[MOBY-guts] biomoby commit

Martin Senger senger at pub.open-bio.org
Thu Sep 22 09:47:43 UTC 2005

Thu Sep 22 05:47:43 EDT 2005
Update of /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java
In directory pub.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv15725

Modified Files:
Log Message:

moby-live/Java build.xml,1.36,1.37
RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/build.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.36
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -r1.36 -r1.37
--- /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/build.xml	2005/09/21 04:02:15	1.36
+++ /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/build.xml	2005/09/22 09:47:43	1.37
@@ -95,9 +95,11 @@
       <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
          <include name="*.jar"/>
+      <!--
       <fileset dir="${lib.dir}/ant_home/lib">
          <include name="*.jar"/>
+      -->
    <!-- this differs from the ${build.classpath} by not including
@@ -750,33 +752,16 @@
        <fileset dir="${build.lib}" includes="${datatypes.jar},${skeletons.jar}"/>
-     <!-- copy user-defined jar files to Tomcat/Axis -->
-     <if>
-       <isset property="users.lib.dir"/>
-       <then>
-         <copy todir="${deploy.axis.dir}/lib">
-           <fileset dir="${users.lib.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
-         </copy>
-       </then>
-     </if>
-     <if>
-       <isset property="users.lib.file"/>
-       <then>
-         <copy todir="${deploy.axis.dir}/lib" file="${users.lib.file}"/>
-       </then>
-     </if>
-     <!-- copy remaining jar files to Tomcat/Axis -->
-     <copy todir="${deploy.axis.dir}/lib">
-       <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
-         <include name="${alltools2}"/>
-         <include name="${jdom}"/>
-       </fileset>
-       <fileset dir="${build.lib}" includes="*.jar"/>
-     </copy>
+     <!-- copy user-defined and remaining jar files to Tomcat/Axis -->
+     <antcall target="-populate">
+       <param name="destination.axis.dir" location="${deploy.axis.dir}/lib"/>
+     </antcall>
+   <!-- ================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Sub-target of tomcat-populate (called for each jar file)           -->
+   <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- parameter: ${jarfile.name} -->
    <target name="-merge-jars">
      <basename property="jarfile.base.name" file="${jarfile.name}"/>
@@ -799,6 +784,41 @@
+   <!-- ================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Sub-target of tomcat-populate                                      -->
+   <!-- (used both for local and remote deployment)                        -->
+   <!-- ================================================================== -->
+   <!-- parameter: ${destination.axis.dir} -->
+   <target name="-populate">
+     <!-- copy user-defined jar files to Tomcat/Axis -->
+     <if>
+       <isset property="users.lib.dir"/>
+       <then>
+         <copy todir="${destination.axis.dir}">
+           <fileset dir="${users.lib.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
+         </copy>
+       </then>
+     </if>
+     <if>
+       <isset property="users.lib.file"/>
+       <then>
+         <copy todir="${destination.axis.dir}" file="${users.lib.file}"/>
+       </then>
+     </if>
+     <!-- copy remaining jar files to Tomcat/Axis -->
+     <!-- (TBD: perhaps the list of jar files should be in a property,
+          so usesr can change it...) -->
+     <copy todir="${destination.axis.dir}">
+       <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
+         <include name="${alltools2}"/>
+         <include name="${jdom}"/>
+       </fileset>
+       <fileset dir="${build.lib}" includes="*.jar"/>
+     </copy>
+   </target>
    <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- Find all services (in properties), create and use their wsdd files -->
@@ -897,8 +917,141 @@
      <echo message="${services.list}" taskname="Services names"/>
+   <!-- ================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Create a file that will be used to do a remote deployment          -->
+   <!-- ================================================================== -->
+   <target name="deploy-remote" depends="init,-find-services"
+     description="Create a file for the service deployment of services">
+     <tempfile property="build.remote.dir" destDir="${java.io.tmpdir}/mobyremotedeploy-${user.name}"/>
+     <property name="result.file" value="moby-services-to-deploy-${TODAY_SHORT}"/>
+     <property name="result.dir" location="${build.remote.dir}/${result.file}"/>
+     <mkdir dir="${result.dir}"/>
+     <!-- create wsdd for deployment of each service -->
+     <foreach list="${services.list}"
+       delimiter=","
+       inheritall="yes"
+       target="-wsdd-for-remote"
+       param="service.name"/>
+     <!-- create wsdd for un-deployment of each service -->
+     <mkdir dir="${result.dir}/undeploy-wsdd"/>
+     <foreach list="${services.list}"
+       delimiter=","
+       inheritall="yes"
+       target="-un-wsdd-for-remote"
+       param="service.name"/>
+     <!-- add jar files that will need to be merged -->
+     <copy todir="${result.dir}/lib2">
+       <fileset dir="${build.lib}" includes="${datatypes.jar},${skeletons.jar}"/>
+     </copy>
+     <!-- add user-defined and other jar files (but not those already in lib2) -->
+     <antcall target="-populate">
+       <param name="destination.axis.dir" location="${result.dir}/lib"/>
+     </antcall>
+     <delete quiet="true">
+       <fileset dir="${result.dir}/lib" includes="${datatypes.jar},${skeletons.jar}"/>
+     </delete>
+     <!-- add separate build.xml for deployment, and scripts to use it -->
+     <property name="cross.tomcat.home"        value="${real.catalina.home}"/>
+     <property name="cross.tomcat.port"        value="${tomcat.port}"/>
+     <property name="cross.tomcat.host"        value="${tomcat.host}"/>
+     <property name="cross.axis.relative.path" value="${axis.relative.path}"/>
+     <property name="cross.axis.admin.url"     value="${cross.axis.relative.path}/servlet/AxisServlet"/>
+     <copy file="${src.webapps}/remote.deploy.build.xml.template"
+       tofile="${result.dir}/build.xml">
+       <filterset>
+         <filter token="TOMCAT_HOME" value="${cross.tomcat.home}"/>
+         <filter token="TOMCAT_PORT" value="${cross.tomcat.port}"/>
+         <filter token="TOMCAT_HOST" value="${cross.tomcat.host}"/>
+         <filter token="AXIS_RELATIVE_PATH" value="${cross.axis.relative.path}"/>
+         <filter token="AXIS_ADMIN_URL" value="${cross.axis.admin.url}"/>
+       </filterset>
+     </copy>
+     <copy todir="${result.dir}">
+       <fileset dir="${src.webapps}" includes="*.bat,deploy"/>
+     </copy>
+     <!-- add (some) Ant libraries -->
+     <copy todir="${result.dir}/ant_home/lib">
+       <fileset dir="${lib.dir}/ant_home/lib">
+         <include name="ant-antlr.jar"/>
+         <include name="ant.jar"/>
+         <include name="ant-apache-log4j.jar"/>
+         <include name="ant-apache-regexp.jar"/>
+         <include name="ant-launcher.jar"/>
+         <include name="xercesImpl.jar"/>
+         <include name="ant-contrib.jar"/>
+         <include name="xml-apis.jar"/>
+       </fileset>
+     </copy>
+     <!-- add Axis libraries -->
+     <copy todir="${result.dir}/lib">
+       <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
+         <include name="activation.jar"/>
+         <include name="axis-ant.jar"/>
+         <include name="axis.jar"/>
+         <include name="commons-discovery-0.2.jar"/>
+         <include name="commons-httpclient-3.0-rc2.jar"/>
+         <include name="commons-logging-1.0.4.jar"/>
+         <include name="jaxrpc.jar"/>
+         <include name="log4j-1.2.8.jar"/>
+         <include name="mailapi_1_3_1.jar"/>
+         <include name="saaj.jar"/>
+         <include name="servlet.jar"/>
+         <include name="wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar"/>
+       </fileset>
+     </copy>
+     <!-- pack it together and say a warm message -->
+     <tar tarfile="${build.dir}/${result.file}.tar.gz"
+       basedir="${build.remote.dir}"
+       longfile="gnu"
+       compression="gzip"/>
+     <delete dir="${build.remote.dir}" quiet="true"/>
+     <echo taskname="To do">
+File ${build.dir}/${result.file}.tar.gz
+for a remote deployment was created. Copy it to the machine
+where you wish the services to be deployed. Untar it,
+change to the created directory, and invoke:
+   sh deploy (or deploy.bat on Windows)
+     </echo>
+   </target>
    <!-- ================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Call to create a wsdd file that will be used for a remote deployment -->
+   <!-- ================================================================== -->
+   <target name="-wsdd-for-remote">
+     <antcall target="create-wsdd">
+       <param name="service.name" value="${service.name}"/>
+       <param name="wsdd.file"    location="${result.dir}/deploy-wsdd/${service.name}.wsdd"/>
+     </antcall>
+   </target>
+   <!-- ================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Call to create a wsdd file that will be used for un-deployment     -->
+   <!-- ================================================================== -->
+   <target name="-un-wsdd-for-remote">
+     <echo file="${result.dir}/undeploy-wsdd/${service.name}.wsdd">
+&lt;undeployment xmlns="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/"&gt;
+   &lt;service name="${service.name}"/&gt;
+     </echo>
+   </target>
+   <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!--                                                                    -->
    <!-- Samples, tutorials...                                              -->
    <!--                                                                    -->

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