[MOBY-guts] biomoby commit

Eddie Kawas kawas at pub.open-bio.org
Tue Sep 20 21:16:34 UTC 2005

Tue Sep 20 17:16:34 EDT 2005
Update of /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/MOBY
In directory pub.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv6465

Modified Files:
Log Message:
added the suggestions asked for by martin.
Code that has been added is commented out until a decision is made on whether to support the changes.
Code marked by:
#UNCOMMENT denotes code that should be uncommented to add functionality
#COMMENT/REMOVE denotes code that should be removed in conjunction with the additions.
Lines subject to removal: 927
Lines subject to addition: 928

moby-live/Perl/MOBY OntologyServer.pm,1.83,1.84
RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/MOBY/OntologyServer.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.83
retrieving revision 1.84
diff -u -r1.83 -r1.84
--- /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/MOBY/OntologyServer.pm	2005/08/30 14:52:15	1.83
+++ /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/MOBY/OntologyServer.pm	2005/09/20 21:16:34	1.84
@@ -1,1315 +1,1316 @@
-# this module needs to talk to the 'real' ontology
-# server as well as the MOBY Central database
-# in order to ensure that they are both in sync
-=head1 NAME
-MOBY::OntologyServer - A way for MOBY Central to query the
-object, service, namespace, and relationship ontologies
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use MOBY::OntologyServer;
- my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(ontology => "object");
- my ($success, $message, $existingURI) = $OS->objectExists(term => "Object");
- if ($success){
-     print "object exists and it has the LSID $existingURI\n";
- } else {
-    print "object does not exist; additional message from server: $message\n";
- }
-Swappable interface to ontologies.  It should deal with LSID's 100%
-of the time, and also deal with MOBY-specific common names for objects,
-services, namespaces, and relationship types.
-=head1 AUTHORS
-Mark Wilkinson (markw at illuminae.com)
-BioMOBY Project:  http://www.biomoby.org
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 new
- Title     :	new
- Usage     :	my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(%args)
- Function  :	
- Returns   :	MOBY::OntologyServer object
- Args      :    ontology => [object || service || namespace || relationship]
-                database => mysql databasename that holds the ontologies
-                host =>  mysql hostname
-                username => mysql username
-                password => mysql password
-                port => mysql port
-                dbh => pre-existing database handle to a mysql database
-package MOBY::OntologyServer;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);
-use DBI;
-use DBD::mysql;
-use MOBY::Config;
-my $debug = 0;
-	#Encapsulated class data
-	#___________________________________________________________
-	my %_attr_data =    #     				DEFAULT    	ACCESSIBILITY
-	  (
-		ontology => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
-		database => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
-		host     => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
-		username => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
-		password => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
-		port     => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
-		dbh      => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
-	  );
-	#_____________________________________________________________
-	# METHODS, to operate on encapsulated class data
-	# Is a specified object attribute accessible in a given mode
-	sub _accessible {
-		my ( $self, $attr, $mode ) = @_;
-		$_attr_data{$attr}[1] =~ /$mode/;
-	}
-	# Classwide default value for a specified object attribute
-	sub _default_for {
-		my ( $self, $attr ) = @_;
-		$_attr_data{$attr}[0];
-	}
-	# List of names of all specified object attributes
-	sub _standard_keys {
-		keys %_attr_data;
-	}
-sub new {
-	my ( $caller, %args ) = @_;
-	my $caller_is_obj = ref($caller);
-	my $class         = $caller_is_obj || $caller;
-	my $self          = bless {}, $class;
-	foreach my $attrname ( $self->_standard_keys ) {
-		if ( exists $args{$attrname} && defined $args{$attrname} ) {
-			$self->{$attrname} = $args{$attrname};
-		} elsif ($caller_is_obj) {
-			$self->{$attrname} = $caller->{$attrname};
-		} else {
-			$self->{$attrname} = $self->_default_for($attrname);
-		}
-	}
-	$self->ontology eq 'object'       && $self->database('mobyobject');
-	$self->ontology eq 'namespace'    && $self->database('mobynamespace');
-	$self->ontology eq 'service'      && $self->database('mobyservice');
-	$self->ontology eq 'relationship' && $self->database('mobyrelationship');
-	#print STDERR "\n\nCONFIG object is $CONFIG\n\n";
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;
-#print STDERR "got username ",($CONFIG->{mobycentral}->{username})," for mobycentral\n";
-	$self->username( $CONFIG->{ $self->database }->{username} )
-	  unless $self->username;
-	$self->password( $CONFIG->{ $self->database }->{password} )
-	  unless $self->password;
-	$self->port( $CONFIG->{ $self->database }->{port} ) unless $self->port;
-	$self->host( $CONFIG->{ $self->database }->{url} )  unless $self->host;
-	my $host = $self->host ? $self->host : $ENV{MOBY_CENTRAL_URL};
-	chomp $host;
-	my $username =
-	  $self->username ? $self->username : $ENV{MOBY_CENTRAL_DBUSER};
-	chomp $username;
-	my $password =
-	  $self->password ? $self->password : $ENV{MOBY_CENTRAL_DBPASS};
-	chomp $password if $password;
-	$password =~ s/\s//g if $password;
-	my $port = $self->port ? $self->port : $ENV{MOBY_CENTRAL_DBPORT};
-	chomp $port;
-	my ($dsn) =
-	    "DBI:mysql:"
-	  . ( $CONFIG->{ $self->database }->{dbname} ) . ":"
-	  . ($host) . ":"
-	  . ($port);
-	#print STDERR "\n\nDSN was $dsn\n\n";
-	my $dbh;
-#	$debug && &_LOG("connecting to db with params ",$self->database, $self->username, $self->password,"\n");
-	if ( defined $password ) {
-		$dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $username, $password, { RaiseError => 1 } )
-		  or die "can't connect to database";
-	} else {
-		$dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $username, undef, { RaiseError => 1 } )
-		  or die "can't connect to database";
-	}
-	#	$debug && &_LOG("CONNECTED!\n");
-	if ($dbh) {
-		$self->dbh($dbh);
-		return $self;
-	} else {
-		return undef;
-	}
-=head2 objectExists
- moby:newterm will return (0, $message, $MOBYLSID)
- newterm will return (0, $message, $MOBYLSID
- oldterm will return (1, $message, undef)
- newLSID will return (0, $desc, $lsid)
-sub objectExists {
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
-	my $term = $args{term};
-	$term =~ s/^moby://;    # if the term is namespaced, then remove that
-	my $sth;
-	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'object' );
-	my $result;
-	$result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $term);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $lsid = $row->{object_lsid};
-	my $type = $row->{object_type};
-	my $desc = $row->{description};
-	my $auth = $row->{authority};
-	my $email = $row->{contact_email};
-	if ($lsid)
-	{ # if it is in there, then it has been discovered regardless of being foreign or not
-		return ( 1, $desc, $lsid );
-	} elsif ( _isForeignLSID($term) )
-	{ # if not in our ontology, but is a foreign LSID, then pass it back verbatim
-		return (
-			0,
-"LSID $term does not exist in the biomoby.org Object Class system\n",
-			$term
-		);
-	} else { # under all other circumstances (i.e. not a term, or a non-existent biomoby LSID) then fail
-		return (
-			0,
-"Object type $term does not exist in the biomoby.org Object Class system\n",
-			''
-		);
-	}
-sub _isMOBYLSID {
-	my ($lsid) = @_;
-	return 1 if $lsid =~ /^urn\:lsid\:biomoby.org/;
-	return 0;
-sub _isForeignLSID {
-	my ($lsid) = @_;
-	return 0 if $lsid =~ /^urn\:lsid\:biomoby.org/;
-	return 1;
-=head2 createObject
-sub createObject {
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
-	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'object' );
-	return ( 0, "requires a object type node", '' ) unless ( $args{node} );
-	return ( 0, "requires an authURI ",        '' ) unless ( $args{authority} );
-	return ( 0, "requires a contact email address", '' )
-	  unless ( $args{contact_email} );
-	return ( 0, "requires a object description", '' )
-	  unless ( $args{description} );
-	my $term = $args{node};
-	my $LSID =
-	  ( $args{'node'} =~ /urn\:lsid/ )
-	  ? $args{'node'}
-	  : $self->setURI( $args{'node'} );
-	unless ($LSID) { return ( 0, "Failed during creation of an LSID", '' ) }
-	my $result;
-	$result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $term);		
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $lsid = $row->{object_lsid};
-	my $type = $row->{object_type};
-	my $desc = $row->{description};
-	my $auth = $row->{authority};
-	my $email = $row->{contact_email};
-	if ($lsid) {    # if it is in there, then the object exists
-		return ( 0, "This term already exists: $lsid", $lsid );
-	}
-	$args{description}   =~ s/^\s+(.*?)\s+$/$1/s;
-	$args{node}          =~ s/^\s+(.*?)\s+$/$1/s;
-	$args{contact_email} =~ s/^\s+(.*?)\s+$/$1/s;
-	$args{authority}     =~ s/^\s+(.*?)\s+$/$1/s;
-	my $insertid = $adaptor->insert_object(object_type => $args{'node'}, 
-						object_lsid => $LSID, 
-						description => $args{'description'},
-						authority => $args{'authority'},
-						contact_email => $args{'contact_email'});
-	unless ( $insertid ) {
-		return ( 0, "Object creation failed for unknown reasons", '' );
-	}
-	return ( 1, "Object creation succeeded", $LSID );
-=head2 retrieveObject
-sub retrieveObject {
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
-	my $term = $args{'type'};
-	$term ||=$args{'node'};
-	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'object' );
-	return ( 0, "requires a object type node as an argument", '' )
-	  unless ( $term );
-	my $LSID =
-	  ( $term =~ /urn\:lsid/ )
-	  ? $term
-	  : $self->getObjectURI($term);
-	unless ($LSID) { return ( 0, "Failed during creation of an LSID", '' ) }
-	my $result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $LSID);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-#	my $id = $row->{object_id};
-	my $type = $row->{object_type};
-	my $lsid = $row->{object_lsid};
-	my $desc = $row->{description};
-	my $auth = $row->{authority};
-	my $contact = $row->{contact_email};
-	unless ($lsid) { return ( 0, "Object doesn't exist in ontology", "" ) }
-	# my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(ontology => "relationship");
-	$result = $adaptor->get_object_relationships(type => $lsid);
-	my %rel;
-	foreach my $row (@$result)
-	{
-	my $relationship_type = $row->{relationship_type};
-	my $objectlsid = $row->{object_lsid};
-	my $article = $row->{object2_articlename};
-	my $contact = $row->{contact_email};
-	my $def = $row->{definition};
-	my $auth = $row->{authority};
-	my $type = $row->{object_type};
-	push @{ $rel{$relationship_type} }, [ $objectlsid, $article, $type, $def, $auth, $contact ];
-	}
-	return {
-			 objectType	=> $type,
-			 objectLSID    => $lsid,
-			 description   => $desc,
-			 contactEmail  => $contact,
-			 authURI       => $auth,
-			 Relationships => \%rel
-	};
-=head2 deprecateObject
-sub deprecateObject {
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
-	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'object' );
-	my $term = $args{term};
-#    if ($term =~ /^urn:lsid/ && !($term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectclass/)){
-#        return (0, "can't delete from external ontology", $term);
-#    }
-	my $LSID;
-	unless ( $term =~ /urn\:lsid/ ) { $LSID = $self->getObjectURI($term) } else { $LSID = $term }
-	return ( 0, q{Object type $term cannot be resolved to an LSID}, "" )
-	  unless $LSID;
-	my $result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $LSID);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $id = $row->{object_id};
-	my $lsid = $row->{object_lsid};
-	# object1_id ISA object2_id?
-	my $isa = $adaptor->query_object_term2term(type => $lsid);
-	my $isas = shift @$isa;
-	if ( $isas->{object1_id}) {
-		return ( 0,
-				 qq{Object type $term has object dependencies in the ontology},
-				 $lsid );
-	}
-	my ($err, $errstr) = $adaptor->delete_object(type => $lsid);
-	if ( $err ) {
-		return ( 0, "Delete from Object Class table failed: $errstr",
-				 $lsid );
-	}
-	return ( 1, "Object $term Deleted", $lsid );
-=head2 deleteObject
-sub deleteObject {
-	my $self = shift;
-	$self->deprecateObject(@_);
-=head2 relationshipExists
-sub relationshipExists {
-	# term => $term
-	# ontology => $ontology
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyrelationship' );
-	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' )
-	  unless ( $self->ontology eq 'relationship' );
-	my $term = lc( $args{term} );
-	$term =~ s/^moby://;    # if the term is namespaced, then remove that
-	my $ont = $args{ontology};
-	return ( 0, "requires both term and ontology arguments\n", '' )
-	  unless ( defined($term) && defined($ont) );
-	my $result;
-	if ( $term =~ /^urn\:lsid/ ) {
-	$result = $adaptor->query_relationship(
-					type => $term,
-					ontology => $ont);	
-	} else {
-	$result = $adaptor->query_relationship(type => $term, ontology => $ont);
-	}
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $lsid = $row->{relationship_lsid};
-	my $type = $row->{relationship_type};
-	my $desc = $row->{description};
-	my $auth = $row->{authority};
-	my $email = $row->{contact_email};
-	if ($lsid) {
-		return ( 1, $desc, $lsid, $type, $auth, $email );
-	} else {
-		return (
-			0,"Relationship Type $term does not exist in the biomoby.org Relationship Type system\n",
-			'', '', '', ''
-		);
-	}
-=head2 addObjectRelationship
-sub addObjectRelationship {
-	# adds a  relationship
-	#subject_node => $term,
-	#relationship => $reltype,
-	#object_node => $objectType,
-	#articleName => $articleName,
-	#authority => $auth,
-	#contact_email => $email
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
-	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'object' );
-	my $result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $args{subject_node});
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $subj_lsid = $row->{object_lsid};
-	return ( 0, qq{Object type $args{subject_node} does not exist in the ontology}, '' )
-	  unless defined $subj_lsid;
-	$result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $args{object_node});
-	$row = shift(@$result);
-	my $obj_lsid = $row->{object_lsid};
-	return ( 0,qq{Object type $args{object_node} does not exist in the ontology},'' )
-	  unless defined $obj_lsid;
-	my $isa = $adaptor->query_object_term2term(type => $subj_lsid);
-	my $isarow = shift @$isa;
-	if ( $isarow->{object_lsid} ) {
-		return (
-			0,
-			qq{Object type $args{subject_node} has existing object dependencies in the ontology.  It cannot be changed.},
-			$subj_lsid
-		);
-	}
-	my $OE = MOBY::OntologyServer->new( ontology => 'relationship' );
-	my ( $success, $desc, $rel_lsid ) = $OE->relationshipExists(
-		term => $args{relationship},
-		ontology => 'object' );
-	($success) || return ( 0,
-			qq{Relationship $args{relationship} does not exist in the ontology},
-			'' );
-	# need to ensure that identical article names dont' end up at the same level
-	my $articleNameInvalid = &_testIdenticalArticleName(term => $subj_lsid, articleName => $args{articleName});
-	return (0, "Object will have conflicting articleName ".($args{articleName}), '') if $articleNameInvalid;
-	my $insertid = $adaptor->insert_object_term2term(relationship_type => $rel_lsid, 
-							 object1_type => $subj_lsid,
-							 object2_type => $obj_lsid,
-							 object2_articlename => $args{articleName});
-	if ($insertid ) {
-		return ( 1, "Object relationsihp created successfully", '' );
-	} else {
-		return ( 0, "Object relationship creation failed for unknown reasons",
-				 '' );
-	}
-sub _testIdenticalArticleName {
-	my (%args)= @_;
-	my $term = $args{term};
-	my $articleName = $args{articleName};
-	my $foundCommonArticleNameFlag = 0;
-	# need to first traverse down the ISA pathway to root
-	# then for each ISA test the hAS and HASA's for their articlenames and see if they are the same
-	# case insensitive?
-	my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(ontology => 'object');
-	my $OSrel = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(ontology => 'relationship');
-	my ($exists1, $desc, $isalsid) = $OSrel->relationshipExists(term => 'isa', ontology => 'object');
-	my ($exists2, $desc2, $hasalsid) = $OSrel->relationshipExists(term => 'hasa', ontology => 'object');
-	my ($exists3, $desc3, $haslsid) = $OSrel->relationshipExists(term => 'has', ontology => 'object');
-	return 1 unless ($exists1 && $exists2 && $exists3);  # this is bad, since it returns boolean suggesting that it found a common articlename rather than finding that a given relationship doesn't exist, but... hey....
-		# check the hasa relationships for common articleName
-	$foundCommonArticleNameFlag += _compareArticleNames(OS => $OS, type => $args{term}, relationship => $hasalsid, targetArticleName => $articleName);
-		# check the has relationships for common articleName		
-	$foundCommonArticleNameFlag += _compareArticleNames(OS => $OS, type => $args{term}, relationship => $haslsid, targetArticleName => $articleName);
-	# now get all of its inherited parents
-	my $relationships = $OS->Relationships(
-		ontology => 'object',
-		term => $args{term},
-		relationship => $isalsid,
-		direction => 'root',
-		expand =>  1);
-	 #relationships{relationship} = [[lsid1,articleNmae], [lsid2, articleName], [lsid3, articleName]]	
-	my ($isa) = keys(%$relationships);  # can only be one key returned, and must be isa in this case
-	my @ISAlist;
-	(@ISAlist = @{$relationships->{$isa}}) if ($relationships->{$isa}) ;
-	# for each of the inherited parents, check their articleNames
-	foreach my $ISA(@ISAlist){  # $ISA = [lsid, articleName] (but articleName shuld be null anyway in this case)
-		my $what_it_is = shift @$ISA;
-		# check the hasa relationships for common articleName
-		$foundCommonArticleNameFlag += _compareArticleNames(OS => $OS, type => $what_it_is, relationship => $hasalsid, targetArticleName => $articleName);
-		# check the has relationships for common articleName		
-		$foundCommonArticleNameFlag += _compareArticleNames(OS => $OS, type => $what_it_is, relationship => $haslsid, targetArticleName => $articleName);
-	}
-	return $foundCommonArticleNameFlag;
-sub _compareArticleNames {
-	my (%args) = @_;
-	my $OS =  $args{OS};
-	my $what_it_is = $args{type};
-	my $lsid = $args{relationship};
-	my $targetArticleName = $args{targetArticleName};
-	my $foundCommonArticleNameFlag = 0;
-	my $contents = $OS->Relationships(
-		ontology => 'object',
-		term => $what_it_is,
-		relationship => $lsid,
-		direction => 'root',
-		);
-	if ($contents){
-		#$hasarelationships{relationship} = [[lsid1,articleNmae], [lsid2, articleName], [lsid3, articleName]]	
-	       my ($content) = keys(%$contents);
-	       if ($contents->{$content}){
-			my @CONTENTlist = @{$contents->{$content}};
-			foreach my $CONTAINED(@CONTENTlist){
-				$foundCommonArticleNameFlag = 1 if ($CONTAINED->[1] eq $targetArticleName); #->[1] is the articleName field
-			}
-	       }
-	}
-	return $foundCommonArticleNameFlag;
-=head2 addServiceRelationship
-sub addServiceRelationship {
-	# adds an ISA relationship
-	# fail if another object is in relation to this objevt
-	#subject_node => $term,
-	#relationship => $relationship,
-	#predicate_node => $pred
-	#authority => $auth,
-	#contact_email => $email);
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
-	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'service' );
-	my $result = $adaptor->query_service(type => $args{subject_node});
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $sbj_lsid = $row->{service_lsid};
-	return (0,
-		qq{Service type $args{subject_node} has object dependencies in the ontology.  It can not be changed},
-		$sbj_lsid
-	  ) unless defined $sbj_lsid;
-	my $isa = $adaptor->query_service_term2term(service2_id => $sbj_lsid);
-	my $isarow = shift @$isa;
-	if ( $isarow->{service_lsid} ) {
-		return (
-			0,
-			qq{Service type $args{subject_node} has object dependencies in the ontology.  It can not be changed},
-			$sbj_lsid
-		);
-	}
-	$result = $adaptor->query_service(type => $args{object_node});
-	$row = shift(@$result);
-	my $obj_lsid = $row->{service_lsid};
-	# get ID of the related service
-	defined $obj_lsid
-	  || return ( 0,
-		  qq{Service $args{object_node} does not exist in the service ontology},
-		  '' );
-	my $OE = MOBY::OntologyServer->new( ontology => 'relationship' );
-	my ( $success, $desc, $rel_lsid ) = $OE->relationshipExists(
-		term => $args{relationship},
-		ontology => 'service' );
-	($success)
-	  || return ( 0,
-			qq{Relationship $args{relationship} does not exist in the ontology},
-			'' );
-	my $insertid = $adaptor->insert_service_term2term(relationship_type => $rel_lsid, 
-							  service1_type => $sbj_lsid,
-							  service2_type => $obj_lsid);
-	if ( defined($insertid)) {
-		return ( 1, "Service relationship created successfully", '' );
-	} else {
-		return ( 0, "Service relationship creation failed for unknown reasons",
-				 '' );
-	}
-=head2 serviceExists
-sub serviceExists {
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
-	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'service' );
-	my $term = $args{term};
-	$term =~ s/^moby://;    # if the term is namespaced, then remove that
-	if ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid/
-		 && !( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:servicetype/ ) )
-	{
-		return ( 1, "external ontology", $term );
-	}
-	my $result;
-	$result = $adaptor->query_service(type => $term);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $id = $row->{service_id};
-	my $type = $row->{service_type};
-	my $lsid = $row->{service_lsid};
-	my $desc = $row->{description};
-	my $auth = $row->{authority};
-	my $email = $row->{contact_email};
-	if ($id) {
-		return ( 1, $desc, $lsid );
-	} else {
-		return (
-			0,
-"Service Type $term does not exist in the biomoby.org Service Type ontology\n",
-			''
-		);
-	}
-=head2 createServiceType
-sub createServiceType {
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
-	#node => $term,
-	#descrioption => $desc,
-	#authority => $auth,
-	#contact_email => $email);
-	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'service' );
-	return ( 0, "requires a object type node", '' ) unless ( $args{node} );
-	return ( 0, "requires an authURI ",        '' ) unless ( $args{authority} );
-	return ( 0, "requires a contact email address", '' )
-	  unless ( $args{contact_email} );
-	return ( 0, "requires a object description", '' )
-	  unless ( $args{description} );
-	my $term = $args{node};
-	if ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid/
-		 && !( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:servicetype/ ) )
-	{    # if it is an LSID, but not a MOBY LSID, than barf
-		return ( 0, "can't create a term in a non-MOBY ontology!", $term );
-	}
-	my $LSID =
-	  ( $args{'node'} =~ /urn\:lsid/ )
-	  ? $args{'node'}
-	  : $self->setURI( $args{'node'} );
-	unless ($LSID) { return ( 0, "Failed during creation of an LSID", '' ) }
-	my $insertid = $adaptor->insert_service(service_type => $args{'node'},
-						service_lsid => $LSID,
-						description => $args{'description'},
-						authority => $args{'authority'},
-						contact_email => $args{'contact_email'});
-	unless ( $insertid ) {
-		return ( 0, "Service creation failed for unknown reasons", '' );
-	}
-	return ( 1, "Service creation succeeded", $LSID );
-=head2 deleteServiceType
-sub deleteServiceType {
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
-	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'service' );
-	my $term = $args{term};
-	if ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid/
-		 && !( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:servicetype/ ) )
-	{
-		return ( 0, "can't delete from external ontology", $term );
-	}
-	my $LSID;
-	unless ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:servicetype/ ) {
-		$LSID = $self->getServiceURI($term);
-	} else {
-		$LSID = $term;
-	}
-	return (
-		0, q{Service type $term cannot be resolved to an LSID in the MOBY ontologies},""
-	  ) unless $LSID;
-	my $result = $adaptor->query_service(type => $LSID);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $lsid = $row->{service_lsid};
-	if ( !defined $lsid ) {
-		return ( 0, q{Service type $term does not exist in the ontology},
-				 $lsid );
-	}
-	# service1_id ISA service2_id?
-	my $isa = $adaptor->query_service_term2term(type => $lsid);
-	my $isas = shift(@$isa);
-	if ( $isas->{service1_id} ) {
-		return ( 0, qq{Service type $term has dependencies in the ontology},
-				 $lsid );
-	}
-	my ($err, $errstr) = $adaptor->delete_service(type => $lsid);
-	if ( $err ) {
-		return ( 0, "Delete from Service Type table failed: $errstr",
-				 $lsid );
-	}
-	return ( 1, "Service Type $term Deleted", $lsid );
-=head2 namespaceExists
-sub namespaceExists {
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobynamespace' );
-	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' )
-	  unless ( $self->ontology eq 'namespace' );
-	my $term = $args{term};
-	$term =~ s/^moby://;    # if the term is namespaced, then remove that
-	if ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid/
-		 && !( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:namespacetype/ ) )
-	{
-		return ( 1, "external ontology", $term );
-	}
-	my $result;
-	$result = $adaptor->query_namespace(type => $term);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $id = $row->{namespace_id};
-	my $type = $row->{namespace_type};
-	my $lsid = $row->{namespace_lsid};
-	my $desc = $row->{description};
-	my $auth = $row->{authority};
-	my $email = $row->{contact_email};
-	if ($id) {
-		return ( 1, $desc, $lsid );
-	} else {
-		return (
-			0,
-"Namespace Type $term does not exist in the biomoby.org Namespace Type ontology\n",
-			''
-		);
-	}
-=head2 createNamespace
-sub createNamespace {
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobynamespace' );
-	#node => $term,
-	#descrioption => $desc,
-	#authority => $auth,
-	#contact_email => $email);
-	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' )
-	  unless ( $self->ontology eq 'namespace' );
-	return ( 0, "requires a namespace type node", '' ) unless ( $args{node} );
-	return ( 0, "requires an authURI ", '' ) unless ( $args{authority} );
-	return ( 0, "requires a contact email address", '' )
-	  unless ( $args{contact_email} );
-	return ( 0, "requires a object description", '' )
-	  unless ( $args{description} );
-	my $term = $args{node};
-	if ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid/
-		 && !( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:namespacetype/ ) )
-	{    # if it is an LSID, but not a MOBY LSID, than barf
-		return ( 0, "can't create a term in a non-MOBY ontology!", $term );
-	}
-	my $LSID =
-	  ( $args{'node'} =~ /urn\:lsid/ )
-	  ? $args{'node'}
-	  : $self->setURI( $args{'node'} );
-	unless ($LSID) { return ( 0, "Failed during creation of an LSID", '' ) }
-	my $insertid = $adaptor->insert_namespace(namespace_type => $args{'node'}, 
-						namespace_lsid => $LSID,
-						description => $args{'description'},
-						authority => $args{'authority'},
-						contact_email => $args{'contact_email'});
-	unless ( $insertid ) {
-		return ( 0, "Namespace creation failed for unknown reasons", '' );
-	}
-	return ( 1, "Namespace creation succeeded", $LSID );
-=head2 deleteNamespace
-sub deleteNamespace {
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobynamespace' );
-	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' )
-	  unless ( $self->ontology eq 'namespace' );
-	my $term = $args{term};
-	my $LSID;
-	unless ( $term =~ /urn\:lsid/ ) { $LSID = $self->getNamespaceURI($term) } else { $LSID = $term }
-	return ( 0, q{Namespace type $term cannot be resolved to an LSID}, "" )
-	  unless $LSID;
-	if ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid/
-		 && !( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:namespacetype/ ) )
-	{
-		return ( 0, "cannot delete a term from an external ontology", $term );
-	}
-	my $result = $adaptor->query_namespace(type => $LSID);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $lsid = $row->{namespace_lsid};
-	unless ($lsid) {
-		return ( 0, q{Namespace type $term does not exist in the ontology},
-				 $lsid );
-	}
-	# service1_id ISA service2_id?
-	my $isa = $adaptor->query_namespace_term2term(type => $lsid);
-	my $isas = shift @$isa;
-	if ($isas->{namespace1_id} ) {
-		return ( 0, qq{Namespace type $term has dependencies in the ontology},
-				 $lsid );
-	}
-	my ($err, $errstr) = $adaptor->delete_namespace(type => $lsid);
-	if ( $err ) {
-		return ( 0, "Delete from namespace table failed: $errstr",
-				 $lsid );
-	}
-	#($err, $errstr) = $adaptor->delete_namespace_term2term(namespace1_id => $lsid);
-	#
-	#if ( $err ) {
-	#	return (
-	#		 0,
-	#		 "Delete from namespace term2term table failed: $errstr",
-	#		 $lsid
-	#	);
-	#}
-	return ( 1, "Namespace Type $term Deleted", $lsid );
-=head2 retrieveAllServiceTypes
-sub retrieveAllServiceTypes {
-	my ($self) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
-	my $types = $adaptor->query_service();
-	my %response;
-	foreach (@$types) {
-		$response{ $_->{service_type} } = [$_->{description}, $_->{service_lsid}];
-	}
-	return \%response;
-=head2 retrieveAllNamespaceTypes
-sub retrieveAllNamespaceTypes {
-	my ($self) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobynamespace' );
-	my $types = $adaptor->query_namespace();
-	my %response;
-	foreach (@$types) {
-		$response{ $_->{namespace_type} } = [$_->{description}, $_->{namespace_lsid}, $_->{authority}, $_->{contact_email}];
-	}
-	return \%response;
-=head2 retrieveAllObjectClasses
-sub retrieveAllObjectClasses {
-	my ($self) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
-	my $types = $adaptor->query_object();
-	my %response;
-	foreach (@$types) {
-		$response{ $_->{object_type} } = [$_->{description}, $_->{object_lsid}];
-	}
-	return \%response;
-*retrieveAllObjectTypes = \&retrieveAllObjectClasses;
-*retrieveAllObjectTypes = \&retrieveAllObjectClasses;
-=head2 getObjectCommonName
-sub getObjectCommonName {
-	my ( $self, $URI ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
-	return undef unless $URI =~ /urn\:lsid/;
-	my $result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $URI);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $name = $row->{object_type};
-	return $name ? $name : $URI;
-=head2 getNamespaceCommonName
-sub getNamespaceCommonName {
-	my ( $self, $URI ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobynamespace' );
-	return undef unless $URI =~ /urn\:lsid/;
-	my $result = $adaptor->query_namespace(type => $URI);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $name = $row->{namespace_type};
-	return $name ? $name : $URI;
-=head2 getServiceCommonName
-sub getServiceCommonName {
-	my ( $self, $URI ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
-	return undef unless $URI =~ /urn\:lsid/;
-	my $result = $adaptor->query_service(type => $URI);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $name = $row->{service_type};
-	return $name ? $name : $URI;
-=head2 getServiceURI
-sub getServiceURI {
-	my ( $self, $term ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
-	return $term if $term =~ /urn\:lsid/;
-	my $result = $adaptor->query_service(type => $term);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $id = $row->{service_lsid};
-	return $id;
-=head2 getObjectURI
-sub getObjectURI {
-	my ( $self, $term ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
-	return $term if $term =~ /urn\:lsid/;
-	my $result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $term);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $id = $row->{object_lsid};
-	return $id;
-=head2 getNamespaceURI
-sub getNamespaceURI {
-	my ( $self, $term ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobynamespace' );
-	return $term if $term =~ /urn\:lsid/;
-	my $result = $adaptor->query_namespace(type => $term);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $id = $row->{namespace_lsid};
-	return $id;
-=head2 getRelationshipURI
-consumes ontology (object/service)
-consumes relationship term as term or LSID
-sub getRelationshipURI {
-	my ( $self, $ontology, $term ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyrelationship' );
-	return $term if $term =~ /urn\:lsid/;
-	my $result = $adaptor->query_relationship(type => $term, ontology => $ontology);
-	my $row = shift(@$result);
-	my $id = $row->{relationship_lsid};
-	return $id;
-=head2 getRelationshipTypes
-sub getRelationshipTypes {
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyrelationship' );
-	my $ontology = $args{'ontology'};
-	my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new( ontology => "relationship" );
-	my $defs = $adaptor->query_relationship(ontology => $ontology);
-	my %result;
-	foreach ( @$defs ) {
-		$result{ $_->{relationship_lsid} } = [ $_->{relationship_type}, $_->{authority}, $_->{description} ];
-	}
-	return \%result;
-=head2 Relationships
-sub Relationships {
-	# this entire subroutine assumes that there is NOT multiple parenting!!
-	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
-	my $ontology     = $args{ontology} ? $args{ontology} : $self->ontology;
-	my $term         = $args{term};
-	my $relationship = $args{relationship};
-	my $direction    = $args{direction} ? $args{direction} : 'root';
-	my $expand       = $args{expand} ? 1 : 0;
-	return
-	  unless (    $ontology
-			   && $term
-			   && ( ( $ontology eq 'service' ) || ( $ontology eq 'object' ) ) );
-	# convert $term into an LSID if it isn't already
-	if ( $ontology eq 'service' ) {
-		$term = $self->getServiceURI($term);
-		$relationship ||="isa";
-		my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(ontology => 'relationship');
-		$relationship = $OS->getRelationshipURI("service", $relationship);
-	} elsif ( $ontology eq 'object' ) {
-		$term = $self->getObjectURI($term);
-		$relationship ||="isa";
-		my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(ontology => 'relationship');
-		$relationship = $OS->getRelationshipURI("object", $relationship);
-	}
-	my %results;
-	while (    ( $term ne 'urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectclass:Object' )
-			&& ( $term ne 'urn:lsid:biomoby.org:servicetype:Service' ) )
-	{
-		my $defs = $self->_doRelationshipsQuery(       $ontology,     $term,
-												 $relationship, $direction );
-		return {[]} unless $defs; # somethig has gone terribly wrong!
-		my $lsid;
-		my $rel;
-		my $articleName;
-		foreach ( @{$defs} ) {
-			$lsid = $_->[0];
-			$rel  = $_->[1];
-			$articleName = $_->[2];
-			$articleName ||="";
-			$debug
-			  && _LOG("\t\tADDING RELATIONSHIP $_    :    $lsid to $rel\n");
-			push @{ $results{$rel} }, [$lsid, $articleName];
-		}
-		last unless ($expand);
-		last unless ( $direction eq "root" ); # if we aren't going to root, then be careful or we'll loop infnitely
-		$term = $lsid; # this entire subroutine assumes that there is NOT multiple parenting...
-	}
-	return \%results;    #results(relationship} = [[lsid1,articleNmae], [lsid2, articleName], [lsid3, articleName]]
-sub _doRelationshipsQuery {
-	my ( $self, $ontology, $term, $relationship, $direction ) = @_;
-	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
-	my $datasource = "moby$ontology";  # like mobyobject, or mobyservice
-	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => $datasource );
-	my $defs;
-	# query returns a reference to an array containing array references
-	$defs = $adaptor->get_relationship(direction => $direction,
-					   ontology => $ontology,
-					   term => $term,
-					   relationship => $relationship);
-	# a very long piece of SQL statements have been refactored into Moby::Adaptor::moby::queryapi::mysql.pm
-	return $defs;
-=head2 setURI
-sub setURI {
-	my ( $self, $id ) = @_;
-	my $URI;
-	# $id = lc($id);
-	if ( $self->ontology eq 'object' ) {
-		$URI = "urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectclass:$id";
-	} elsif ( $self->ontology eq 'namespace' ) {
-		$URI = "urn:lsid:biomoby.org:namespacetype:$id";
-	} elsif ( $self->ontology eq 'service' ) {
-		$URI = "urn:lsid:biomoby.org:servicetype:$id";
-	} elsif ( $self->ontology eq 'relationship' ) {
-		$URI = "urn:lsid:biomoby.org:relationshiptype:$id";
-	} else {
-		$URI = 0;
-	}
-	return $URI;
-=head2 traverseDAG
-sub traverseDAG {
-	my ( $self, $term, $direction ) = @_;
-	my $ontology = $self->ontology;
-	return {} unless $ontology;
-	return {} unless $term;
-	$direction = "root" unless ($direction);
-	return {} unless ( ( $direction eq 'root' ) || ( $direction eq 'leaves' ) );
-	if ( $ontology eq 'service' ) {
-		$term = $self->getServiceURI($term);
-	} elsif ( $ontology eq 'object' ) {
-		$term = $self->getObjectURI($term);
-	}
-	return {} unless $term =~ /^urn\:lsid/;    # now its a URI
-	my $relhash = $self->getRelationshipTypes( ontology => $ontology );    # get teh types of relationships for the object/service ontology
-	return {} unless $relhash;
-	my @rels = keys %{$relhash};    #@rels is the list of relationship types for that ontology
-	my %relationships;
-	foreach my $relationship (@rels) {
-		my %IDS;
-		my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new( ontology => 'relationship' );
-		my $reluri =
-		  $OS->getRelationshipURI( $ontology, $relationship )
-		  ;   # get the URI for that relationship type if it ins't already a URI
-		$IDS{$term} = "untestedroot";   # mark the one in-hand as being untested
-		while ( grep /untested/, ( values %IDS ) )
-		{    # now, while there are untested services in our list...
-			foreach my $termthingy ( keys %IDS )
-			{    # start parsing through the current list (hash keys)
-				$debug && _LOG("testing $relationship of $termthingy\n");
-				next
-				  if ( $IDS{$termthingy} eq "tested" )
-				  ;    # if it has been tested already then move on
-				my $lsids = $self->Relationships(
-					term         => $termthingy,
-					relationship => $relationship,
-					direction    => $direction
-				  )
-				  ; # get the related terms for this type; this should return a single hash value
-				if ( $IDS{$termthingy} =~ /root/ )
-				{    # here is where we remove self
-					delete $IDS{$termthingy};
-					$debug && _LOG("deleting $termthingy\n");
-				} else {
-					$debug && _LOG("marking $termthingy as TESTED\n");
-					$IDS{$termthingy} =
-					  "tested";    # mark the current one as now being "done"
-				}
-				#${$lsids}{relationshiptype}=[lsid, lsid, lsid];
-				foreach my $lsid_article ( @{ $lsids->{$relationship} } )
-				{                  # go through the related terms
-					my ($lsid, $article) = @{$lsid_article};
-					$debug && _LOG("found $lsid as relationship");
-					next
-					  if ( defined $IDS{$lsid} )
-					  ;            # if we have already seen that term, skip it
-					$debug && _LOG("setting $lsid as untested\n");
-					$IDS{$lsid} =
-					  "untested"  # otherwise add it to the list and loop again.
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		my @IDS = keys %IDS;
-		$relationships{$relationship} =
-		  \@IDS;    # and associate them all with the current relationship type
-	}
-	return \%relationships;
-sub _LOG {
-	return unless $debug;
-	#print join "\n", @_;
-	#print  "\n---\n";
-	#return;
-	open LOG, ">>/tmp/OntologyServer.txt" or die "can't open logfile $!\n";
-	print LOG join "\n", @_;
-	print LOG "\n---\n";
-	close LOG;
-sub DESTROY { }
-	no strict "refs";
-	my ( $self, $newval ) = @_;
-	$AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::(\w+)/;
-	my $attr = $1;
-	if ( $self->_accessible( $attr, 'write' ) ) {
-		*{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {
-			if ( defined $_[1] ) { $_[0]->{$attr} = $_[1] }
-			return $_[0]->{$attr};
-		};    ### end of created subroutine
-###  this is called first time only
-		if ( defined $newval ) {
-			$self->{$attr} = $newval;
-		}
-		return $self->{$attr};
-	} elsif ( $self->_accessible( $attr, 'read' ) ) {
-		*{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {
-			return $_[0]->{$attr};
-		};    ### end of created subroutine
-		return $self->{$attr};
-	}
-	# Must have been a mistake then...
-	croak "No such method: $AUTOLOAD";
+# this module needs to talk to the 'real' ontology
+# server as well as the MOBY Central database
+# in order to ensure that they are both in sync
+=head1 NAME
+MOBY::OntologyServer - A way for MOBY Central to query the
+object, service, namespace, and relationship ontologies
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use MOBY::OntologyServer;
+ my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(ontology => "object");
+ my ($success, $message, $existingURI) = $OS->objectExists(term => "Object");
+ if ($success){
+     print "object exists and it has the LSID $existingURI\n";
+ } else {
+    print "object does not exist; additional message from server: $message\n";
+ }
+Swappable interface to ontologies.  It should deal with LSID's 100%
+of the time, and also deal with MOBY-specific common names for objects,
+services, namespaces, and relationship types.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Mark Wilkinson (markw at illuminae.com)
+BioMOBY Project:  http://www.biomoby.org
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+ Title     :	new
+ Usage     :	my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(%args)
+ Function  :	
+ Returns   :	MOBY::OntologyServer object
+ Args      :    ontology => [object || service || namespace || relationship]
+                database => mysql databasename that holds the ontologies
+                host =>  mysql hostname
+                username => mysql username
+                password => mysql password
+                port => mysql port
+                dbh => pre-existing database handle to a mysql database
+package MOBY::OntologyServer;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);
+use DBI;
+use DBD::mysql;
+use MOBY::Config;
+my $debug = 0;
+	#Encapsulated class data
+	#___________________________________________________________
+	my %_attr_data =    #     				DEFAULT    	ACCESSIBILITY
+	  (
+		ontology => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
+		database => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
+		host     => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
+		username => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
+		password => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
+		port     => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
+		dbh      => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
+	  );
+	#_____________________________________________________________
+	# METHODS, to operate on encapsulated class data
+	# Is a specified object attribute accessible in a given mode
+	sub _accessible {
+		my ( $self, $attr, $mode ) = @_;
+		$_attr_data{$attr}[1] =~ /$mode/;
+	}
+	# Classwide default value for a specified object attribute
+	sub _default_for {
+		my ( $self, $attr ) = @_;
+		$_attr_data{$attr}[0];
+	}
+	# List of names of all specified object attributes
+	sub _standard_keys {
+		keys %_attr_data;
+	}
+sub new {
+	my ( $caller, %args ) = @_;
+	my $caller_is_obj = ref($caller);
+	my $class         = $caller_is_obj || $caller;
+	my $self          = bless {}, $class;
+	foreach my $attrname ( $self->_standard_keys ) {
+		if ( exists $args{$attrname} && defined $args{$attrname} ) {
+			$self->{$attrname} = $args{$attrname};
+		} elsif ($caller_is_obj) {
+			$self->{$attrname} = $caller->{$attrname};
+		} else {
+			$self->{$attrname} = $self->_default_for($attrname);
+		}
+	}
+	$self->ontology eq 'object'       && $self->database('mobyobject');
+	$self->ontology eq 'namespace'    && $self->database('mobynamespace');
+	$self->ontology eq 'service'      && $self->database('mobyservice');
+	$self->ontology eq 'relationship' && $self->database('mobyrelationship');
+	#print STDERR "\n\nCONFIG object is $CONFIG\n\n";
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;
+#print STDERR "got username ",($CONFIG->{mobycentral}->{username})," for mobycentral\n";
+	$self->username( $CONFIG->{ $self->database }->{username} )
+	  unless $self->username;
+	$self->password( $CONFIG->{ $self->database }->{password} )
+	  unless $self->password;
+	$self->port( $CONFIG->{ $self->database }->{port} ) unless $self->port;
+	$self->host( $CONFIG->{ $self->database }->{url} )  unless $self->host;
+	my $host = $self->host ? $self->host : $ENV{MOBY_CENTRAL_URL};
+	chomp $host;
+	my $username =
+	  $self->username ? $self->username : $ENV{MOBY_CENTRAL_DBUSER};
+	chomp $username;
+	my $password =
+	  $self->password ? $self->password : $ENV{MOBY_CENTRAL_DBPASS};
+	chomp $password if $password;
+	$password =~ s/\s//g if $password;
+	my $port = $self->port ? $self->port : $ENV{MOBY_CENTRAL_DBPORT};
+	chomp $port;
+	my ($dsn) =
+	    "DBI:mysql:"
+	  . ( $CONFIG->{ $self->database }->{dbname} ) . ":"
+	  . ($host) . ":"
+	  . ($port);
+	#print STDERR "\n\nDSN was $dsn\n\n";
+	my $dbh;
+#	$debug && &_LOG("connecting to db with params ",$self->database, $self->username, $self->password,"\n");
+	if ( defined $password ) {
+		$dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $username, $password, { RaiseError => 1 } )
+		  or die "can't connect to database";
+	} else {
+		$dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $username, undef, { RaiseError => 1 } )
+		  or die "can't connect to database";
+	}
+	#	$debug && &_LOG("CONNECTED!\n");
+	if ($dbh) {
+		$self->dbh($dbh);
+		return $self;
+	} else {
+		return undef;
+	}
+=head2 objectExists
+ moby:newterm will return (0, $message, $MOBYLSID)
+ newterm will return (0, $message, $MOBYLSID
+ oldterm will return (1, $message, undef)
+ newLSID will return (0, $desc, $lsid)
+sub objectExists {
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
+	my $term = $args{term};
+	$term =~ s/^moby://;    # if the term is namespaced, then remove that
+	my $sth;
+	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'object' );
+	my $result;
+	$result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $term);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $lsid = $row->{object_lsid};
+	my $type = $row->{object_type};
+	my $desc = $row->{description};
+	my $auth = $row->{authority};
+	my $email = $row->{contact_email};
+	if ($lsid)
+	{ # if it is in there, then it has been discovered regardless of being foreign or not
+		return ( 1, $desc, $lsid );
+	} elsif ( _isForeignLSID($term) )
+	{ # if not in our ontology, but is a foreign LSID, then pass it back verbatim
+		return (
+			0,
+"LSID $term does not exist in the biomoby.org Object Class system\n",
+			$term
+		);
+	} else { # under all other circumstances (i.e. not a term, or a non-existent biomoby LSID) then fail
+		return (
+			0,
+"Object type $term does not exist in the biomoby.org Object Class system\n",
+			''
+		);
+	}
+sub _isMOBYLSID {
+	my ($lsid) = @_;
+	return 1 if $lsid =~ /^urn\:lsid\:biomoby.org/;
+	return 0;
+sub _isForeignLSID {
+	my ($lsid) = @_;
+	return 0 if $lsid =~ /^urn\:lsid\:biomoby.org/;
+	return 1;
+=head2 createObject
+sub createObject {
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
+	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'object' );
+	return ( 0, "requires a object type node", '' ) unless ( $args{node} );
+	return ( 0, "requires an authURI ",        '' ) unless ( $args{authority} );
+	return ( 0, "requires a contact email address", '' )
+	  unless ( $args{contact_email} );
+	return ( 0, "requires a object description", '' )
+	  unless ( $args{description} );
+	my $term = $args{node};
+	my $LSID =
+	  ( $args{'node'} =~ /urn\:lsid/ )
+	  ? $args{'node'}
+	  : $self->setURI( $args{'node'} );
+	unless ($LSID) { return ( 0, "Failed during creation of an LSID", '' ) }
+	my $result;
+	$result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $term);		
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $lsid = $row->{object_lsid};
+	my $type = $row->{object_type};
+	my $desc = $row->{description};
+	my $auth = $row->{authority};
+	my $email = $row->{contact_email};
+	if ($lsid) {    # if it is in there, then the object exists
+		return ( 0, "This term already exists: $lsid", $lsid );
+	}
+	$args{description}   =~ s/^\s+(.*?)\s+$/$1/s;
+	$args{node}          =~ s/^\s+(.*?)\s+$/$1/s;
+	$args{contact_email} =~ s/^\s+(.*?)\s+$/$1/s;
+	$args{authority}     =~ s/^\s+(.*?)\s+$/$1/s;
+	my $insertid = $adaptor->insert_object(object_type => $args{'node'}, 
+						object_lsid => $LSID, 
+						description => $args{'description'},
+						authority => $args{'authority'},
+						contact_email => $args{'contact_email'});
+	unless ( $insertid ) {
+		return ( 0, "Object creation failed for unknown reasons", '' );
+	}
+	return ( 1, "Object creation succeeded", $LSID );
+=head2 retrieveObject
+sub retrieveObject {
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
+	my $term = $args{'type'};
+	$term ||=$args{'node'};
+	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'object' );
+	return ( 0, "requires a object type node as an argument", '' )
+	  unless ( $term );
+	my $LSID =
+	  ( $term =~ /urn\:lsid/ )
+	  ? $term
+	  : $self->getObjectURI($term);
+	unless ($LSID) { return ( 0, "Failed during creation of an LSID", '' ) }
+	my $result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $LSID);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+#	my $id = $row->{object_id};
+	my $type = $row->{object_type};
+	my $lsid = $row->{object_lsid};
+	my $desc = $row->{description};
+	my $auth = $row->{authority};
+	my $contact = $row->{contact_email};
+	unless ($lsid) { return ( 0, "Object doesn't exist in ontology", "" ) }
+	# my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(ontology => "relationship");
+	$result = $adaptor->get_object_relationships(type => $lsid);
+	my %rel;
+	foreach my $row (@$result)
+	{
+	my $relationship_type = $row->{relationship_type};
+	my $objectlsid = $row->{object_lsid};
+	my $article = $row->{object2_articlename};
+	my $contact = $row->{contact_email};
+	my $def = $row->{definition};
+	my $auth = $row->{authority};
+	my $type = $row->{object_type};
+	push @{ $rel{$relationship_type} }, [ $objectlsid, $article, $type, $def, $auth, $contact ];
+	}
+	return {
+			 objectType	=> $type,
+			 objectLSID    => $lsid,
+			 description   => $desc,
+			 contactEmail  => $contact,
+			 authURI       => $auth,
+			 Relationships => \%rel
+	};
+=head2 deprecateObject
+sub deprecateObject {
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
+	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'object' );
+	my $term = $args{term};
+#    if ($term =~ /^urn:lsid/ && !($term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectclass/)){
+#        return (0, "can't delete from external ontology", $term);
+#    }
+	my $LSID;
+	unless ( $term =~ /urn\:lsid/ ) { $LSID = $self->getObjectURI($term) } else { $LSID = $term }
+	return ( 0, q{Object type $term cannot be resolved to an LSID}, "" )
+	  unless $LSID;
+	my $result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $LSID);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $id = $row->{object_id};
+	my $lsid = $row->{object_lsid};
+	# object1_id ISA object2_id?
+	my $isa = $adaptor->query_object_term2term(type => $lsid);
+	my $isas = shift @$isa;
+	if ( $isas->{object1_id}) {
+		return ( 0,
+				 qq{Object type $term has object dependencies in the ontology},
+				 $lsid );
+	}
+	my ($err, $errstr) = $adaptor->delete_object(type => $lsid);
+	if ( $err ) {
+		return ( 0, "Delete from Object Class table failed: $errstr",
+				 $lsid );
+	}
+	return ( 1, "Object $term Deleted", $lsid );
+=head2 deleteObject
+sub deleteObject {
+	my $self = shift;
+	$self->deprecateObject(@_);
+=head2 relationshipExists
+sub relationshipExists {
+	# term => $term
+	# ontology => $ontology
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyrelationship' );
+	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' )
+	  unless ( $self->ontology eq 'relationship' );
+	my $term = lc( $args{term} );
+	$term =~ s/^moby://;    # if the term is namespaced, then remove that
+	my $ont = $args{ontology};
+	return ( 0, "requires both term and ontology arguments\n", '' )
+	  unless ( defined($term) && defined($ont) );
+	my $result;
+	if ( $term =~ /^urn\:lsid/ ) {
+	$result = $adaptor->query_relationship(
+					type => $term,
+					ontology => $ont);	
+	} else {
+	$result = $adaptor->query_relationship(type => $term, ontology => $ont);
+	}
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $lsid = $row->{relationship_lsid};
+	my $type = $row->{relationship_type};
+	my $desc = $row->{description};
+	my $auth = $row->{authority};
+	my $email = $row->{contact_email};
+	if ($lsid) {
+		return ( 1, $desc, $lsid, $type, $auth, $email );
+	} else {
+		return (
+			0,"Relationship Type $term does not exist in the biomoby.org Relationship Type system\n",
+			'', '', '', ''
+		);
+	}
+=head2 addObjectRelationship
+sub addObjectRelationship {
+	# adds a  relationship
+	#subject_node => $term,
+	#relationship => $reltype,
+	#object_node => $objectType,
+	#articleName => $articleName,
+	#authority => $auth,
+	#contact_email => $email
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
+	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'object' );
+	my $result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $args{subject_node});
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $subj_lsid = $row->{object_lsid};
+	return ( 0, qq{Object type $args{subject_node} does not exist in the ontology}, '' )
+	  unless defined $subj_lsid;
+	$result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $args{object_node});
+	$row = shift(@$result);
+	my $obj_lsid = $row->{object_lsid};
+	return ( 0,qq{Object type $args{object_node} does not exist in the ontology},'' )
+	  unless defined $obj_lsid;
+	my $isa = $adaptor->query_object_term2term(type => $subj_lsid);
+	my $isarow = shift @$isa;
+	if ( $isarow->{object_lsid} ) {
+		return (
+			0,
+			qq{Object type $args{subject_node} has existing object dependencies in the ontology.  It cannot be changed.},
+			$subj_lsid
+		);
+	}
+	my $OE = MOBY::OntologyServer->new( ontology => 'relationship' );
+	my ( $success, $desc, $rel_lsid ) = $OE->relationshipExists(
+		term => $args{relationship},
+		ontology => 'object' );
+	($success) || return ( 0,
+			qq{Relationship $args{relationship} does not exist in the ontology},
+			'' );
+	# need to ensure that identical article names dont' end up at the same level
+	my $articleNameInvalid = &_testIdenticalArticleName(term => $subj_lsid, articleName => $args{articleName});
+	return (0, "Object will have conflicting articleName ".($args{articleName}), '') if $articleNameInvalid;
+	my $insertid = $adaptor->insert_object_term2term(relationship_type => $rel_lsid, 
+							 object1_type => $subj_lsid,
+							 object2_type => $obj_lsid,
+							 object2_articlename => $args{articleName});
+	if ($insertid ) {
+		return ( 1, "Object relationsihp created successfully", '' );
+	} else {
+		return ( 0, "Object relationship creation failed for unknown reasons",
+				 '' );
+	}
+sub _testIdenticalArticleName {
+	my (%args)= @_;
+	my $term = $args{term};
+	my $articleName = $args{articleName};
+	my $foundCommonArticleNameFlag = 0;
+	# need to first traverse down the ISA pathway to root
+	# then for each ISA test the hAS and HASA's for their articlenames and see if they are the same
+	# case insensitive?
+	my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(ontology => 'object');
+	my $OSrel = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(ontology => 'relationship');
+	my ($exists1, $desc, $isalsid) = $OSrel->relationshipExists(term => 'isa', ontology => 'object');
+	my ($exists2, $desc2, $hasalsid) = $OSrel->relationshipExists(term => 'hasa', ontology => 'object');
+	my ($exists3, $desc3, $haslsid) = $OSrel->relationshipExists(term => 'has', ontology => 'object');
+	return 1 unless ($exists1 && $exists2 && $exists3);  # this is bad, since it returns boolean suggesting that it found a common articlename rather than finding that a given relationship doesn't exist, but... hey....
+		# check the hasa relationships for common articleName
+	$foundCommonArticleNameFlag += _compareArticleNames(OS => $OS, type => $args{term}, relationship => $hasalsid, targetArticleName => $articleName);
+		# check the has relationships for common articleName		
+	$foundCommonArticleNameFlag += _compareArticleNames(OS => $OS, type => $args{term}, relationship => $haslsid, targetArticleName => $articleName);
+	# now get all of its inherited parents
+	my $relationships = $OS->Relationships(
+		ontology => 'object',
+		term => $args{term},
+		relationship => $isalsid,
+		direction => 'root',
+		expand =>  1);
+	 #relationships{relationship} = [[lsid1,articleNmae], [lsid2, articleName], [lsid3, articleName]]	
+	my ($isa) = keys(%$relationships);  # can only be one key returned, and must be isa in this case
+	my @ISAlist;
+	(@ISAlist = @{$relationships->{$isa}}) if ($relationships->{$isa}) ;
+	# for each of the inherited parents, check their articleNames
+	foreach my $ISA(@ISAlist){  # $ISA = [lsid, articleName] (but articleName shuld be null anyway in this case)
+		my $what_it_is = shift @$ISA;
+		# check the hasa relationships for common articleName
+		$foundCommonArticleNameFlag += _compareArticleNames(OS => $OS, type => $what_it_is, relationship => $hasalsid, targetArticleName => $articleName);
+		# check the has relationships for common articleName		
+		$foundCommonArticleNameFlag += _compareArticleNames(OS => $OS, type => $what_it_is, relationship => $haslsid, targetArticleName => $articleName);
+	}
+	return $foundCommonArticleNameFlag;
+sub _compareArticleNames {
+	my (%args) = @_;
+	my $OS =  $args{OS};
+	my $what_it_is = $args{type};
+	my $lsid = $args{relationship};
+	my $targetArticleName = $args{targetArticleName};
+	my $foundCommonArticleNameFlag = 0;
+	my $contents = $OS->Relationships(
+		ontology => 'object',
+		term => $what_it_is,
+		relationship => $lsid,
+		direction => 'root',
+		);
+	if ($contents){
+		#$hasarelationships{relationship} = [[lsid1,articleNmae], [lsid2, articleName], [lsid3, articleName]]	
+	       my ($content) = keys(%$contents);
+	       if ($contents->{$content}){
+			my @CONTENTlist = @{$contents->{$content}};
+			foreach my $CONTAINED(@CONTENTlist){
+				$foundCommonArticleNameFlag = 1 if ($CONTAINED->[1] eq $targetArticleName); #->[1] is the articleName field
+			}
+	       }
+	}
+	return $foundCommonArticleNameFlag;
+=head2 addServiceRelationship
+sub addServiceRelationship {
+	# adds an ISA relationship
+	# fail if another object is in relation to this objevt
+	#subject_node => $term,
+	#relationship => $relationship,
+	#predicate_node => $pred
+	#authority => $auth,
+	#contact_email => $email);
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
+	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'service' );
+	my $result = $adaptor->query_service(type => $args{subject_node});
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $sbj_lsid = $row->{service_lsid};
+	return (0,
+		qq{Service type $args{subject_node} has object dependencies in the ontology.  It can not be changed},
+		$sbj_lsid
+	  ) unless defined $sbj_lsid;
+	my $isa = $adaptor->query_service_term2term(service2_id => $sbj_lsid);
+	my $isarow = shift @$isa;
+	if ( $isarow->{service_lsid} ) {
+		return (
+			0,
+			qq{Service type $args{subject_node} has object dependencies in the ontology.  It can not be changed},
+			$sbj_lsid
+		);
+	}
+	$result = $adaptor->query_service(type => $args{object_node});
+	$row = shift(@$result);
+	my $obj_lsid = $row->{service_lsid};
+	# get ID of the related service
+	defined $obj_lsid
+	  || return ( 0,
+		  qq{Service $args{object_node} does not exist in the service ontology},
+		  '' );
+	my $OE = MOBY::OntologyServer->new( ontology => 'relationship' );
+	my ( $success, $desc, $rel_lsid ) = $OE->relationshipExists(
+		term => $args{relationship},
+		ontology => 'service' );
+	($success)
+	  || return ( 0,
+			qq{Relationship $args{relationship} does not exist in the ontology},
+			'' );
+	my $insertid = $adaptor->insert_service_term2term(relationship_type => $rel_lsid, 
+							  service1_type => $sbj_lsid,
+							  service2_type => $obj_lsid);
+	if ( defined($insertid)) {
+		return ( 1, "Service relationship created successfully", '' );
+	} else {
+		return ( 0, "Service relationship creation failed for unknown reasons",
+				 '' );
+	}
+=head2 serviceExists
+sub serviceExists {
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
+	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'service' );
+	my $term = $args{term};
+	$term =~ s/^moby://;    # if the term is namespaced, then remove that
+	if ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid/
+		 && !( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:servicetype/ ) )
+	{
+		return ( 1, "external ontology", $term );
+	}
+	my $result;
+	$result = $adaptor->query_service(type => $term);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $id = $row->{service_id};
+	my $type = $row->{service_type};
+	my $lsid = $row->{service_lsid};
+	my $desc = $row->{description};
+	my $auth = $row->{authority};
+	my $email = $row->{contact_email};
+	if ($id) {
+		return ( 1, $desc, $lsid );
+	} else {
+		return (
+			0,
+"Service Type $term does not exist in the biomoby.org Service Type ontology\n",
+			''
+		);
+	}
+=head2 createServiceType
+sub createServiceType {
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
+	#node => $term,
+	#descrioption => $desc,
+	#authority => $auth,
+	#contact_email => $email);
+	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'service' );
+	return ( 0, "requires a object type node", '' ) unless ( $args{node} );
+	return ( 0, "requires an authURI ",        '' ) unless ( $args{authority} );
+	return ( 0, "requires a contact email address", '' )
+	  unless ( $args{contact_email} );
+	return ( 0, "requires a object description", '' )
+	  unless ( $args{description} );
+	my $term = $args{node};
+	if ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid/
+		 && !( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:servicetype/ ) )
+	{    # if it is an LSID, but not a MOBY LSID, than barf
+		return ( 0, "can't create a term in a non-MOBY ontology!", $term );
+	}
+	my $LSID =
+	  ( $args{'node'} =~ /urn\:lsid/ )
+	  ? $args{'node'}
+	  : $self->setURI( $args{'node'} );
+	unless ($LSID) { return ( 0, "Failed during creation of an LSID", '' ) }
+	my $insertid = $adaptor->insert_service(service_type => $args{'node'},
+						service_lsid => $LSID,
+						description => $args{'description'},
+						authority => $args{'authority'},
+						contact_email => $args{'contact_email'});
+	unless ( $insertid ) {
+		return ( 0, "Service creation failed for unknown reasons", '' );
+	}
+	return ( 1, "Service creation succeeded", $LSID );
+=head2 deleteServiceType
+sub deleteServiceType {
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
+	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' ) unless ( $self->ontology eq 'service' );
+	my $term = $args{term};
+	if ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid/
+		 && !( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:servicetype/ ) )
+	{
+		return ( 0, "can't delete from external ontology", $term );
+	}
+	my $LSID;
+	unless ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:servicetype/ ) {
+		$LSID = $self->getServiceURI($term);
+	} else {
+		$LSID = $term;
+	}
+	return (
+		0, q{Service type $term cannot be resolved to an LSID in the MOBY ontologies},""
+	  ) unless $LSID;
+	my $result = $adaptor->query_service(type => $LSID);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $lsid = $row->{service_lsid};
+	if ( !defined $lsid ) {
+		return ( 0, q{Service type $term does not exist in the ontology},
+				 $lsid );
+	}
+	# service1_id ISA service2_id?
+	my $isa = $adaptor->query_service_term2term(type => $lsid);
+	my $isas = shift(@$isa);
+	if ( $isas->{service1_id} ) {
+		return ( 0, qq{Service type $term has dependencies in the ontology},
+				 $lsid );
+	}
+	my ($err, $errstr) = $adaptor->delete_service(type => $lsid);
+	if ( $err ) {
+		return ( 0, "Delete from Service Type table failed: $errstr",
+				 $lsid );
+	}
+	return ( 1, "Service Type $term Deleted", $lsid );
+=head2 namespaceExists
+sub namespaceExists {
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobynamespace' );
+	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' )
+	  unless ( $self->ontology eq 'namespace' );
+	my $term = $args{term};
+	$term =~ s/^moby://;    # if the term is namespaced, then remove that
+	if ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid/
+		 && !( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:namespacetype/ ) )
+	{
+		return ( 1, "external ontology", $term );
+	}
+	my $result;
+	$result = $adaptor->query_namespace(type => $term);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $id = $row->{namespace_id};
+	my $type = $row->{namespace_type};
+	my $lsid = $row->{namespace_lsid};
+	my $desc = $row->{description};
+	my $auth = $row->{authority};
+	my $email = $row->{contact_email};
+	if ($id) {
+		return ( 1, $desc, $lsid );
+	} else {
+		return (
+			0,
+"Namespace Type $term does not exist in the biomoby.org Namespace Type ontology\n",
+			''
+		);
+	}
+=head2 createNamespace
+sub createNamespace {
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobynamespace' );
+	#node => $term,
+	#descrioption => $desc,
+	#authority => $auth,
+	#contact_email => $email);
+	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' )
+	  unless ( $self->ontology eq 'namespace' );
+	return ( 0, "requires a namespace type node", '' ) unless ( $args{node} );
+	return ( 0, "requires an authURI ", '' ) unless ( $args{authority} );
+	return ( 0, "requires a contact email address", '' )
+	  unless ( $args{contact_email} );
+	return ( 0, "requires a object description", '' )
+	  unless ( $args{description} );
+	my $term = $args{node};
+	if ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid/
+		 && !( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:namespacetype/ ) )
+	{    # if it is an LSID, but not a MOBY LSID, than barf
+		return ( 0, "can't create a term in a non-MOBY ontology!", $term );
+	}
+	my $LSID =
+	  ( $args{'node'} =~ /urn\:lsid/ )
+	  ? $args{'node'}
+	  : $self->setURI( $args{'node'} );
+	unless ($LSID) { return ( 0, "Failed during creation of an LSID", '' ) }
+	my $insertid = $adaptor->insert_namespace(namespace_type => $args{'node'}, 
+						namespace_lsid => $LSID,
+						description => $args{'description'},
+						authority => $args{'authority'},
+						contact_email => $args{'contact_email'});
+	unless ( $insertid ) {
+		return ( 0, "Namespace creation failed for unknown reasons", '' );
+	}
+	return ( 1, "Namespace creation succeeded", $LSID );
+=head2 deleteNamespace
+sub deleteNamespace {
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobynamespace' );
+	return ( 0, "WRONG ONTOLOGY!", '' )
+	  unless ( $self->ontology eq 'namespace' );
+	my $term = $args{term};
+	my $LSID;
+	unless ( $term =~ /urn\:lsid/ ) { $LSID = $self->getNamespaceURI($term) } else { $LSID = $term }
+	return ( 0, q{Namespace type $term cannot be resolved to an LSID}, "" )
+	  unless $LSID;
+	if ( $term =~ /^urn:lsid/
+		 && !( $term =~ /^urn:lsid:biomoby.org:namespacetype/ ) )
+	{
+		return ( 0, "cannot delete a term from an external ontology", $term );
+	}
+	my $result = $adaptor->query_namespace(type => $LSID);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $lsid = $row->{namespace_lsid};
+	unless ($lsid) {
+		return ( 0, q{Namespace type $term does not exist in the ontology},
+				 $lsid );
+	}
+	# service1_id ISA service2_id?
+	my $isa = $adaptor->query_namespace_term2term(type => $lsid);
+	my $isas = shift @$isa;
+	if ($isas->{namespace1_id} ) {
+		return ( 0, qq{Namespace type $term has dependencies in the ontology},
+				 $lsid );
+	}
+	my ($err, $errstr) = $adaptor->delete_namespace(type => $lsid);
+	if ( $err ) {
+		return ( 0, "Delete from namespace table failed: $errstr",
+				 $lsid );
+	}
+	#($err, $errstr) = $adaptor->delete_namespace_term2term(namespace1_id => $lsid);
+	#
+	#if ( $err ) {
+	#	return (
+	#		 0,
+	#		 "Delete from namespace term2term table failed: $errstr",
+	#		 $lsid
+	#	);
+	#}
+	return ( 1, "Namespace Type $term Deleted", $lsid );
+=head2 retrieveAllServiceTypes
+sub retrieveAllServiceTypes {
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
+	my $types = $adaptor->query_service();
+	my %response;
+	foreach (@$types) {
+		$response{ $_->{service_type} } = [$_->{description}, $_->{service_lsid}]; #COMMENT/REMOVE
+		#$response{ $_->{service_type} } = [$_->{description}, $_->{service_lsid}, $_->{contact_email}, $_->{authority}]; #UNCOMMENT
+	}
+	return \%response;
+=head2 retrieveAllNamespaceTypes
+sub retrieveAllNamespaceTypes {
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobynamespace' );
+	my $types = $adaptor->query_namespace();
+	my %response;
+	foreach (@$types) {
+		$response{ $_->{namespace_type} } = [$_->{description}, $_->{namespace_lsid}, $_->{authority}, $_->{contact_email}];
+	}
+	return \%response;
+=head2 retrieveAllObjectClasses
+sub retrieveAllObjectClasses {
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
+	my $types = $adaptor->query_object();
+	my %response;
+	foreach (@$types) {
+		$response{ $_->{object_type} } = [$_->{description}, $_->{object_lsid}];
+	}
+	return \%response;
+*retrieveAllObjectTypes = \&retrieveAllObjectClasses;
+*retrieveAllObjectTypes = \&retrieveAllObjectClasses;
+=head2 getObjectCommonName
+sub getObjectCommonName {
+	my ( $self, $URI ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
+	return undef unless $URI =~ /urn\:lsid/;
+	my $result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $URI);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $name = $row->{object_type};
+	return $name ? $name : $URI;
+=head2 getNamespaceCommonName
+sub getNamespaceCommonName {
+	my ( $self, $URI ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobynamespace' );
+	return undef unless $URI =~ /urn\:lsid/;
+	my $result = $adaptor->query_namespace(type => $URI);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $name = $row->{namespace_type};
+	return $name ? $name : $URI;
+=head2 getServiceCommonName
+sub getServiceCommonName {
+	my ( $self, $URI ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
+	return undef unless $URI =~ /urn\:lsid/;
+	my $result = $adaptor->query_service(type => $URI);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $name = $row->{service_type};
+	return $name ? $name : $URI;
+=head2 getServiceURI
+sub getServiceURI {
+	my ( $self, $term ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyservice' );
+	return $term if $term =~ /urn\:lsid/;
+	my $result = $adaptor->query_service(type => $term);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $id = $row->{service_lsid};
+	return $id;
+=head2 getObjectURI
+sub getObjectURI {
+	my ( $self, $term ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyobject' );
+	return $term if $term =~ /urn\:lsid/;
+	my $result = $adaptor->query_object(type => $term);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $id = $row->{object_lsid};
+	return $id;
+=head2 getNamespaceURI
+sub getNamespaceURI {
+	my ( $self, $term ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobynamespace' );
+	return $term if $term =~ /urn\:lsid/;
+	my $result = $adaptor->query_namespace(type => $term);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $id = $row->{namespace_lsid};
+	return $id;
+=head2 getRelationshipURI
+consumes ontology (object/service)
+consumes relationship term as term or LSID
+sub getRelationshipURI {
+	my ( $self, $ontology, $term ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyrelationship' );
+	return $term if $term =~ /urn\:lsid/;
+	my $result = $adaptor->query_relationship(type => $term, ontology => $ontology);
+	my $row = shift(@$result);
+	my $id = $row->{relationship_lsid};
+	return $id;
+=head2 getRelationshipTypes
+sub getRelationshipTypes {
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => 'mobyrelationship' );
+	my $ontology = $args{'ontology'};
+	my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new( ontology => "relationship" );
+	my $defs = $adaptor->query_relationship(ontology => $ontology);
+	my %result;
+	foreach ( @$defs ) {
+		$result{ $_->{relationship_lsid} } = [ $_->{relationship_type}, $_->{authority}, $_->{description} ];
+	}
+	return \%result;
+=head2 Relationships
+sub Relationships {
+	# this entire subroutine assumes that there is NOT multiple parenting!!
+	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+	my $ontology     = $args{ontology} ? $args{ontology} : $self->ontology;
+	my $term         = $args{term};
+	my $relationship = $args{relationship};
+	my $direction    = $args{direction} ? $args{direction} : 'root';
+	my $expand       = $args{expand} ? 1 : 0;
+	return
+	  unless (    $ontology
+			   && $term
+			   && ( ( $ontology eq 'service' ) || ( $ontology eq 'object' ) ) );
+	# convert $term into an LSID if it isn't already
+	if ( $ontology eq 'service' ) {
+		$term = $self->getServiceURI($term);
+		$relationship ||="isa";
+		my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(ontology => 'relationship');
+		$relationship = $OS->getRelationshipURI("service", $relationship);
+	} elsif ( $ontology eq 'object' ) {
+		$term = $self->getObjectURI($term);
+		$relationship ||="isa";
+		my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new(ontology => 'relationship');
+		$relationship = $OS->getRelationshipURI("object", $relationship);
+	}
+	my %results;
+	while (    ( $term ne 'urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectclass:Object' )
+			&& ( $term ne 'urn:lsid:biomoby.org:servicetype:Service' ) )
+	{
+		my $defs = $self->_doRelationshipsQuery(       $ontology,     $term,
+												 $relationship, $direction );
+		return {[]} unless $defs; # somethig has gone terribly wrong!
+		my $lsid;
+		my $rel;
+		my $articleName;
+		foreach ( @{$defs} ) {
+			$lsid = $_->[0];
+			$rel  = $_->[1];
+			$articleName = $_->[2];
+			$articleName ||="";
+			$debug
+			  && _LOG("\t\tADDING RELATIONSHIP $_    :    $lsid to $rel\n");
+			push @{ $results{$rel} }, [$lsid, $articleName];
+		}
+		last unless ($expand);
+		last unless ( $direction eq "root" ); # if we aren't going to root, then be careful or we'll loop infnitely
+		$term = $lsid; # this entire subroutine assumes that there is NOT multiple parenting...
+	}
+	return \%results;    #results(relationship} = [[lsid1,articleNmae], [lsid2, articleName], [lsid3, articleName]]
+sub _doRelationshipsQuery {
+	my ( $self, $ontology, $term, $relationship, $direction ) = @_;
+	$CONFIG ||= MOBY::Config->new;    # exported by Config.pm
+	my $datasource = "moby$ontology";  # like mobyobject, or mobyservice
+	my $adaptor = $CONFIG->getDataAdaptor( datasource => $datasource );
+	my $defs;
+	# query returns a reference to an array containing array references
+	$defs = $adaptor->get_relationship(direction => $direction,
+					   ontology => $ontology,
+					   term => $term,
+					   relationship => $relationship);
+	# a very long piece of SQL statements have been refactored into Moby::Adaptor::moby::queryapi::mysql.pm
+	return $defs;
+=head2 setURI
+sub setURI {
+	my ( $self, $id ) = @_;
+	my $URI;
+	# $id = lc($id);
+	if ( $self->ontology eq 'object' ) {
+		$URI = "urn:lsid:biomoby.org:objectclass:$id";
+	} elsif ( $self->ontology eq 'namespace' ) {
+		$URI = "urn:lsid:biomoby.org:namespacetype:$id";
+	} elsif ( $self->ontology eq 'service' ) {
+		$URI = "urn:lsid:biomoby.org:servicetype:$id";
+	} elsif ( $self->ontology eq 'relationship' ) {
+		$URI = "urn:lsid:biomoby.org:relationshiptype:$id";
+	} else {
+		$URI = 0;
+	}
+	return $URI;
+=head2 traverseDAG
+sub traverseDAG {
+	my ( $self, $term, $direction ) = @_;
+	my $ontology = $self->ontology;
+	return {} unless $ontology;
+	return {} unless $term;
+	$direction = "root" unless ($direction);
+	return {} unless ( ( $direction eq 'root' ) || ( $direction eq 'leaves' ) );
+	if ( $ontology eq 'service' ) {
+		$term = $self->getServiceURI($term);
+	} elsif ( $ontology eq 'object' ) {
+		$term = $self->getObjectURI($term);
+	}
+	return {} unless $term =~ /^urn\:lsid/;    # now its a URI
+	my $relhash = $self->getRelationshipTypes( ontology => $ontology );    # get teh types of relationships for the object/service ontology
+	return {} unless $relhash;
+	my @rels = keys %{$relhash};    #@rels is the list of relationship types for that ontology
+	my %relationships;
+	foreach my $relationship (@rels) {
+		my %IDS;
+		my $OS = MOBY::OntologyServer->new( ontology => 'relationship' );
+		my $reluri =
+		  $OS->getRelationshipURI( $ontology, $relationship )
+		  ;   # get the URI for that relationship type if it ins't already a URI
+		$IDS{$term} = "untestedroot";   # mark the one in-hand as being untested
+		while ( grep /untested/, ( values %IDS ) )
+		{    # now, while there are untested services in our list...
+			foreach my $termthingy ( keys %IDS )
+			{    # start parsing through the current list (hash keys)
+				$debug && _LOG("testing $relationship of $termthingy\n");
+				next
+				  if ( $IDS{$termthingy} eq "tested" )
+				  ;    # if it has been tested already then move on
+				my $lsids = $self->Relationships(
+					term         => $termthingy,
+					relationship => $relationship,
+					direction    => $direction
+				  )
+				  ; # get the related terms for this type; this should return a single hash value
+				if ( $IDS{$termthingy} =~ /root/ )
+				{    # here is where we remove self
+					delete $IDS{$termthingy};
+					$debug && _LOG("deleting $termthingy\n");
+				} else {
+					$debug && _LOG("marking $termthingy as TESTED\n");
+					$IDS{$termthingy} =
+					  "tested";    # mark the current one as now being "done"
+				}
+				#${$lsids}{relationshiptype}=[lsid, lsid, lsid];
+				foreach my $lsid_article ( @{ $lsids->{$relationship} } )
+				{                  # go through the related terms
+					my ($lsid, $article) = @{$lsid_article};
+					$debug && _LOG("found $lsid as relationship");
+					next
+					  if ( defined $IDS{$lsid} )
+					  ;            # if we have already seen that term, skip it
+					$debug && _LOG("setting $lsid as untested\n");
+					$IDS{$lsid} =
+					  "untested"  # otherwise add it to the list and loop again.
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		my @IDS = keys %IDS;
+		$relationships{$relationship} =
+		  \@IDS;    # and associate them all with the current relationship type
+	}
+	return \%relationships;
+sub _LOG {
+	return unless $debug;
+	#print join "\n", @_;
+	#print  "\n---\n";
+	#return;
+	open LOG, ">>/tmp/OntologyServer.txt" or die "can't open logfile $!\n";
+	print LOG join "\n", @_;
+	print LOG "\n---\n";
+	close LOG;
+sub DESTROY { }
+	no strict "refs";
+	my ( $self, $newval ) = @_;
+	$AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::(\w+)/;
+	my $attr = $1;
+	if ( $self->_accessible( $attr, 'write' ) ) {
+		*{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {
+			if ( defined $_[1] ) { $_[0]->{$attr} = $_[1] }
+			return $_[0]->{$attr};
+		};    ### end of created subroutine
+###  this is called first time only
+		if ( defined $newval ) {
+			$self->{$attr} = $newval;
+		}
+		return $self->{$attr};
+	} elsif ( $self->_accessible( $attr, 'read' ) ) {
+		*{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {
+			return $_[0]->{$attr};
+		};    ### end of created subroutine
+		return $self->{$attr};
+	}
+	# Must have been a mistake then...
+	croak "No such method: $AUTOLOAD";

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