getAttribute ("type")));
+        } catch (MalformedURLException e2) {
+        if (debug)
+            System.err.println ("Bad URL: " + elem.getAttribute ("url"));
+    }
-        MobyResourceRef[] results = new MobyResourceRef[ v.size() ];
-        v.copyInto( results );
+    MobyResourceRef[] results = new MobyResourceRef [v.size()];
+    v.copyInto (results);
-        // Add this data to the cache in case we get called again
-        setContents( cacheId, results );
+    // Add this data to the cache in case we get called again
+    setContents (cacheId, results);
-        return results;
+    return results;
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public InputStream getResource( String resourceName ) throws MobyException {
+    /**************************************************************************
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public InputStream getResource (String resourceName)
+    throws MobyException {
-        MobyResourceRef[] resourceRefs = getResourceRefs();
-        for ( int i = 0; i < resourceRefs.length; i++ ) {
-            if ( resourceName.equalsIgnoreCase( resourceRefs[ i ].getResourceName() ) ) {
-                return Utils.getInputStream( resourceRefs[ i ].getResourceLocation() );
-            }
+    MobyResourceRef[] resourceRefs = getResourceRefs();
+    for (int i = 0; i < resourceRefs.length; i++) {
+        if (resourceName.equalsIgnoreCase (resourceRefs[i].getResourceName())) {
+        return Utils.getInputStream (resourceRefs[i].getResourceLocation());
-        throw new MobyException( "No resource found for '" + resourceName + "'." );
+    }
+    throw new MobyException ("No resource found for '" + resourceName + "'.");
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * Return a case-insensitive comparator of Strings. It is used to create various TreeMaps where keys are strings.
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
+   /**************************************************************************
+     * Return a case-insensitive comparator of Strings. It is used to
+     * create various TreeMaps where keys are strings.
+     *************************************************************************/
     protected static Comparator getStringComparator() {
-        return new Comparator() {
-            public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 ) {
-                return ( ( String ) o1 ).compareToIgnoreCase( ( String ) o2 );
-            }
+    return new Comparator() {
+        public int compare (Object o1, Object o2) {
+            return ((String)o1).compareToIgnoreCase ((String)o2);
+        }
-    // cache URL/URI so we only check once
+    // cache URL/URI so we only check once 
     private static String CHECKED_URL = null;
     private static String CHECKED_URI = null;
-     * Using this method to get a Central object will ensure that other parts of the org.biomoby.shared class hierarchy
-     * that implicitly check the registry will use the same cache. Otherwise, methods such as
-     * MobyNamespace.getNamespace() must be passed a Central object parameter as well.
-     * 
+     * Using this method to get a Central object will ensure that other parts of the org.biomoby.shared 
+     * class hierarchy that implicitly check the registry will use the same cache.  Otherwise, methods
+     * such as MobyNamespace.getNamespace() must be passed a Central object parameter as well.
+     *
      * @return a CentralImpl using the default Central URI, and currently a class implementing a caching mechanism
-    public static CentralImpl getDefaultCentral() throws MobyException {
-        return getDefaultCentral( null );
+    public static CentralImpl getDefaultCentral() throws MobyException{
+    return getDefaultCentral(null);
-    public static CentralImpl getDefaultCentral( Registry reg ) throws MobyException {
-        if ( reg == null && defaultCentrals.containsKey( "" ) ) {
-            return defaultCentrals.get( "" );
-        }
-        else if ( reg != null && defaultCentrals.containsKey( reg.getEndpoint() ) ) {
-            return defaultCentrals.get( reg.getEndpoint() );
-        }
+    public static CentralImpl getDefaultCentral(Registry reg) throws MobyException{
+    if(reg == null && defaultCentrals.containsKey("")){
+        return defaultCentrals.get("");
+    }
+    else if(reg != null && defaultCentrals.containsKey(reg.getEndpoint())){
+        return defaultCentrals.get(reg.getEndpoint());
+    }
-        String className = DEFAULT_CENTRAL_IMPL_CLASSNAME;
-        ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
-        URL resURL = classLoader.getResource( "META-INF/" + CENTRAL_IMPL_RESOURCE_NAME );
-        if ( resURL != null ) {
-            System.err.println( "Loading " + resURL );
-            try {
-                LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader( new InputStreamReader( resURL.openStream() ) );
-                for ( String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine() ) {
-                    if ( !line.trim().startsWith( "#" ) ) {
-                        className = line.trim();
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            catch ( Exception e ) {
-                logger.log( Level.WARNING, "Error reading " + resURL, e );
+    ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
+    URL resURL = classLoader.getResource("META-INF/"+CENTRAL_IMPL_RESOURCE_NAME);
+    if(resURL != null){
+        System.err.println("Loading "+resURL);
+        try{
+        LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(resURL.openStream()));
+        for(String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()){
+            if(!line.trim().startsWith("#")){
+            className = line.trim();
+            break;
-        try {
-            System.err.println( "Central class is  " + className );
-            Class clazz = Class.forName( className );
-            if ( reg == null ) { // should use default nullary c-tor
-                defaultCentrals.put( "", ( CentralImpl ) clazz.newInstance() );
-            }
-            else { // should have (String endpoint, String namespace) c-tor
-                for ( Constructor ctor : clazz.getDeclaredConstructors() ) {
-                    Class[] params = ctor.getParameterTypes();
-                    if ( params.length == 2 && params[ 0 ].getName().equals( "java.lang.String" )
-                            && params[ 1 ].getName().equals( "java.lang.String" ) ) {
-                        defaultCentrals.put( reg.getEndpoint(), ( CentralImpl ) ctor.newInstance( reg.getEndpoint(),
-                                reg.getNamespace() ) );
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                if ( !defaultCentrals.containsKey( reg.getEndpoint() ) ) {
-                    logger.log( Level.WARNING, "Could not find required (String endpoint, String namespace)"
-                            + "constructor for class " + className );
-                }
-            }
+        } catch(Exception e){
+        logger.log(Level.WARNING,
+               "Error reading " + resURL,
+               e);
-        catch ( Exception e ) {
-            logger.log( Level.WARNING, "Could not load class " + className, e );
-            if ( reg == null ) {
-                defaultCentrals.put( "", new CentralImpl() ); // fallback to this class, no caching, etc.
-            }
-            else {
-                defaultCentrals.put( reg.getEndpoint(), new CentralImpl( reg.getEndpoint(), reg.getNamespace() ) );
+    }
+    try{
+        System.err.println("Central class is  "+className);
+        Class clazz = Class.forName(className);
+        if(reg == null){  // should use default nullary c-tor
+        defaultCentrals.put("", (CentralImpl) clazz.newInstance());
+        }
+        else{  // should have (String endpoint, String namespace) c-tor
+        for(Constructor ctor: clazz.getDeclaredConstructors()){
+            Class[] params = ctor.getParameterTypes();
+            if(params.length == 2 && params[0].getName().equals("java.lang.String") &&
+               params[1].getName().equals("java.lang.String") ){
+            defaultCentrals.put(reg.getEndpoint(),
+                        (CentralImpl) ctor.newInstance(reg.getEndpoint(), reg.getNamespace()));
+            break;
+        if(!defaultCentrals.containsKey(reg.getEndpoint())){
+            logger.log(Level.WARNING,
+                   "Could not find required (String endpoint, String namespace)" +
+                   "constructor for class " + className);
+        }
+        }
+    } catch(Exception e){
+        logger.log(Level.WARNING,
+               "Could not load class " + className,
+               e);
+        if(reg == null){
+        defaultCentrals.put("", new CentralImpl());  //fallback to this class, no caching, etc.
+        }
+        else{
+        defaultCentrals.put(reg.getEndpoint(), 
+                    new CentralImpl(reg.getEndpoint(), reg.getNamespace()));
+        }
+    }
-        return defaultCentrals.get( reg == null ? "" : reg.getEndpoint() );
+    return defaultCentrals.get(reg == null ? "" : reg.getEndpoint());
-     * @return a String representing the Default mobycentral endpoint. If the system property 'moby.check.default'
-     *         exists and is set to true, then the URL http://biomoby.org/mobycentral is queried and the default central
-     *         endpoint is returned, otherwise DEFAULT_ENDPOINT is returned.
+     * @return a String representing the Default mobycentral endpoint. If the
+     *         system property 'moby.check.default' exists and is set to true,
+     *         then the URL http://biomoby.org/mobycentral is queried and the
+     *         default central endpoint is returned, otherwise DEFAULT_ENDPOINT
+     *         is returned.
     public static String getDefaultURL() {
-        boolean check = false;
+    boolean check = false;
+    try {
+        check = Boolean.getBoolean("moby.check.default");
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+    }
+    if (check) {
+        // return the last checked url if we have done this before
+        if (CHECKED_URL != null && CHECKED_URL.trim() != "") {
+        return CHECKED_URL; 
+        }
+        // create a HttpClient object
+        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
+        // set up the Head method
+        HeadMethod method = new HeadMethod("http://biomoby.org/mobycentral");
+        // do not follow redirects or we will get a 411 error
+        method.setFollowRedirects(false);
+        // retry 3 times
+        method.getParams().setParameter(HttpMethodParams.RETRY_HANDLER,new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler(3, false));
+        // set the user agent ... should probably make this something more reasonable
+        method.getParams().setParameter(HttpMethodParams.USER_AGENT,"jMoby/1.0");
         try {
-            check = Boolean.getBoolean( "moby.check.default" );
-        }
-        catch ( Exception e ) {
-        }
+        // Execute the method.
+        int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);
-        if ( check ) {
-            // return the last checked url if we have done this before
-            if ( CHECKED_URL != null && CHECKED_URL.trim() != "" ) {
-                return CHECKED_URL;
-            }
-            // create a HttpClient object
-            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
-            // set up the Head method
-            HeadMethod method = new HeadMethod( "http://biomoby.org/mobycentral" );
-            // do not follow redirects or we will get a 411 error
-            method.setFollowRedirects( false );
-            // retry 3 times
-            method.getParams().setParameter( HttpMethodParams.RETRY_HANDLER,
-                    new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler( 3, false ) );
-            // set the user agent ... should probably make this something more reasonable
-            method.getParams().setParameter( HttpMethodParams.USER_AGENT, "jMoby/1.0" );
+        if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY) {
+            System.err.println("Method failed: "
+                + method.getStatusLine());
+        } else {
             try {
-                // Execute the method.
-                int statusCode = client.executeMethod( method );
-                if ( statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY ) {
-                    System.err.println( "Method failed: " + method.getStatusLine() );
-                }
-                else {
-                    try {
-                        String location = method.getResponseHeader( "location" ).getValue();
-                        CHECKED_URL = location;
-                        try {
-                            CHECKED_URI = "http://" + ( new URL( CHECKED_URL ).getAuthority() ) + "/MOBY/Central";
-                        }
-                        catch ( MalformedURLException murle ) {
-                            CHECKED_URI = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE;
-                        }
-                        return CHECKED_URL;
-                    }
-                    catch ( NullPointerException npe ) {
-                        return DEFAULT_ENDPOINT;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            catch ( HttpException e ) {
-                System.err.println( "Fatal protocol violation: " + e.getMessage() );
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-            catch ( IOException e ) {
-                System.err.println( "Fatal transport error: " + e.getMessage() );
-                e.printStackTrace();
-            }
-            finally {
-                // Release the connection.
-                method.releaseConnection();
+            String location = method.getResponseHeader("location").getValue();
+            CHECKED_URL = location;
+            try {
+                CHECKED_URI = "http://" + (new URL(CHECKED_URL).getAuthority()) + "/MOBY/Central";
+            } catch (MalformedURLException murle ) {
-        }
-        else {
+            return CHECKED_URL;
+            } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
             return DEFAULT_ENDPOINT;
+            }
+        } catch (HttpException e) {
+        System.err.println("Fatal protocol violation: "
+            + e.getMessage());
+        e.printStackTrace();
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+        System.err.println("Fatal transport error: " + e.getMessage());
+        e.printStackTrace();
+        } finally {
+        // Release the connection.
+        method.releaseConnection();
+        } 
+    } else {
         return DEFAULT_ENDPOINT;
+    }
-     * @return a String representing the default mobycentral uri. If the system property 'moby.check.default' exists and
-     *         is set to true, then the URL http://biomoby.org/mobycentral is queried and the default central namespace
-     *         is returned, otherwise DEFAULT_NAMESPACE is returned.
+     * @return a String representing the default mobycentral uri. If the
+     *         system property 'moby.check.default' exists and is set to true,
+     *         then the URL http://biomoby.org/mobycentral is queried and the
+     *         default central namespace is returned, otherwise DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
+     *         is returned.
     public static String getDefaultURI() {
-        boolean check = false;
-        try {
-            check = Boolean.getBoolean( "moby.check.default" );
-        }
-        catch ( Exception e ) {
-        }
-        if ( check ) {
-            if ( CHECKED_URI != null && CHECKED_URI.trim() != "" ) {
-                return CHECKED_URI;
-            }
-            // need to check ...
-            getDefaultURL();
-            return CHECKED_URI;
-        }
-        else {
-            return DEFAULT_NAMESPACE;
-        }
-    }
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
-     * Convert non-suitable characters in a XML string into their entity references.
-     * <p>
-     * 
+    boolean check = false;
+    try {
+        check = Boolean.getBoolean("moby.check.default");
+    } catch (Exception e) {
+    }
+    if (check) {
+        if (CHECKED_URI != null && CHECKED_URI.trim() != "") {
+        return CHECKED_URI; 
+        }
+        // need to check ... 
+        getDefaultURL();
+        return CHECKED_URI;
+    } else {
+        return DEFAULT_NAMESPACE;
+    }
+    }
+    /**************************************************************************
+     * Convert non-suitable characters in a XML string into their
+     * entity references. <p>
+     *
      * <em>Adapted from jDom.</em>
-     * 
-     * @param str
-     *            input to be converted
-     * @return If there were any non-suitable characters, return a new string with those characters escaped, otherwise
-     *         return the unmodified input string
-     * 
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public String escapeXML( String str ) {
+     *
+     * @param str input to be converted
+     * @return If there were any non-suitable characters, return a new
+     * string with those characters escaped, otherwise return the
+     * unmodified input string
+     *
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public String escapeXML (String str) {
         StringBuffer buffer = null;
         char ch;
         String entity;
-        for ( int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++ ) {
-            ch = str.charAt( i );
-            switch ( ch ) {
-                case '<':
-                    entity = "&lt;";
-                    break;
-                case '>':
-                    entity = "&gt;";
-                    break;
-                case '&':
-                    entity = "&amp;";
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    entity = null;
-                    break;
+        for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
+            ch = str.charAt (i);
+            switch (ch) {
+        case '<' :
+        entity = "&lt;";
+        break;
+        case '>' :
+        entity = "&gt;";
+        break;
+        case '&' :
+        entity = "&amp;";
+        break;
+        default :
+        entity = null;
+        break;
-            if ( buffer == null ) {
-                if ( entity != null ) {
+            if (buffer == null) {
+                if (entity != null) {
                     // An entity occurred, so we'll have to use StringBuffer
                     // (allocate room for it plus a few more entities).
-                    buffer = new StringBuffer( str.length() + 20 );
+                    buffer = new StringBuffer (str.length() + 20);
                     // Copy previous skipped characters and fall through
                     // to pickup current character
-                    buffer.append( str.substring( 0, i ) );
-                    buffer.append( entity );
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                if ( entity == null ) {
-                    buffer.append( ch );
+                    buffer.append (str.substring (0, i));
+                    buffer.append (entity);
-                else {
-                    buffer.append( entity );
+            } else {
+                if (entity == null) {
+                    buffer.append (ch);
+                } else {
+                    buffer.append (entity);
@@ -1915,43 +2091,49 @@
         // If there were any entities, return the escaped characters
         // that we put in the StringBuffer. Otherwise, just return
         // the unmodified input string.
-        return ( buffer == null ) ? str : buffer.toString();
+        return (buffer == null) ? str : buffer.toString();
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /*************************************************************************
      * Format an exception.
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public static String formatFault( AxisFault e, String endpoint, QName method ) {
-        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-        formatFault( e, new PrintStream( baos ), endpoint, method );
-        return baos.toString();
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public static String formatFault (AxisFault e, String endpoint, QName method) {
+    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+    formatFault (e, new PrintStream (baos), endpoint, method);
+    return baos.toString();
-    /*******************************************************************************************************************
+    /*************************************************************************
      * Format an exception.
-     ******************************************************************************************************************/
-    public static void formatFault( AxisFault e, PrintStream out, String endpoint, QName method ) {
-        out.println( "===ERROR===" );
-        out.println( "Fault details:" );
-        // for some obvious errors I do not print all details (with a lenghty trace stack)
-        String faultString = e.getFaultString();
-        if ( ( !faultString.startsWith( "java.net.ConnectException" ) )
-                && ( faultString.indexOf( "Could not find class for the service named:" ) == -1 ) ) {
-            org.w3c.dom.Element[] details = e.getFaultDetails();
-            for ( int i = 0; i < details.length; i++ ) {
-                String s = details[ i ].toString().replaceAll( "&lt;", "<" );
-                s = s.replaceAll( "&gt;", ">" );
-                out.println( s );
-            }
-        }
-        out.println( "Fault string: " + faultString );
-        out.println( "Fault code:   " + e.getFaultCode() );
-        out.println( "Fault actor:  " + e.getFaultActor() );
-        if ( endpoint != null || method != null ) out.println( "When calling:" );
-        if ( endpoint != null ) out.println( "\t" + endpoint );
-        if ( method != null ) out.println( "\t" + method );
-        out.println( "===========" );
+     *************************************************************************/
+    public static void formatFault (AxisFault e, PrintStream out,
+                    String endpoint, QName method) {
+    out.println ("===ERROR===");
+    out.println ("Fault details:");
+    // for some obvious errors I do not print all details (with a lenghty trace stack)
+    String faultString = e.getFaultString();
+    if ( (! faultString.startsWith ("java.net.ConnectException")) &&
+         (faultString.indexOf ("Could not find class for the service named:") == -1)
+         ) {
+        org.w3c.dom.Element[] details = e.getFaultDetails();
+        for (int i = 0; i < details.length; i++) {
+        String s = details[i].toString().replaceAll ("&lt;", "<");
+        s = s.replaceAll ("&gt;", ">");
+        out.println (s);
+        }
+    }
+    out.println ("Fault string: " + faultString);
+    out.println ("Fault code:   " + e.getFaultCode());
+    out.println ("Fault actor:  " + e.getFaultActor());
+    if (endpoint != null || method != null)
+        out.println ("When calling:");
+    if (endpoint != null)
+        out.println ("\t" + endpoint);
+    if (method != null)
+        out.println ("\t" + method);
+    out.println ("===========");

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