[MOBY-guts] biomoby commit

Martin Senger senger at dev.open-bio.org
Sat Nov 11 23:04:34 UTC 2006

Sat Nov 11 18:04:34 EST 2006
Update of /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/scripts
In directory dev.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv15098/src/scripts

Modified Files:
Log Message:
removing java warnings + update of Perl-Moses
moby-live/Java/src/scripts install.pl,1.6,1.7
RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/scripts/install.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
--- /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/scripts/install.pl	2006/10/16 18:07:15	1.6
+++ /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/scripts/install.pl	2006/11/11 23:04:34	1.7
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
+    use constant MSWIN => $^O =~ /MSWin32|Windows_NT/i ? 1 : 0;
     say 'Welcome, BioMobiers. Preparing stage for Perl MoSeS...';
     say '------------------------------------------------------';
@@ -59,11 +61,20 @@
-			  IO::Prompt
 			  ) ) {
 	check_module ($module);
+    if (MSWIN) {
+	check_module ('Term::ReadLine');
+	{
+	    local $^W = 0;
+	    $SimplePrompt::Terminal = Term::ReadLine->new ('Installation');
+	}
+    } else {
+	check_module ('IO::Prompt');
+	require IO::Prompt; import IO::Prompt;
+    }
     if ($errors_found) {
 	say "\nSorry, some needed modules were not found.";
 	say "Please install them and run 'install.pl' again.";
@@ -76,26 +87,31 @@
 use lib "$Bin/../Perl";   # assuming: Perl/MOSES/...
                           #           scripts/install.pl
 use File::Spec;
-use IO::Prompt;
 use MOSES::MOBY::Base;
 use MOSES::MOBY::Cache::Central;
 use MOSES::MOBY::Cache::Registries;
 use English qw( -no_match_vars ) ;
 use strict;
+# different prompt modules used for different OSs
+# ('pprompt' as 'proxy_prompt')
+sub pprompt {
+    return prompt (@_) unless MSWIN;
+    return SimplePrompt::prompt (@_);
 # $prompt ... a prompt asking for a directory
 # $prompted_dir ... suggested directory
 sub prompt_for_directory {
     my ($prompt, $prompted_dir) = @_;
     while (1) {
-	my $dir = prompt ("$prompt [$prompted_dir] ");
+	my $dir = pprompt ("$prompt [$prompted_dir] ");
 	$dir =~ s/^\s*//; $dir =~ s/\s*$//;
 	$dir = $prompted_dir unless $dir;
 	return $dir if -d $dir and -w $dir;  # okay: writable directory
 	$prompted_dir = $dir;
 	next if -e $dir and say "'$dir' is not a writable directory. Try again please.";
-	next unless prompt ("Directory '$dir' does not exists. Create? ", -yn);
+	next unless pprompt ("Directory '$dir' does not exists. Create? ", -yn);
 	# okay, we agreed to create it
 	mkdir $dir and return $dir;
@@ -107,7 +123,7 @@
 sub prompt_for_registry {
     my $cache = new MOSES::MOBY::Cache::Central;
     my @regs = MOSES::MOBY::Cache::Registries->list;
-    my $registry = prompt ("What registry to use? [default] ",
+    my $registry = pprompt ("What registry to use? [default] ",
 			   -m => [@regs]);
     $registry ||= 'default';
@@ -144,14 +160,13 @@
 # --- main ---
 no warnings 'once';
-my $pmoses_home = File::Spec->catfile ($Bin, '..', 'Perl');
-my $jmoby_home = File::Spec->catfile ($Bin, '..', '..');
+my $pmoses_home = "$Bin/../Perl";
+my $jmoby_home = "$Bin/../..";
 say "Installing in $pmoses_home\n";
 # log files (create, or just change their write permissions)
-my $log_file1 = $MOBYCFG::LOG_FILE ||
-    File::Spec->catfile ($pmoses_home, 'services.log');
-my $log_file2 = File::Spec->catfile ($pmoses_home, 'parser.log');
+my $log_file1 = $MOBYCFG::LOG_FILE || "$pmoses_home/services.log";
+my $log_file2 = "$pmoses_home/parser.log";
 foreach my $file ($log_file1, $log_file2) {
     unless (-e $file) {
 	eval {
@@ -164,15 +179,14 @@
 # log4perl property file (will be found and used, or created)
-my $log4perl_file = $MOBYCFG::LOG_CONFIG ||
-    File::Spec->catfile ($pmoses_home, 'log4perl.properties');
+my $log4perl_file = $MOBYCFG::LOG_CONFIG || "$pmoses_home/log4perl.properties";
 if (-e $log4perl_file and ! $opt_F) {
     say "\nLogging property file '$log4perl_file' exists.";
     say "It will not be overwritten unless you start 'install.pl -F'.\n";
 } else {
-	 File::Spec->catfile ($pmoses_home, 'log4perl.properties.template'),
+	 "$pmoses_home/log4perl.properties.template",
 	 'Log properties file',
 	 { '@LOGFILE@'  => $log_file1,
 	   '@LOGFILE2@' => $log_file2,
@@ -181,20 +195,20 @@
 # MobyServer.cgi file
 my $generated_dir = $MOBYCFG::GENERATORS_OUTDIR ||
-    File::Spec->catfile ($pmoses_home, 'generated');
+    "$pmoses_home/generated";
 my $services_dir = $MOBYCFG::GENERATORS_IMPL_OUTDIR ||
-    File::Spec->catfile ($pmoses_home, 'services');
+    "$pmoses_home/services";
-my $cgibin_file = File::Spec->catfile ($pmoses_home, 'MobyServer.cgi');
+my $cgibin_file = "$pmoses_home/MobyServer.cgi";
 if (-e $cgibin_file and ! $opt_F) {
     say "\nWeb Server file '$cgibin_file' exists.";
     say "It will not be overwritten unless you start 'install.pl -F'.\n";
 } else {
-	 File::Spec->catfile ($pmoses_home, 'MobyServer.cgi.template'),
+	 "$pmoses_home/MobyServer.cgi.template",
 	 'Web Server file',
 	 { '@PMOSES_HOME@'    => $pmoses_home,
 	   '@GENERATED_DIR@'  => $generated_dir,
@@ -207,12 +221,12 @@
 # directory for local cache
 my $cachedir = $MOBYCFG::CACHEDIR ||
     prompt_for_directory ( 'Directory for local cache',
-			   File::Spec->catfile ($jmoby_home, 'myCache'));
+			   "$jmoby_home/myCache");
 say "Local cache in '$cachedir'.\n";
 # filling/updating local cache
 my $registry = 'default';
-if ('y' eq prompt ('Should I try to fill or update the local cache [y]? ', -ynd=>'y')) {
+if ('y' eq pprompt ('Should I try to fill or update the local cache [y]? ', -ynd=>'y')) {
     $registry = prompt_for_registry;
     my $details =
 	MOSES::MOBY::Cache::Registries->get ($registry);
@@ -221,11 +235,10 @@
 	my $uri = $details->{namespace};
 	say 'Using registry: ' . $registry;
 	say "(at $endpoint)\n";
-#	my $os = ($OSNAME =~ /Win/i ? '.bat' : '');
 	my $run_script =
 	    File::Spec->catfile ($jmoby_home, 'build', 'run', 'run-cache-client');
 	if (-e $run_script) {
-	    my $cmd = "$run_script -e $endpoint -uri $uri -cachedir $cachedir -update";
+	    my $cmd = "\"$run_script\" -e $endpoint -uri $uri -cachedir $cachedir -update";
 	    say "The following command will be executed to update the cache:\n\n$cmd\n";
 	    say "Updating local cache (it may take several minutes)...\n";
 	    print `$cmd`;
@@ -248,7 +261,7 @@
 } else {
-	 File::Spec->catfile ($pmoses_home, 'moby-services.cfg.template'),
+	 "$pmoses_home/moby-services.cfg.template",
 	 'Configuration file',
 	 { '@CACHE_DIR@'        => $cachedir,
 	   '@REGISTRY@'         => $registry,
@@ -258,11 +271,93 @@
 	   '@LOG4PERL_FILE@'    => $log4perl_file,
 	   '@LOGFILE@'          => $log_file1,
-	       File::Spec->catfile ($jmoby_home, 'src', 'samples-resources', 'mabuhay.file'),
+	       "$jmoby_home/src/samples-resources/mabuhay.file",
 	   } );
 say 'Done.';
+package SimplePrompt;
+use vars qw/ $Terminal /;
+sub prompt {
+    my ($msg, $flags, $others) = @_;
+    # simple prompt
+    return get_input ($msg)
+	unless $flags;
+    $flags =~ s/^-//o;    # ignore leading dash
+    # 'waiting for yes/no' prompt, possibly with a default value
+    if ($flags =~ /^yn(d)?/i) {
+	return yes_no ($msg, $others);
+    }
+    # prompt with a menu of possible answers
+    if ($flags =~ /^m/i) {
+	return menu ($msg, $others);
+    }
+    # default: again a simple prompt
+    return get_input ($msg);
+sub yes_no {
+    my ($msg, $default_answer) = @_;
+    while (1) {
+	my $answer = get_input ($msg);
+	return $default_answer if $default_answer and $answer =~ /^\s*$/o;
+	return 'y' if $answer =~ /^(1|y|yes|ano)$/;
+	return 'n' if $answer =~ /^(0|n|no|ne)$/;
+    }
+sub get_input {
+    my ($msg) = @_;
+    local $^W = 0;
+    my $line = $Terminal->readline ($msg);
+    chomp $line;                 # remove newline
+    $line =~ s/^\s*//;  $line =~ s/\s*$//;   # trim whitespaces
+    $Terminal->addhistory ($line) if $line;
+    return $line;
+sub menu {
+    my ($msg, $ra_menu) = @_;
+    my @data = @$ra_menu;
+    my $count = @data;
+#    die "Too many -menu items" if $count > 26;
+#    die "Too few -menu items"  if $count < 1;
+    my $max_char = chr(ord('a') + $count - 1);
+    my $menu = '';
+    my $next = 'a';
+    foreach my $item (@data) {
+        $menu .= '     ' . $next++ . '.' . $item . "\n";
+    }
+    while (1) {
+	print STDOUT $msg . "\n$menu";
+        my $answer = get_input (">");
+	# blank and escape answer accepted as undef
+	return undef if $answer =~ /^\s*$/o;
+	return undef
+	    if length $answer == 1 && $answer eq "\e";
+	# invalid answer not accepted
+	if (length $answer > 1 || ($answer lt 'a' || $answer gt $max_char) ) {
+	    print STDOUT "(Please enter a-$max_char)\n";
+	    next;
+	}
+	# valid answer
+        return $data[ord($answer)-ord('a')];
+    }

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