[MOBY-guts] biomoby commit

Eddie Kawas kawas at pub.open-bio.org
Tue Sep 6 21:31:11 UTC 2005

Tue Sep  6 17:31:11 EDT 2005
Update of /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/shared/schema
In directory pub.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv4653/org/biomoby/shared/schema

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added a method that generates a schema for the complete moby message
Modified the main method so that 2 different type of schemas could potentially be retrieved.

moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/shared/schema Builder.java,1.1,1.2
RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/shared/schema/Builder.java,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/shared/schema/Builder.java	2005/08/30 18:34:11	1.1
+++ /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Java/src/main/org/biomoby/shared/schema/Builder.java	2005/09/06 21:31:11	1.2
@@ -1,1033 +1,1124 @@
- *This class is used to generate a XML schema for a moby objet; To builder a XML schema element, call the method of
- *buildSchem of the class; when a name of object is given, we find a MElement for this name; By analysis of the has Vector
- *and hasa Vector of the MElement, we get the XML Schema for the object which has the inputed name.
- *@author Lixin
- *@author Eddie
- *@version 1.0
- */
-package org.biomoby.shared.schema;
-import org.jdom.*;
-import org.jdom.output.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.io.*;
-public class Builder {
-	private int typeCount=0;  //Everytime we create a type (complexType or simpleType), the variable will increase one.
-	private  Element root;  //The root element of the XML Schema
-	private Element firstComplexType;
-	public static   Namespace namespace; //This namespace is "http://www.3w.org/2001/XMLSchem".
-	/**
-	 *Given a string, we will give a element represnting an xml schema which describe the object of the name. 
-	 *@param name the name of object
-	 *@return XML Element which represents an XML Schema
-	*/
-	public Element buildSchema(String name) 
-	{
-/*		MElement mElement=new MElement("DNASequence");
-		MElement m1=new MElement("string","SequenceString");
-		MElement m2=new MElement("Integer","Length");
-		mElement.addHasaMElement(m1);
-		mElement.addHasaMElement(m2);*/
-		MElement mElement=new MElement();
-		try{
-			mElement=RdfParser.buildMElement(name);  //find the MElement object representing the moby object 
-       		}
-		catch(Exception e)
-		{
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-		String nameOf=mElement.getName();
-		root=getRoot(nameOf);   //create a root element for the XML Schema of the moby object
-		getElement(mElement);  //add the rest part of XML schema to the root element
-		return root;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *the input is a MElement object; we will find all its hasa and has relations with other object; then modify the root
-         * element of the output xml file;  the root element is the root element of a xml schema xml file.
-         *@param m a MElement
-         */
-	public void getElement(MElement m)
-	{
-		Vector hasa=m.getHasaMElements();
-		Vector has=m.getHasMElements();
-		//if this MElement does not have hasa or has relation with other object, only need to return 
-		//the first level. 
-		if((hasa.size()==0)&&(has.size()==0))
-		{
-			getFirstLevel(m, root);
-			Vector vcc=new Vector();	//create an empty vector as a parameter of function set3Attributes		
-			set3Attributes(m, firstComplexType,vcc);
-			return;
-		}
-		else //this MElement have either has or hasa relation with ohter MElment
-		{
-			getFirstLevel(m,root);
-			Element sequence=new Element("sequence",namespace); //need a sequence element in XML schema for has
-									   //and hasa object
-			firstComplexType.addContent(sequence);
-			//find the primitive element and add them to schema
-			Vector tempt1;
-			Vector tempt2;
-			tempt1=(Vector)has.clone();//do not change tempt1 and tempt2, so clone two vector for them.
-			tempt2=(Vector)hasa.clone();
-			PrimitiveVector pri=new PrimitiveVector(tempt1, tempt2); 
-			addPrimitiveElement(pri, sequence);//add these primitive elements to the squences
-			/*for object other than primitive type*/
-			if(has.size()>0)
-			{
-				for (int i=0; i<has.size(); i++)
-				{
-					MElement temM=(MElement)has.get(i);
-					String namem=temM.getName();
-					//if the element is not primitive, create a new XML Schema element for every MElement
-					if(!(MElement.isPrimitive(namem)))
-					{
-						Element a=new Element("element",namespace);
-						Attribute at=new Attribute("name",namem);
-						String typeNamem=namem+"Type"+typeCount;
-						typeCount++;
-						Attribute at2=new Attribute("type","moby:"+ typeNamem);
-						Vector hasaNamesV=getHasaNameVector(temM);
-						addUniqueElement(a,"unique_1",hasaNamesV);
-						//add notation of description
-						String st=temM.getDescription();
-						addDescriptNote(st,sequence);
-						sequence.addContent(a);
-						a.setAttribute(at);
-						a.setAttribute(at2);
-						//add occurs attribute; has relation has the following occurs attributes
-						Attribute o1=new Attribute("minOccurs","1");
-						Attribute o2=new Attribute("maxOccurs","unbounded");
-						a.setAttribute(o1);
-						a.setAttribute(o2);
-						Vector empty=new Vector();//only create a empty vector as a parameter
-						Element myCom=getComplexTypeRec(temM, typeNamem,empty);
-						root.addContent(myCom);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if(hasa.size()>0)//the following dealing with the object in the hasa vector
-			{
-				/*create a MElementHastable for the hasa Vector. The key of the hashtabel is MElement, 
-				and the value of hashtable of a vector containing article names*/
-				MElementHashtable hss=new MElementHashtable(hasa);
-				Hashtable hs=hss.getHashtable();//get a hashtable 
-				int count=0;
-				Enumeration e=hs.keys();//get all keys of the hashtable
-				while(e.hasMoreElements())//go through the Enumeration
-				{
-					MElement ml=(MElement)e.nextElement();
-					Vector vc=(Vector)hs.get(ml);//get value, a vector of article names, of the hashtable
-					String namem=ml.getName();
-					if(!(MElement.isPrimitive(namem)))
-					{
-						Element a=new Element("element", namespace);//add the element to the sequence
-						Attribute at=new Attribute("name",namem);
-						String typeNamem=namem+"Typep"+typeCount;
-						typeCount++;
-						Attribute at2=new Attribute("type","moby:"+ typeNamem);
-						Vector hasaNamesV=getHasaNameVector(ml);
-						addUniqueElement(a,"unique_1",hasaNamesV);//add an unique element
-						String st=ml.getDescription();
-						addDescriptNote(st,sequence);
-						sequence.addContent(a);
-						a.setAttribute(at);
-						a.setAttribute(at2);
-						String size=""+vc.size();
-						Attribute o1=new Attribute("minOccurs",size);//add occurence of element
-						Attribute o2=new Attribute("maxOccurs",size);
-						a.setAttribute(o1);
-						a.setAttribute(o2);
-						//recursively to find the complex type
-						Element myCom=getComplexTypeRec(ml,typeNamem,vc);
-						root.addContent(myCom);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			Vector vcc2=new Vector();//the empty vector is only used to as a parameter of set3Attributes()
-			set3Attributes( m,firstComplexType,vcc2);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *Given a vector containing possible article names and type name, add an XML Schema element to describe 
-	 *the restriction.
-	 *@param roots the root element of the XML Schema
-	 *@param types the name of XML Schema simpleType
-         *@param articles a vector containing different article names
-	*/
-	public void addArticleNameType(Element roots, String types, Vector articles)
-	{    
-                //create a simpleType XML Schema element
-		Element simpleType=new Element("simpleType", namespace);
-		Attribute at=new Attribute("name",types);
-		simpleType.setAttribute(at);
-                //create a XML schema restriction element
-		Element restriction=new Element("restriction", namespace);
-		Attribute base=new Attribute("base","xs:string");
-		restriction.setAttribute(base);
-		simpleType.addContent(restriction);
-		//put all article names into the enumeration of the restriction element
-		for(int i=0;i<articles.size();i++)
-		{
-			String arName=(String)articles.elementAt(i);
-			Element en=new Element("enumeration", namespace);
-			Attribute att=new Attribute("value",arName);
-			en.setAttribute(att);
-			restriction.addContent(en);
-		}
-		roots.addContent(simpleType);//add this simpleType element into the root element
-	}
-	/**
-	*Add ID, namespace and article attributes elements into Element types; every moby object has these three attributes.
-	*@param m a MElement
-	*@param types the type of MElement; there is a field in MElement
-	*@param ar a vector containing all possible article names for this MElement
-	*/
-	public void set3Attributes(MElement m, Element types, Vector ar)
-	{
-			//indicate wether we need use simpleContent element or not
-			int flag=1;
-			Vector hasa=m.getHasaMElements();  //get hasa vector containing objects with hasa relationship
-			Vector has=m.getHasMElements();  //get has vector containing objects with has relationship
-			if((hasa.size()>0) ||(has.size()>0))//if true, we can not use simpleContent XML Schema element
-			{
-				flag=0;
-			}
-			String articleName=m.getArticleName();
-			Element e1=getNamespaceAttribute();
-			Element e2=getIDAttribute();
-			Element e3;
-			if(ar.size()==0)
-			{
-				 e3=getArticleName(articleName);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				/*if this object can has many article names, we put restriction on the article names*/
-				e3=getRestrictionArticleName(ar);
-			}
-			//check whether the type of this element is null or not
-			String typeName=m.getType();
-			/*check if the name of the element is primitive*/
-			String priName=m.getName();
-			if(MElement.isPrimitive(priName))
-			{
-				typeName=priName;
-			} 
-			if(typeName==null||typeName.length()==0||flag==0)
-			{
-				types.addContent(e1);
-				types.addContent(e2);
-				types.addContent(e3);
-			}
-			/*if the type is not empty, and use extensionin schema to describe this relation*/
-			else
-			{
-				typeName=typeName.toLowerCase();
-				/*create a simpleContent XML Schema element*/
-				Element simpleContent=new Element("simpleContent",namespace);
-				Element extension=new Element("extension", namespace);
-				Attribute base=new Attribute("base","xs:"+typeName);
-				extension.setAttribute(base);
-				extension.addContent(e1);
-				extension.addContent(e2);
-				extension.addContent(e3);
-				simpleContent.addContent(extension);
-				types.addContent(simpleContent);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *create the top level of xml schema element for a moby object.
-	 *@param m a MElement
-	 *@param rt a xML Schema root element
-	 */
-	public  void getFirstLevel(MElement m, Element rt)
-	{
-		String name=m.getName();
-		String type=name+"Type";
-		Element tem1=new Element("element",namespace);
-		Attribute attr1=new Attribute("name",name);
-		Attribute attr2=new Attribute("type", "moby:"+type);
-		tem1.setAttribute(attr1);
-		tem1.setAttribute(attr2);
-		/*add unique element for moby objects in the hasa relationship*/
-		Vector hasaNames=getHasaNameVector(m);
-		//add an unique element to the first level
-		addUniqueElement(tem1,"first", hasaNames);
-		rt.addContent(tem1);
-		String str=m.getDescription();
-		addDescriptNote(str,rt);
-                /*add the complexType element of XML Schema to the root element*/
-		firstComplexType=getComplexType(m, type);
-		rt.addContent(firstComplexType);
-	}
-	/**
-	*recursively get a complexType XML Shema element for MElement; when this MElement does
-	*not have has and hasa relation, we use another method called getComplexType; 
-	*@param m a MElement object
-	*@param typeName the name of complexType
-	*@param vc1 a vector containing all possible article names for the MElement
-	*@return the complexType element for this MElement object
-	*/
-	public Element getComplexTypeRec(MElement m, String typeName, Vector vc1)
-	{
-		root.addContent(new Comment("This is definition of complexType "+typeName));
-		/*get has and hasa vector for this MElement object*/
-		Vector hasa1=m.getHasaMElements();
-		Vector has1=m.getHasMElements();
-		/*create a complexType element*/
-		Element complexType=new Element("complexType",namespace);
-		Attribute at1=new Attribute("name",typeName);
-		complexType.setAttribute(at1);
-		/*if this MElement does not have has or hasa relationship with other object, we have done*/
-		if((hasa1.size()==0)&&(has1.size()==0))
-		{
-			set3Attributes(m,complexType,vc1);
-			return complexType;
-		}
-		/*if this MElement has has or hasa relationshipe with other object, need puts all object into sequence XML
-		 schema element*/
-		else
-		{
-			Element sequence1=new Element("sequence",namespace);
-			complexType.addContent(sequence1);
-			//find the primitive elements and add these to schema
-			PrimitiveVector pri=new PrimitiveVector(hasa1,has1);
-			addPrimitiveElement(pri, sequence1);
-			/*deal with objects in the hasa vector*/
-			if(hasa1.size()>0)
-			{
-				MElementHashtable hss=new MElementHashtable(hasa1);
-				Hashtable hs=hss.getHashtable();
-				int count=0;
-				Enumeration e=hs.keys();
-				while(e.hasMoreElements())
-				{
-					MElement ml=(MElement)e.nextElement();
-					Vector vc=(Vector)hs.get(ml);
-					String namem=ml.getName();
-					/*we has handled the primitive element before*/
-					if(!(MElement.isPrimitive(namem)))
-					{
-						Element a=new Element("element",namespace);
-						Attribute at=new Attribute("name",namem);
-						String typeNamem=namem+"Typehasa"+typeCount;
-						typeCount++;
-						Attribute at2=new Attribute("type","moby:"+typeNamem);
-						Vector hasaNameV=getHasaNameVector(ml);	
-						addUniqueElement(a,"unique_1", hasaNameV);
-						a.setAttribute(at);
-						a.setAttribute(at2);
-						String size=""+vc.size();
-						Attribute o1=new Attribute("minOccurs",size);
-						Attribute o2=new Attribute("maxOccurs",size);
-						a.setAttribute(o1);
-						a.setAttribute(o2);
-						sequence1.addContent(a);
-						Element myCom=getComplexTypeRec(ml,typeNamem,vc);
-						root.addContent(myCom);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if(has1.size()>0)
-			{
-				for(int i=0;i<has1.size();i++)
-				{
-					MElement mm=(MElement)has1.get(i);
-					String namem=mm.getName();
-					//if the element is not primitive
-					if(!(MElement.isPrimitive(namem)))
-					{
-						Element a=new Element("element",namespace);
-						Attribute at=new Attribute("name",namem);
-						String typeNamem=namem+"Typehas"+typeCount;
-						typeCount++;
-						Attribute at2=new Attribute("type",typeNamem);
-						Vector hasaNamesV=getHasaNameVector(mm);
-						addUniqueElement(a,"unique_1",hasaNamesV);
-						a.setAttribute(at);
-						a.setAttribute(at2);
-						Attribute o1=new Attribute("minOccurs","1");
-						Attribute o2=new Attribute("maxOccurs","unbounded");
-						a.setAttribute(o1);
-						a.setAttribute(o2);
-						sequence1.addContent(a);
-						Vector empty=new Vector();
-						/*use getComplexTypeRec recursively*/
-						Element myCom=getComplexTypeRec(mm,typeNamem, empty);
-						root.addContent(myCom);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			set3Attributes(m,complexType,vc1);
-			return complexType;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *create a complexType XML schema element for MElement which does not have has or hasa relation with other MElement
-	 *@param m a MElement
-	 *@param typeName the name of the complexType
-	 *@return a complexType XML schema element
-	 */
-	public Element getComplexType(MElement m, String typeName)
-	{
-		Element complexType=new Element("complexType",namespace);
-		Attribute at1=new Attribute("name",typeName);
-		complexType.setAttribute(at1);
-		return complexType;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *create an xml schema element for namescape attribute of the moby element.
-	 *@return an xml schema element for namespace attribute
-	 */
-	public Element getNamespaceAttribute()
-	{
-		Element e=new Element("attribute",namespace);
-		Attribute ea=new Attribute("name","namespace");
-		e.setAttribute(ea);
-		Attribute e2=new Attribute("use","required");
-		e.setAttribute(e2);
-		Attribute e3=new Attribute("form","qualified");
-		e.setAttribute(e3);
-		Attribute e4=new Attribute("type","xs:string");
-		e.setAttribute(e4);
-		return e;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *create an xml schema element for ID attribute 0f a moby object.
-	 *@return an xml schema element for ID attribute
-	 */
-	public Element getIDAttribute()
-	{
-		Element e=new Element("attribute",namespace);
-		Attribute ea=new Attribute("name","id");
-		Attribute ea2=new Attribute("use","required");
-		Attribute ea3=new Attribute("form","qualified");
-		e.setAttribute(ea);
-		e.setAttribute(ea2);
-		e.setAttribute(ea3);
-		Attribute e4=new Attribute("type","xs:string");
-		e.setAttribute(e4);
-		return e;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *create an xml schema element for article name attribute of a moby object
-	 *@param article value of the article attribute
-	 *@return an xml schema element for articleName attribute
-	 */
-	public Element getArticleName(String article )
-	{
-		Element e=new Element("attribute",namespace);
-		Attribute ea=new Attribute("name","articleName");
-		e.setAttribute(ea);
-		if(article.equals(""))
-		{
-			Attribute r0=new Attribute("use", "required");
-			Attribute r1=new Attribute("form","qualified");
-			e.setAttribute(r0);
-			e.setAttribute(r1);
-			return e;
-		}
-		/*if the value of article name is not empty, we need set the article name value*/
-		else
-		{
-			Attribute w1=new Attribute("use","required");
-			e.setAttribute(w1);
-			Attribute w2=new Attribute("form","qualified");
-			e.setAttribute(w2);
-			Attribute at3=new Attribute("fixed",article);
-			e.setAttribute(at3);
-			Attribute ty1=new Attribute("type","xs:string");
-			e.setAttribute(ty1);
-		}
-		return e;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *create an xml schema element for articleName attribute if the values of the articleName can have multiple choices.
-	 *@param vc a vector containing possible values of articleName attribute
-	 *@return an xml schema elment for articleName attribute
-	 */
-	public Element getRestrictionArticleName(Vector vc)
-	{
-		Element e=new Element("attribute",namespace);
-		Attribute ea=new Attribute("name","articleName");
-		e.setAttribute(ea);
-		Attribute w1=new Attribute("use","required");
-		e.setAttribute(w1);
-		String typeName="articleType"+typeCount;
-		typeCount++;
-		Attribute ty=new Attribute("type","moby:"+ typeName);
-		e.setAttribute(ty);
-		//need to add this type in the root
-		addArticleNameType(root,typeName,vc);
-		return e;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *create a root element for the schema to begin.
-	 *@param str 
-	 *@return an root element of XML schema
-	 */
-	public static Element getRoot(String str)
-	{
-		 namespace=Namespace.getNamespace("xs","http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
-		 Namespace namespace2=Namespace.getNamespace("moby","http://www.biomoby.org/moby");
-		Element root=new Element("schema",namespace);
-		Attribute elementFormDefault=new Attribute("elementFormDefault","qualified");
-		root.setAttribute(elementFormDefault);
-		Attribute attributeFormDefault=new Attribute("attributeFormDefault","qualified");
-		root.setAttribute(attributeFormDefault);
-		Attribute target=new Attribute("targetNamespace","http://www.biomoby.org/moby");
-		root.setAttribute(target);
-		root.addNamespaceDeclaration(namespace2);
-		Element annota=new Element("annotation",namespace);
-		Element appinfo=new Element("appinfo",namespace);
-		Attribute lang=new Attribute("lang","en",Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
-		appinfo.setText("Generating a XML Schema for the Moby object "+str+". "+getDate());
-		appinfo.setAttribute(lang);
-		annota.addContent(appinfo);
-		root.addContent(annota);
-		return root;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *add description or comment element to the element parent.
-	 *@param str the description of an element
-	 *@param parent the element which we wnat to give a description
-	 */
-	public  void addDescriptNote(String str, Element parent)
-	{
-		if(str.length()<1)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			parent.addContent(new Comment(str));
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *get the date of current time
-	 *@return a string representing current time
-	*/
-	public static  String getDate()
-	{
-		Date d=new Date();
-		String str=d.toString()+"."+" Eddie and Lixin";
-		return str;
-	}
-	/**add all primitive element to the sequnece element.
-	*@param pri a PrimitiveVector object
-        *@param element a XML Schema element
-	*/
-	public void addPrimitiveElement(PrimitiveVector pri, Element element)
-	{
-		/*get all vectors which store these primitive element*/
-		Vector strVector=pri.getStringVector();
-		Vector intVector=pri.getIntegerVector();
-		Vector flaVector=pri.getFloatVector();
-		Vector datVector=pri.getDateTimeVector();
-		/*handle primitive element String*/
-		if(strVector.size()!=0)
-		{
-			int size=strVector.size();
-			String sizeStr=""+size;
-			Element str=new Element("element",namespace);
-			Attribute a1=new Attribute("name","String");
-			Attribute a2=new Attribute("minOccurs",sizeStr); //create occurence attribute
-			Attribute a3=new Attribute("maxOccurs",sizeStr);
-			String type="stringType"+typeCount;
-			typeCount++;
-			Attribute a4=new Attribute("type","moby:"+type);
-			str.setAttribute(a1);
-			str.setAttribute(a4);
-			str.setAttribute(a2);
-			str.setAttribute(a3);
-			element.addContent(str);
-			//add the complexType for string
-			addPrimitiveComplexType(root,type,"xs:string"); 
-			//add the simpleType for string
-			addPrimitiveSimpleType(root, strVector,"Article"+type);
-		}
-		/*handle primitive element Integer*/
-		if(intVector.size()!=0)
-		{
-			int size=intVector.size();
-			String sizeStr=""+size;
-			Element str=new Element("element",namespace);
-			Attribute a1=new Attribute("name","Integer");
-			Attribute a2=new Attribute("minOccurs",sizeStr);
-			Attribute a3=new Attribute("maxOccurs",sizeStr);
-			String type="integerType"+typeCount;
-			typeCount++;
-			Attribute a4=new Attribute("type","moby:"+type);
-			str.setAttribute(a1);
-			str.setAttribute(a4);
-			str.setAttribute(a2);
-			str.setAttribute(a3);
-			element.addContent(str);
-			//add the complexType for integer
-			addPrimitiveComplexType(root, type,"xs:integer");
-			//add the simpleType for integer
-			addPrimitiveSimpleType(root, intVector,"Article"+type);
-		}
-		/*handle primitive element Float*/
-		if(flaVector.size()!=0)
-		{
-			int size=flaVector.size();
-			String sizeStr=""+size;
-			Element str=new Element("element",namespace);
-			Attribute a1=new Attribute("name","Float");
-			Attribute a2=new Attribute("minOccurs",sizeStr);
-			Attribute a3=new Attribute("maxOccurs",sizeStr);
-			String type="floatType"+typeCount;
-			typeCount++;
-			Attribute a4=new Attribute("type","moby:"+type);
-			str.setAttribute(a1);
-			str.setAttribute(a4);
-			str.setAttribute(a2);
-			str.setAttribute(a3);
-			element.addContent(str);
-			//add the complexType for float
-			addPrimitiveComplexType(root,type,"xs:float");
-			//add the simpleType for float
-			addPrimitiveSimpleType(root, flaVector,"Article"+type);
-		}
-		/*handle primitive object DateTime*/
-		if(datVector.size()!=0)
-		{
-			int size=datVector.size();
-			String sizeStr=""+size;
-			Element str=new Element("element",namespace);
-			Attribute a1=new Attribute("name","DateTime");
-			Attribute a2=new Attribute("minOccurs",sizeStr);
-			Attribute a3=new Attribute("maxOccurs",sizeStr);
-			String type="DateTimeType"+typeCount;
-			typeCount++;
-			Attribute a4=new Attribute("type","moby:"+type);
-			str.setAttribute(a1);
-			str.setAttribute(a4);
-			str.setAttribute(a2);
-			str.setAttribute(a3);
-			element.addContent(str);
-			//add the complexType for DateTime
-			addPrimitiveComplexType(root, type,"xs:DateTime");
-			//add the simpleType for DateTime
-			addPrimitiveSimpleType(root, datVector,"Article"+type);
-		}
-	}
-	/**add an unique element as a child of an element parent.
-	*@param parent the parent element of unique element
-	*@param name the name of the unique element
-	*@param strV a Vector containing the name of MElement in a hasa Vector
-	*/
-	public void addUniqueElement(Element parent, String name, Vector strV)
-	{
-		Element unique=new Element("unique", namespace);//create unique element
-		Attribute u1=new Attribute("name",name);
-		unique.setAttribute(u1);
-		Element selector=new Element("selector",namespace);//create the selector element
-		String xpathStr="moby:String|moby:Float|moby:Integer|moby:DateTime";
-		for(int i=0; i <strV.size(); i++)
-		{
-			String str=(String)strV.elementAt(i);
-			if(!(MElement.isPrimitive(str)))
-			{
-				xpathStr+="|moby:"+str;//add all name in the Vector strV into XPath
-			}
-		}
-		Attribute s1=new Attribute("xpath", xpathStr); //create a XPath
-		selector.setAttribute(s1);
-		unique.addContent(selector);
-		Element field=new Element("field", namespace);//create a field element
-		Attribute f1=new Attribute("xpath","@moby:articleName");
-		field.setAttribute(f1);
-		unique.addContent(field); //add the field element to the unique element
-		parent.addContent(unique);
-	}
-	/**
-	*get a vector which contains all names of MElements in the hasa relationship of a MElement
-	*@param mElement a MElement object
-	*@return a vector which contains all names of MElements in the hasa vector of mElement
-	*/
-	private Vector getHasaNameVector(MElement mElement)
-	{
-		Vector hasa=mElement.getHasaMElements();
-		Vector result=new Vector();
-		for(int i=0; i<hasa.size(); i++)
-		{
-			MElement oElement=(MElement)hasa.elementAt(i);
-			String name=oElement.getName();
-			/*if the result vector is empty, we add the first name into the vector*/
-			if(result.size()==0)
-			{
-				result.add(name);
-			}
-			/*if the result vector is not empty, we check whether the name already exist in the result vector*/
-			else
-			{
-				int flag=1;
-				for(int j=0; j<result.size();j++)
-				{
-					if(name.equalsIgnoreCase((String)result.elementAt(j)))
-					{
-						flag=0;//if already exists, set flag to 0
-					}
-				}
-				if(flag==1)
-				{
-					result.add(name);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return result;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *add a complexType for string to the root element; Element parent is the root Element.
-	 *@param parent the parent element of this complexTpe element which is a root element here
-	 *@param name the complexType name
-	 *@param base the base we will extend
-	 */
-	public void addPrimitiveComplexType(Element parent, String name, String base)
-	{
-		//create the complexType element
-		Element complexW=new Element("complexType",namespace);
-		Attribute c1=new Attribute("name",name);
-		complexW.setAttribute(c1);
-		//normally primitive element is not empty
-		Element simpleContent=new Element("simpleContent", namespace);
-		complexW.addContent(simpleContent);
-		Element extension=new Element("extension",namespace);
-		Attribute extensionA1=new Attribute("base",base);
-		extension.setAttribute(extensionA1);
-		simpleContent.addContent(extension);
-		//create an atribute element for articleName
-		Element att1=new Element("attribute", namespace);
-		Attribute att1_1=new Attribute("name", "articleName");
-		Attribute att1_2=new Attribute("use","required");
-		Attribute att1_3=new Attribute("form","qualified");
-		Attribute att1_4=new Attribute("type","moby:Article"+name);
-		att1.setAttribute(att1_1);
-		att1.setAttribute(att1_2);
-		att1.setAttribute(att1_3);
-		att1.setAttribute(att1_4);
-		extension.addContent(att1);
-		//create an attribute element for id
-		Element att2=new Element("attribute",namespace);
-		Attribute att2_1=new Attribute("name","id");
-		Attribute att2_2=new Attribute("use","required");
-		Attribute att2_3=new Attribute("form","qualified");
-		att2.setAttribute(att2_1);
-		att2.setAttribute(att2_2);
-		att2.setAttribute(att2_3);
-		extension.addContent(att2);
-		//create an attribute element for namespace
-		Element att3=new Element("attribute",namespace);
-		Attribute att3_1=new Attribute("name","namespace");
-		Attribute att3_2=new Attribute("use","required");
-		Attribute att3_3=new Attribute("form","qualified");
-		att3.setAttribute(att3_1);
-		att3.setAttribute(att3_2);
-		att3.setAttribute(att3_3);
-		extension.addContent(att3);
-		parent.addContent(complexW);
-	}
-	/**
-	 *add simpleType for the primitive element; create a enumeration XML schema element for article names.
-	 *@param parent the root element
-	 *@param vc a vector containing article names
-	 *@param name the name of this simpleType
-	 */
-	public void addPrimitiveSimpleType(Element parent, Vector vc, String name)
-	{
-		//create the simpleType element
-		Element simpleType=new Element("simpleType", namespace);
-		parent.addContent(simpleType);
-		Attribute simpleTypeA1=new Attribute("name",name);
-		simpleType.setAttribute(simpleTypeA1);
-		Element restriction=new Element("restriction", namespace);
-		simpleType.addContent(restriction);
-		//create a enumeration XML schema element for article names
-		Attribute restrictionA1=new Attribute("base","xs:string");
-		restriction.setAttribute(restrictionA1);
-		for(int i=0;i<vc.size();i++)
-		{
-			String oneValue=(String)vc.get(i);
-			Element enu=new Element("enumeration", namespace);
-			Attribute enuA1=new Attribute("value",oneValue);
-			enu.setAttribute(enuA1);
-			restriction.addContent(enu);
-		}
-	}
-	public static void main(String[] args ) throws Exception 
-	{
-		if(args.length<1)
-		{
-			System.out.println("Invalid input; object name needed.\n");
-			System.out.println("valid command is:\njava org.biomoby.shared.mobyxml.schema.Builder moby_object_name\n"); 
-			System.exit(1);
-		}
-		/*redirect the error message to a file*/	
-		/*FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("errors.txt");
-		PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(fos);
-		System.setErr(ps);*/
-		try
-		{
-			Builder b=new Builder();
-			//input the name of mobu object
-			Element root=b.buildSchema(args[0]);
-			Document doc=new Document(root);
-			XMLOutputter fmt=new XMLOutputter();
-			Format format=Format.getPrettyFormat();
-			format.setIndent("    ");
-			fmt.setFormat(format);
-			fmt.output(doc, System.out);
-		}
-		catch (Exception e)
-		{
-			System.err.println("Catch Exception:"+e.getMessage());
-			System.out.println();
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-	}
+ *This class is used to generate a XML schema for a moby objet; To builder a XML schema element, call the method of
+ *buildSchem of the class; when a name of object is given, we find a MElement for this name; By analysis of the has Vector
+ *and hasa Vector of the MElement, we get the XML Schema for the object which has the inputed name.
+ *@author Lixin
+ *@author Eddie
+ *@version 1.0
+ */
+package org.biomoby.shared.schema;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.Enumeration;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import org.jdom.Attribute;
+import org.jdom.Comment;
+import org.jdom.Document;
+import org.jdom.Element;
+import org.jdom.Namespace;
+import org.jdom.output.Format;
+import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
+public class Builder {
+	private int typeCount=0;  //Everytime we create a type (complexType or simpleType), the variable will increase one.
+	private  Element root;  //The root element of the XML Schema
+	private Element firstComplexType;
+	public static   Namespace namespace; //This namespace is "http://www.3w.org/2001/XMLSchem".
+	/**
+	 *Given a string, we will give a element represnting an xml schema which describe the object of the name. 
+	 *@param name the name of object
+	 *@return XML Element which represents an XML Schema
+	*/
+	public Element buildSchema(String name) 
+	{
+		MElement mElement=new MElement();
+		try{
+			mElement=RdfParser.buildMElement(name);  //find the MElement object representing the moby object
+			// object doesnt exist so return null
+			if (mElement == null)
+			    return null;
+       		}
+		catch(Exception e)
+		{
+			e.printStackTrace();
+			return null;
+		}
+		String nameOf=mElement.getName();
+		root=getRoot(nameOf);   //create a root element for the XML Schema of the moby object
+		getElement(mElement);  //add the rest part of XML schema to the root element
+		return root;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 
+	 * @param name the name of the Moby data type that a complete moby message schema document will be created for
+	 * @return a jDom element object that contains the schema for the moby data type 'name' or null if no valid data type exists 
+	 */
+	public Element buildMobyEncapsulatedSchema(String name) {
+	    Element moby = buildSchema(name);
+	    if (moby == null)
+	        return null;
+	    // create the MOBY element
+	    Element MOBYelement = new Element("element", namespace);
+	    MOBYelement.setAttribute("name", "MOBY");
+	    Element complex = new Element("complexType", namespace);
+	    Element sequence = new Element("sequence", namespace);
+	    Element innerElement = new Element("element", namespace);
+	    innerElement.setAttribute("name", "mobyContent");
+	    innerElement.setAttribute("type", "moby:mobyContentType");
+	    sequence.addContent(innerElement);
+	    complex.addContent(sequence);
+	    MOBYelement.addContent(complex);
+	    moby.addContent(MOBYelement);
+	    // mobyContent element
+	    complex = new Element("complexType", namespace);
+	    complex.setAttribute("name", "mobyContentType");
+	    sequence = new Element("sequence", namespace);
+	    innerElement = new Element("element", namespace);
+	    innerElement.setAttribute("name", "mobyData");
+	    innerElement.setAttribute("type", "moby:mobyDataType");
+	    sequence.addContent(innerElement);
+	    complex.addContent(sequence);
+	    moby.addContent(complex);
+	    // mobyDataType complex type
+	    complex = new Element("complexType", namespace);
+	    Element attributeElement = new Element("attribute", namespace);
+	    attributeElement.setAttribute("name","queryID");
+	    attributeElement.setAttribute("use","required");
+	    attributeElement.setAttribute("form","qualified");
+	    complex.setAttribute("name", "mobyDataType");
+	    sequence = new Element("sequence", namespace);
+	    innerElement = new Element("element", namespace);
+	    innerElement.setAttribute("name", "Simple");
+	    innerElement.setAttribute("type", "moby:SimpleType");
+	    sequence.addContent(innerElement);
+	    complex.addContent(sequence);
+	    complex.addContent(attributeElement);
+	    moby.addContent(complex);
+	    // add the datatype name to the simple complex type
+	    complex = new Element("complexType", namespace);
+	    attributeElement = new Element("attribute", namespace);
+	    attributeElement.setAttribute("name","articleName");
+	    attributeElement.setAttribute("use","required");
+	    attributeElement.setAttribute("form","qualified");
+	    complex.setAttribute("name", "SimpleType");
+	    sequence = new Element("sequence", namespace);
+	    innerElement = new Element("element", namespace);
+	    innerElement.setAttribute("name", name);
+	    innerElement.setAttribute("type", "moby:"+name+"Type");
+	    sequence.addContent(innerElement);
+	    complex.addContent(sequence);
+	    complex.addContent(attributeElement);
+	    moby.addContent(complex);
+	    /*
+	<xs:complexType name="SimpleType">
+		<xs:sequence>
+			<xs:element name="mobyDataType" type="moby:mobyDataTypeType"/> // this is the line that is modified when handing out the full scale moby schema
+		</xs:sequence>
+		<xs:attribute name="articleName" use="required" form="qualified"/>
+	</xs:complexType>
+	     */
+	    return moby;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *the input is a MElement object; we will find all its hasa and has relations with other object; then modify the root
+         * element of the output xml file;  the root element is the root element of a xml schema xml file.
+         *@param m a MElement
+         */
+	public void getElement(MElement m)
+	{
+		Vector hasa=m.getHasaMElements();
+		Vector has=m.getHasMElements();
+		//if this MElement does not have hasa or has relation with other object, only need to return 
+		//the first level. 
+		if((hasa.size()==0)&&(has.size()==0))
+		{
+			getFirstLevel(m, root);
+			Vector vcc=new Vector();	//create an empty vector as a parameter of function set3Attributes		
+			set3Attributes(m, firstComplexType,vcc);
+			return;
+		}
+		else //this MElement have has and/or hasa relation with ohter MElment
+		{
+			getFirstLevel(m,root);
+			Element sequence=new Element("sequence",namespace); //need a sequence element in XML schema for has
+									   //and hasa object
+			firstComplexType.addContent(sequence);
+			//find the primitive element and add them to schema
+			Vector tempt1;
+			Vector tempt2;
+			tempt1=(Vector)has.clone();//do not change tempt1 and tempt2, so clone two vector for them.
+			tempt2=(Vector)hasa.clone();
+			PrimitiveVector pri=new PrimitiveVector(tempt1, tempt2); 
+			addPrimitiveElement(pri, sequence);//add these primitive elements to the squences
+			/*for object other than primitive type*/
+			if(has.size()>0)
+			{
+				for (int i=0; i<has.size(); i++)
+				{
+					MElement temM=(MElement)has.get(i);
+					String namem=temM.getName();
+					//if the element is not primitive, create a new XML Schema element for every MElement
+					if(!(MElement.isPrimitive(namem)))
+					{
+						Element a=new Element("element",namespace);
+						Attribute at=new Attribute("name",namem);
+						String typeNamem=namem+"Type"+typeCount;
+						typeCount++;
+						Attribute at2=new Attribute("type","moby:"+ typeNamem);
+						Vector hasaNamesV=getHasaNameVector(temM);
+						addUniqueElement(a,"unique_1",hasaNamesV);
+						//add notation of description
+						String st=temM.getDescription();
+						addDescriptNote(st,sequence);
+						sequence.addContent(a);
+						a.setAttribute(at);
+						a.setAttribute(at2);
+						//add occurs attribute; has relation has the following occurs attributes
+						Attribute o1=new Attribute("minOccurs","1");
+						Attribute o2=new Attribute("maxOccurs","unbounded");
+						a.setAttribute(o1);
+						a.setAttribute(o2);
+						Vector empty=new Vector();//only create a empty vector as a parameter
+						Element myCom=getComplexTypeRec(temM, typeNamem,empty);
+						root.addContent(myCom);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(hasa.size()>0)//the following dealing with the object in the hasa vector
+			{
+				/*create a MElementHastable for the hasa Vector. The key of the hashtabel is MElement, 
+				and the value of hashtable of a vector containing article names*/
+				MElementHashtable hss=new MElementHashtable(hasa);
+				Hashtable hs=hss.getHashtable();//get a hashtable 
+				int count=0;
+				Enumeration e=hs.keys();//get all keys of the hashtable
+				while(e.hasMoreElements())//go through the Enumeration
+				{
+					MElement ml=(MElement)e.nextElement();
+					Vector vc=(Vector)hs.get(ml);//get value, a vector of article names, of the hashtable
+					String namem=ml.getName();
+					if(!(MElement.isPrimitive(namem)))
+					{
+						Element a=new Element("element", namespace);//add the element to the sequence
+						Attribute at=new Attribute("name",namem);
+						String typeNamem=namem+"Typep"+typeCount;
+						typeCount++;
+						Attribute at2=new Attribute("type","moby:"+ typeNamem);
+						Vector hasaNamesV=getHasaNameVector(ml);
+						addUniqueElement(a,"unique_1",hasaNamesV);//add an unique element
+						String st=ml.getDescription();
+						addDescriptNote(st,sequence);
+						sequence.addContent(a);
+						a.setAttribute(at);
+						a.setAttribute(at2);
+						String size=""+vc.size();
+						Attribute o1=new Attribute("minOccurs",size);//add occurence of element
+						Attribute o2=new Attribute("maxOccurs",size);
+						a.setAttribute(o1);
+						a.setAttribute(o2);
+						//recursively to find the complex type
+						Element myCom=getComplexTypeRec(ml,typeNamem,vc);
+						root.addContent(myCom);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			Vector vcc2=new Vector();//the empty vector is only used to as a parameter of set3Attributes()
+			set3Attributes( m,firstComplexType,vcc2);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 *Given a vector containing possible article names and type name, add an XML Schema element to describe 
+	 *the restriction.
+	 *@param roots the root element of the XML Schema
+	 *@param types the name of XML Schema simpleType
+         *@param articles a vector containing different article names
+	*/
+	public void addArticleNameType(Element roots, String types, Vector articles)
+	{    
+                //create a simpleType XML Schema element
+		Element simpleType=new Element("simpleType", namespace);
+		Attribute at=new Attribute("name",types);
+		simpleType.setAttribute(at);
+                //create a XML schema restriction element
+		Element restriction=new Element("restriction", namespace);
+		Attribute base=new Attribute("base","xs:string");
+		restriction.setAttribute(base);
+		simpleType.addContent(restriction);
+		//put all article names into the enumeration of the restriction element
+		for(int i=0;i<articles.size();i++)
+		{
+			String arName=(String)articles.elementAt(i);
+			Element en=new Element("enumeration", namespace);
+			Attribute att=new Attribute("value",arName);
+			en.setAttribute(att);
+			restriction.addContent(en);
+		}
+		roots.addContent(simpleType);//add this simpleType element into the root element
+	}
+	/**
+	*Add ID, namespace and article attributes elements into Element types; every moby object has these three attributes.
+	*@param m a MElement
+	*@param types the type of MElement; there is a field in MElement
+	*@param ar a vector containing all possible article names for this MElement
+	*/
+	public void set3Attributes(MElement m, Element types, Vector ar)
+	{
+			//indicate wether we need use simpleContent element or not
+			int flag=1;
+			Vector hasa=m.getHasaMElements();  //get hasa vector containing objects with hasa relationship
+			Vector has=m.getHasMElements();  //get has vector containing objects with has relationship
+			if((hasa.size()>0) ||(has.size()>0))//if true, we can not use simpleContent XML Schema element
+			{
+				flag=0;
+			}
+			String articleName=m.getArticleName();
+			Element e1=getNamespaceAttribute();
+			Element e2=getIDAttribute();
+			Element e3;
+			if(ar.size()==0)
+			{
+				 e3=getArticleName(articleName);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				/*if this object can has many article names, we put restriction on the article names*/
+				e3=getRestrictionArticleName(ar);
+			}
+			//check whether the type of this element is null or not
+			String typeName=m.getType();
+			/*check if the name of the element is primitive*/
+			String priName=m.getName();
+			if(MElement.isPrimitive(priName))
+			{
+				typeName=priName;
+			} 
+			if(typeName==null||typeName.length()==0||flag==0)
+			{
+				types.addContent(e1);
+				types.addContent(e2);
+				types.addContent(e3);
+			}
+			/*if the type is not empty, and use extensionin schema to describe this relation*/
+			else
+			{
+				typeName=typeName.toLowerCase();
+				/*create a simpleContent XML Schema element*/
+				Element simpleContent=new Element("simpleContent",namespace);
+				Element extension=new Element("extension", namespace);
+				Attribute base=new Attribute("base","xs:"+typeName);
+				extension.setAttribute(base);
+				extension.addContent(e1);
+				extension.addContent(e2);
+				extension.addContent(e3);
+				simpleContent.addContent(extension);
+				types.addContent(simpleContent);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 *create the top level of xml schema element for a moby object.
+	 *@param m a MElement
+	 *@param rt a xML Schema root element
+	 */
+	public  void getFirstLevel(MElement m, Element rt)
+	{
+		String name=m.getName();
+		String type=name+"Type";
+		Element tem1=new Element("element",namespace);
+		Attribute attr1=new Attribute("name",name);
+		Attribute attr2=new Attribute("type", "moby:"+type);
+		tem1.setAttribute(attr1);
+		tem1.setAttribute(attr2);
+		/*add unique element for moby objects in the hasa relationship*/
+		Vector hasaNames=getHasaNameVector(m);
+		//add an unique element to the first level
+		addUniqueElement(tem1,"first", hasaNames);
+		rt.addContent(tem1);
+		String str=m.getDescription();
+		addDescriptNote(str,rt);
+                /*add the complexType element of XML Schema to the root element*/
+		firstComplexType=getComplexType(m, type);
+		rt.addContent(firstComplexType);
+	}
+	/**
+	*recursively get a complexType XML Shema element for MElement; when this MElement does
+	*not have has and hasa relation, we use another method called getComplexType; 
+	*@param m a MElement object
+	*@param typeName the name of complexType
+	*@param vc1 a vector containing all possible article names for the MElement
+	*@return the complexType element for this MElement object
+	*/
+	public Element getComplexTypeRec(MElement m, String typeName, Vector vc1)
+	{
+		root.addContent(new Comment("This is definition of complexType "+typeName));
+		/*get has and hasa vector for this MElement object*/
+		Vector hasa1=m.getHasaMElements();
+		Vector has1=m.getHasMElements();
+		/*create a complexType element*/
+		Element complexType=new Element("complexType",namespace);
+		Attribute at1=new Attribute("name",typeName);
+		complexType.setAttribute(at1);
+		/*if this MElement does not have has or hasa relationship with other object, we have done*/
+		if((hasa1.size()==0)&&(has1.size()==0))
+		{
+			set3Attributes(m,complexType,vc1);
+			return complexType;
+		}
+		/*if this MElement has has or hasa relationshipe with other object, need puts all object into sequence XML
+		 schema element*/
+		else
+		{
+			Element sequence1=new Element("sequence",namespace);
+			complexType.addContent(sequence1);
+			//find the primitive elements and add these to schema
+			PrimitiveVector pri=new PrimitiveVector(hasa1,has1);
+			addPrimitiveElement(pri, sequence1);
+			/*deal with objects in the hasa vector*/
+			if(hasa1.size()>0)
+			{
+				MElementHashtable hss=new MElementHashtable(hasa1);
+				Hashtable hs=hss.getHashtable();
+				int count=0;
+				Enumeration e=hs.keys();
+				while(e.hasMoreElements())
+				{
+					MElement ml=(MElement)e.nextElement();
+					Vector vc=(Vector)hs.get(ml);
+					String namem=ml.getName();
+					/*we has handled the primitive element before*/
+					if(!(MElement.isPrimitive(namem)))
+					{
+						Element a=new Element("element",namespace);
+						Attribute at=new Attribute("name",namem);
+						String typeNamem=namem+"Typehasa"+typeCount;
+						typeCount++;
+						Attribute at2=new Attribute("type","moby:"+typeNamem);
+						Vector hasaNameV=getHasaNameVector(ml);	
+						addUniqueElement(a,"unique_1", hasaNameV);
+						a.setAttribute(at);
+						a.setAttribute(at2);
+						String size=""+vc.size();
+						Attribute o1=new Attribute("minOccurs",size);
+						Attribute o2=new Attribute("maxOccurs",size);
+						a.setAttribute(o1);
+						a.setAttribute(o2);
+						sequence1.addContent(a);
+						Element myCom=getComplexTypeRec(ml,typeNamem,vc);
+						root.addContent(myCom);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(has1.size()>0)
+			{
+				for(int i=0;i<has1.size();i++)
+				{
+					MElement mm=(MElement)has1.get(i);
+					String namem=mm.getName();
+					//if the element is not primitive
+					if(!(MElement.isPrimitive(namem)))
+					{
+						Element a=new Element("element",namespace);
+						Attribute at=new Attribute("name",namem);
+						String typeNamem=namem+"Typehas"+typeCount;
+						typeCount++;
+						Attribute at2=new Attribute("type",typeNamem);
+						Vector hasaNamesV=getHasaNameVector(mm);
+						addUniqueElement(a,"unique_1",hasaNamesV);
+						a.setAttribute(at);
+						a.setAttribute(at2);
+						Attribute o1=new Attribute("minOccurs","1");
+						Attribute o2=new Attribute("maxOccurs","unbounded");
+						a.setAttribute(o1);
+						a.setAttribute(o2);
+						sequence1.addContent(a);
+						Vector empty=new Vector();
+						/*use getComplexTypeRec recursively*/
+						Element myCom=getComplexTypeRec(mm,typeNamem, empty);
+						root.addContent(myCom);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			set3Attributes(m,complexType,vc1);
+			return complexType;
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 *create a complexType XML schema element for MElement which does not have has or hasa relation with other MElement
+	 *@param m a MElement
+	 *@param typeName the name of the complexType
+	 *@return a complexType XML schema element
+	 */
+	public Element getComplexType(MElement m, String typeName)
+	{
+		Element complexType=new Element("complexType",namespace);
+		Attribute at1=new Attribute("name",typeName);
+		complexType.setAttribute(at1);
+		return complexType;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *create an xml schema element for namescape attribute of the moby element.
+	 *@return an xml schema element for namespace attribute
+	 */
+	public Element getNamespaceAttribute()
+	{
+		Element e=new Element("attribute",namespace);
+		Attribute ea=new Attribute("name","namespace");
+		e.setAttribute(ea);
+		Attribute e2=new Attribute("use","required");
+		e.setAttribute(e2);
+		Attribute e3=new Attribute("form","qualified");
+		e.setAttribute(e3);
+		Attribute e4=new Attribute("type","xs:string");
+		e.setAttribute(e4);
+		return e;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *create an xml schema element for ID attribute 0f a moby object.
+	 *@return an xml schema element for ID attribute
+	 */
+	public Element getIDAttribute()
+	{
+		Element e=new Element("attribute",namespace);
+		Attribute ea=new Attribute("name","id");
+		Attribute ea2=new Attribute("use","required");
+		Attribute ea3=new Attribute("form","qualified");
+		e.setAttribute(ea);
+		e.setAttribute(ea2);
+		e.setAttribute(ea3);
+		Attribute e4=new Attribute("type","xs:string");
+		e.setAttribute(e4);
+		return e;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *create an xml schema element for article name attribute of a moby object
+	 *@param article value of the article attribute
+	 *@return an xml schema element for articleName attribute
+	 */
+	public Element getArticleName(String article )
+	{
+		Element e=new Element("attribute",namespace);
+		Attribute ea=new Attribute("name","articleName");
+		e.setAttribute(ea);
+		if(article.equals(""))
+		{
+			Attribute r0=new Attribute("use", "required");
+			Attribute r1=new Attribute("form","qualified");
+			e.setAttribute(r0);
+			e.setAttribute(r1);
+			return e;
+		}
+		/*if the value of article name is not empty, we need set the article name value*/
+		else
+		{
+			Attribute w1=new Attribute("use","required");
+			e.setAttribute(w1);
+			Attribute w2=new Attribute("form","qualified");
+			e.setAttribute(w2);
+			Attribute at3=new Attribute("fixed",article);
+			e.setAttribute(at3);
+			Attribute ty1=new Attribute("type","xs:string");
+			e.setAttribute(ty1);
+		}
+		return e;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *create an xml schema element for articleName attribute if the values of the articleName can have multiple choices.
+	 *@param vc a vector containing possible values of articleName attribute
+	 *@return an xml schema elment for articleName attribute
+	 */
+	public Element getRestrictionArticleName(Vector vc)
+	{
+		Element e=new Element("attribute",namespace);
+		Attribute ea=new Attribute("name","articleName");
+		e.setAttribute(ea);
+		Attribute w1=new Attribute("use","required");
+		e.setAttribute(w1);
+		String typeName="articleType"+typeCount;
+		typeCount++;
+		Attribute ty=new Attribute("type","moby:"+ typeName);
+		e.setAttribute(ty);
+		//need to add this type in the root
+		addArticleNameType(root,typeName,vc);
+		return e;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *create a root element for the schema to begin.
+	 *@param str 
+	 *@return an root element of XML schema
+	 */
+	public static Element getRoot(String str)
+	{
+		 namespace=Namespace.getNamespace("xs","http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
+		 Namespace namespace2=Namespace.getNamespace("moby","http://www.biomoby.org/moby");
+		Element root=new Element("schema",namespace);
+		Attribute elementFormDefault=new Attribute("elementFormDefault","qualified");
+		root.setAttribute(elementFormDefault);
+		Attribute attributeFormDefault=new Attribute("attributeFormDefault","qualified");
+		root.setAttribute(attributeFormDefault);
+		Attribute target=new Attribute("targetNamespace","http://www.biomoby.org/moby");
+		root.setAttribute(target);
+		root.addNamespaceDeclaration(namespace2);
+		Element annota=new Element("annotation",namespace);
+		Element appinfo=new Element("appinfo",namespace);
+		Attribute lang=new Attribute("lang","en",Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
+		appinfo.setText("Generating a XML Schema for the Moby object "+str+". "+getDate());
+		appinfo.setAttribute(lang);
+		annota.addContent(appinfo);
+		root.addContent(annota);
+		return root;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *add description or comment element to the element parent.
+	 *@param str the description of an element
+	 *@param parent the element which we wnat to give a description
+	 */
+	public  void addDescriptNote(String str, Element parent)
+	{
+		if(str.length()<1)
+		{
+			return;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			parent.addContent(new Comment(str));
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 *get the date of current time
+	 *@return a string representing current time
+	*/
+	public static  String getDate()
+	{
+		Date d=new Date();
+		String str=d.toString()+"."+" Eddie and Lixin";
+		return str;
+	}
+	/**add all primitive element to the sequnece element.
+	*@param pri a PrimitiveVector object
+        *@param element a XML Schema element
+	*/
+	public void addPrimitiveElement(PrimitiveVector pri, Element element)
+	{
+		/*get all vectors which store these primitive element*/
+		Vector strVector=pri.getStringVector();
+		Vector intVector=pri.getIntegerVector();
+		Vector flaVector=pri.getFloatVector();
+		Vector datVector=pri.getDateTimeVector();
+		/*handle primitive element String*/
+		if(strVector.size()!=0)
+		{
+			int size=strVector.size();
+			String sizeStr=""+size;
+			Element str=new Element("element",namespace);
+			Attribute a1=new Attribute("name","String");
+			Attribute a2=new Attribute("minOccurs",sizeStr); //create occurence attribute
+			Attribute a3=new Attribute("maxOccurs",sizeStr);
+			String type="stringType"+typeCount;
+			typeCount++;
+			Attribute a4=new Attribute("type","moby:"+type);
+			str.setAttribute(a1);
+			str.setAttribute(a4);
+			str.setAttribute(a2);
+			str.setAttribute(a3);
+			element.addContent(str);
+			//add the complexType for string
+			addPrimitiveComplexType(root,type,"xs:string"); 
+			//add the simpleType for string
+			addPrimitiveSimpleType(root, strVector,"Article"+type);
+		}
+		/*handle primitive element Integer*/
+		if(intVector.size()!=0)
+		{
+			int size=intVector.size();
+			String sizeStr=""+size;
+			Element str=new Element("element",namespace);
+			Attribute a1=new Attribute("name","Integer");
+			Attribute a2=new Attribute("minOccurs",sizeStr);
+			Attribute a3=new Attribute("maxOccurs",sizeStr);
+			String type="integerType"+typeCount;
+			typeCount++;
+			Attribute a4=new Attribute("type","moby:"+type);
+			str.setAttribute(a1);
+			str.setAttribute(a4);
+			str.setAttribute(a2);
+			str.setAttribute(a3);
+			element.addContent(str);
+			//add the complexType for integer
+			addPrimitiveComplexType(root, type,"xs:integer");
+			//add the simpleType for integer
+			addPrimitiveSimpleType(root, intVector,"Article"+type);
+		}
+		/*handle primitive element Float*/
+		if(flaVector.size()!=0)
+		{
+			int size=flaVector.size();
+			String sizeStr=""+size;
+			Element str=new Element("element",namespace);
+			Attribute a1=new Attribute("name","Float");
+			Attribute a2=new Attribute("minOccurs",sizeStr);
+			Attribute a3=new Attribute("maxOccurs",sizeStr);
+			String type="floatType"+typeCount;
+			typeCount++;
+			Attribute a4=new Attribute("type","moby:"+type);
+			str.setAttribute(a1);
+			str.setAttribute(a4);
+			str.setAttribute(a2);
+			str.setAttribute(a3);
+			element.addContent(str);
+			//add the complexType for float
+			addPrimitiveComplexType(root,type,"xs:float");
+			//add the simpleType for float
+			addPrimitiveSimpleType(root, flaVector,"Article"+type);
+		}
+		/*handle primitive object DateTime*/
+		if(datVector.size()!=0)
+		{
+			int size=datVector.size();
+			String sizeStr=""+size;
+			Element str=new Element("element",namespace);
+			Attribute a1=new Attribute("name","DateTime");
+			Attribute a2=new Attribute("minOccurs",sizeStr);
+			Attribute a3=new Attribute("maxOccurs",sizeStr);
+			String type="DateTimeType"+typeCount;
+			typeCount++;
+			Attribute a4=new Attribute("type","moby:"+type);
+			str.setAttribute(a1);
+			str.setAttribute(a4);
+			str.setAttribute(a2);
+			str.setAttribute(a3);
+			element.addContent(str);
+			//add the complexType for DateTime
+			addPrimitiveComplexType(root, type,"xs:DateTime");
+			//add the simpleType for DateTime
+			addPrimitiveSimpleType(root, datVector,"Article"+type);
+		}
+	}
+	/**add an unique element as a child of an element parent.
+	*@param parent the parent element of unique element
+	*@param name the name of the unique element
+	*@param strV a Vector containing the name of MElement in a hasa Vector
+	*/
+	public void addUniqueElement(Element parent, String name, Vector strV)
+	{
+		Element unique=new Element("unique", namespace);//create unique element
+		Attribute u1=new Attribute("name",name);
+		unique.setAttribute(u1);
+		Element selector=new Element("selector",namespace);//create the selector element
+		String xpathStr="moby:String|moby:Float|moby:Integer|moby:DateTime";
+		for(int i=0; i <strV.size(); i++)
+		{
+			String str=(String)strV.elementAt(i);
+			if(!(MElement.isPrimitive(str)))
+			{
+				xpathStr+="|moby:"+str;//add all name in the Vector strV into XPath
+			}
+		}
+		Attribute s1=new Attribute("xpath", xpathStr); //create a XPath
+		selector.setAttribute(s1);
+		unique.addContent(selector);
+		Element field=new Element("field", namespace);//create a field element
+		Attribute f1=new Attribute("xpath","@moby:articleName");
+		field.setAttribute(f1);
+		unique.addContent(field); //add the field element to the unique element
+		parent.addContent(unique);
+	}
+	/**
+	*get a vector which contains all names of MElements in the hasa relationship of a MElement
+	*@param mElement a MElement object
+	*@return a vector which contains all names of MElements in the hasa vector of mElement
+	*/
+	private Vector getHasaNameVector(MElement mElement)
+	{
+		Vector hasa=mElement.getHasaMElements();
+		Vector result=new Vector();
+		for(int i=0; i<hasa.size(); i++)
+		{
+			MElement oElement=(MElement)hasa.elementAt(i);
+			String name=oElement.getName();
+			/*if the result vector is empty, we add the first name into the vector*/
+			if(result.size()==0)
+			{
+				result.add(name);
+			}
+			/*if the result vector is not empty, we check whether the name already exist in the result vector*/
+			else
+			{
+				int flag=1;
+				for(int j=0; j<result.size();j++)
+				{
+					if(name.equalsIgnoreCase((String)result.elementAt(j)))
+					{
+						flag=0;//if already exists, set flag to 0
+					}
+				}
+				if(flag==1)
+				{
+					result.add(name);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
+	/**
+	 *add a complexType for string to the root element; Element parent is the root Element.
+	 *@param parent the parent element of this complexTpe element which is a root element here
+	 *@param name the complexType name
+	 *@param base the base we will extend
+	 */
+	public void addPrimitiveComplexType(Element parent, String name, String base)
+	{
+		//create the complexType element
+		Element complexW=new Element("complexType",namespace);
+		Attribute c1=new Attribute("name",name);
+		complexW.setAttribute(c1);
+		//normally primitive element is not empty
+		Element simpleContent=new Element("simpleContent", namespace);
+		complexW.addContent(simpleContent);
+		Element extension=new Element("extension",namespace);
+		Attribute extensionA1=new Attribute("base",base);
+		extension.setAttribute(extensionA1);
+		simpleContent.addContent(extension);
+		//create an atribute element for articleName
+		Element att1=new Element("attribute", namespace);
+		Attribute att1_1=new Attribute("name", "articleName");
+		Attribute att1_2=new Attribute("use","required");
+		Attribute att1_3=new Attribute("form","qualified");
+		Attribute att1_4=new Attribute("type","moby:Article"+name);
+		att1.setAttribute(att1_1);
+		att1.setAttribute(att1_2);
+		att1.setAttribute(att1_3);
+		att1.setAttribute(att1_4);
+		extension.addContent(att1);
+		//create an attribute element for id
+		Element att2=new Element("attribute",namespace);
+		Attribute att2_1=new Attribute("name","id");
+		Attribute att2_2=new Attribute("use","required");
+		Attribute att2_3=new Attribute("form","qualified");
+		att2.setAttribute(att2_1);
+		att2.setAttribute(att2_2);
+		att2.setAttribute(att2_3);
+		extension.addContent(att2);
+		//create an attribute element for namespace
+		Element att3=new Element("attribute",namespace);
+		Attribute att3_1=new Attribute("name","namespace");
+		Attribute att3_2=new Attribute("use","required");
+		Attribute att3_3=new Attribute("form","qualified");
+		att3.setAttribute(att3_1);
+		att3.setAttribute(att3_2);
+		att3.setAttribute(att3_3);
+		extension.addContent(att3);
+		parent.addContent(complexW);
+	}
+	/**
+	 *add simpleType for the primitive element; create a enumeration XML schema element for article names.
+	 *@param parent the root element
+	 *@param vc a vector containing article names
+	 *@param name the name of this simpleType
+	 */
+	public void addPrimitiveSimpleType(Element parent, Vector vc, String name)
+	{
+		//create the simpleType element
+		Element simpleType=new Element("simpleType", namespace);
+		parent.addContent(simpleType);
+		Attribute simpleTypeA1=new Attribute("name",name);
+		simpleType.setAttribute(simpleTypeA1);
+		Element restriction=new Element("restriction", namespace);
+		simpleType.addContent(restriction);
+		//create a enumeration XML schema element for article names
+		Attribute restrictionA1=new Attribute("base","xs:string");
+		restriction.setAttribute(restrictionA1);
+		for(int i=0;i<vc.size();i++)
+		{
+			String oneValue=(String)vc.get(i);
+			Element enu=new Element("enumeration", namespace);
+			Attribute enuA1=new Attribute("value",oneValue);
+			enu.setAttribute(enuA1);
+			restriction.addContent(enu);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 
+	 * @param args the string array containing the arguments for this main method
+	 */
+	public static void main(String[] args ) 
+	{
+		if(args.length<1)
+		{
+		    printUsage();
+		}
+		try
+		{
+			Builder b=new Builder();
+			//input the name of moby object
+			Element root = null;
+			if (args.length == 1)
+			    root = b.buildSchema(args[0]);
+			else {
+			    if (args.length == 2) {
+			        // -m generates a full moby message schema
+			        if (args[0].equals("-m")) {
+			            root = b.buildMobyEncapsulatedSchema(args[1]);
+			        } else {
+			            printUsage();
+			        }
+			    }
+			}
+			Document doc=new Document(root);
+			XMLOutputter fmt=new XMLOutputter();
+			Format format=Format.getPrettyFormat();
+			fmt.setFormat(format);
+			if (root != null)
+			    System.out.println(fmt.outputString(doc));
+		}
+		catch (Exception e)
+		{
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+	}
+    /*
+     * used to display the usage of the Main method 
+     */
+    private static void printUsage() {
+		System.out.println("Usage: java Builder <options> moby_data_type");
+		System.out.println("where possible options include:");
+		System.out.println("    -m       generate a schema that describes the complete moby message");
+		System.out.println();
+		System.exit(1);
+    }

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