[MOBY-guts] biomoby commit
Mark Wilkinson
mwilkinson at pub.open-bio.org
Sun Jan 18 03:45:23 UTC 2004
Sat Jan 17 22:45:22 EST 2004
Update of /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/scripts/Services
In directory pub.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv3246/Services
Modified Files:
Log Message:
added a couple of new DragonDB services that retrieve allele collections from a locus name, and annotated image collections from an allele name
moby-live/Perl/scripts/Services LocalServices.pm,1.50,1.51
RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/scripts/Services/LocalServices.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.50
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -r1.50 -r1.51
--- /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/scripts/Services/LocalServices.pm 2004/01/11 05:51:10 1.50
+++ /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/scripts/Services/LocalServices.pm 2004/01/18 03:45:22 1.51
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
use strict;
use SeqHound;
+use Ace;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use MIME::Base64;
use SOAP::Lite;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use DBI;
@@ -666,9 +669,6 @@
sub getDragonMutantImages {
my ($self, $data) = @_;
- use Ace;
- use LWP::UserAgent;
- use MIME::Base64;
# prepare myself
my $OS = MOBY::Client::OntologyServer->new;
@@ -684,30 +684,39 @@
# now start retrieving the input data
- my @input_nodes = getInputArticles($data); # returns ([obj1, obj2], [obj3, obj4], [obj5], [obj6],...)
+ my @input_nodes = genericServiceInputParser($data);
my @inputs;
- foreach (@input_nodes){
- push @inputs, $_->[0]; # we only allow one input object per query
- }
# Start iterating through the queries
my $response;
- foreach my $node(@inputs){
+ foreach my $input(@input_nodes){
+ my ($articleType, $qID, $node) = @{$input};
+ unless (($articleType == SIMPLE) && (defined($input))){ # we only accept simple inputs to this service
+ $response .= collectionResponse([], "", $qID) ; # send back a blank response for this queryID
+ next;
+ }
my $namespace_LSID = getSimpleArticleNamespaceURI($node); # get the LSID of the namespace for this input object
unless ($namespace_LSID eq $nsAllele){ # validate the namespace
- $response .= collectionResponse([]); # because we have to send one response per input, send a blank if bad namespace
+ $response .= collectionResponse([], "", $qID); # because we have to send one response per input, send a blank if bad namespace
my ($Allele)= getSimpleArticleIDs($namespace_LSID, [$node]); # get the ID within this namespace
unless (defined $Allele){ # send a blank if we failed to get an id,
- $response .= collectionResponse([]); # because we have to send one response per input
+ $response .= collectionResponse([], "", $qID); # because we have to send one response per input
# Prepare query on DragonDB with that allele name
+# my $q= qq{select Gif from Gif in object("Allele","$identifier")};
+# my $db = Ace->connect(-host => 'bioinfo.usask.ca', -port => 23100);
+# my @res = $db->aql($q);
my $query = qq(select Gif from Gif in object("Allele","$Allele") -> Phenotype_picture -> Pick_me_to_call[2]);
- print STDERR "QUERY TO DRAGONDB WAS $query\n";
+# print STDERR "QUERY TO DRAGONDB WAS $query\n";
my @jpgnames= $db->aql($query);
# I really need to learn AQL better so that I can also retrieve the
# Locus as a Cross-reference, and the Sequence as a cross-reference!
@@ -726,13 +735,101 @@
push @simples, "<moby:b64_encoded_jpeg namespace='$namespace_LSID' id='$Allele'>$image_data</moby:b64_encoded_jpeg>"; # push it onto the collection list
- $response .= collectionResponse(\@simples); # after all images have been collected, create the collection
+ $response .= collectionResponse(\@simples, "", $qID); # after all images have been collected, create the collection
$response = responseHeader() . $response . responseFooter(); # now wrap the collection(s) with the appropriate headers etc
my $SOAPResponse = SOAP::Data->type('base64' => $response);
return $SOAPResponse # and return them.
+sub getDragonSimpleAnnotatedImages{
+ my ($caller, $data) = @_;
+ my (@inputs)= genericServiceInputParser($data); # ([SIMPLE, $queryID, $simple],...)
+ return SOAP::Data->type('base64' => responseHeader("illuminae.com") . responseFooter()) unless (scalar(@inputs));
+ my @validNS = validateNamespaces("DragonDB_Allele"); # ONLY do this if you are intending to be namespace aware!
+ foreach (@inputs){
+ my ($articleType, $qID, $input) = @{$_};
+ unless (($articleType == SIMPLE) && ($input)){
+ $MOBY_RESPONSE .= collectionResponse([], "", $qID) ;
+ next;
+ } else {
+ my $namespace = getSimpleArticleNamespaceURI($input);
+ my ($identifier) = getSimpleArticleIDs($input); # note array output!
+ my $q= qq{select Gif from Gif in object("Allele","$identifier")};
+ my $db = Ace->connect(-host => 'bioinfo.usask.ca', -port => 23100);
+ my @res = $db->aql($q);
+ unless ($res[0]){
+ $MOBY_RESPONSE .= collectionResponse([], "", $qID) ;
+ next;
+ }
+ my @simples;
+ foreach (@res){
+ my $Allele = shift @{$_};
+ my @Alleledesc = $Allele->Description("Phenotype");
+ my $Locus = $Allele->Source("Gene");
+ foreach my $pic($Allele->Phenotype_picture){
+ my $picdesc = $pic->Description;
+ $picdesc = $picdesc."\n".(join "\n", at Alleledesc);
+ my $img = $pic->Pick_me_to_call->right;
+ $img =~ s/([^\w\-\.\@])/$1 eq " "?"+":sprintf("%%%2.2x",ord($1))/eg; # URL Encode the image filename
+ $img = "http://antirrhinum.net/ace/images/DragonDB/external/".$img; # make the URL
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $img); # get the image
+ my $res = $ua->request($req);
+ # Check the outcome of the response
+ if ($res->is_success) { # if successful, then base64 encide the data
+ my $image_data = encode_base64($res->content); # and create the simple image object
+ # push @simples, "<moby:b64_encoded_jpeg namespace='$namespace_LSID' id='$Allele'>$image_data</moby:b64_encoded_jpeg>"; # push it onto the collection list
+ push @simples, qq{<SimpleAnnotatedJPEGImage namespace="DragonDB_Allele" id="$identifier">
+ <CrossReference>
+ <Object namespace="DragonDB_Gene" id="$Locus">
+ </CrossReference>$image_data<String namespace="" id="" articleName="Description">$picdesc</String>};
+ } # no else
+ }
+ }
+ $MOBY_RESPONSE .= collectionResponse(\@simples, "", $qID); # after all images have been collected, create the collection
+ }
+ }
+ return SOAP::Data->type('base64' => (responseHeader("illuminae.com") . $MOBY_RESPONSE . responseFooter));
+sub getDragonLocusAlleles{
+ my ($caller, $data) = @_;
+ my (@inputs)= genericServiceInputParser($data); # ([SIMPLE, $queryID, $simple],...)
+ return SOAP::Data->type('base64' => responseHeader("illuminae.com") . responseFooter()) unless (scalar(@inputs));
+ my @validNS = validateNamespaces("DragonDB_Gene"); # ONLY do this if you are intending to be namespace aware!
+ foreach (@inputs){
+ my ($articleType, $qID, $input) = @{$_};
+ unless (($articleType == SIMPLE) && ($input)){
+ $MOBY_RESPONSE .= collectionResponse([], "", $qID) ;
+ next;
+ } else {
+ my $namespace = getSimpleArticleNamespaceURI($input);
+ my ($identifier) = getSimpleArticleIDs($input); # note array output!
+ my $q= qq{select Locus->Allele from Locus in object("Locus","$identifier")};
+ my $db = Ace->connect(-host => 'bioinfo.usask.ca', -port => 23100);
+ my @res = $db->aql($q);
+ unless ($res[0]){
+ $MOBY_RESPONSE .= collectionResponse([], "", $qID) ;
+ next;
+ }
+ my @simples;
+ foreach (@res){
+ my $Allele = shift @{$_};
+ push @simples, qq{<Object namespace="DragonDB_Allele" id="$Allele">};
+ }
+ $MOBY_RESPONSE .= collectionResponse(\@simples, "", $qID); # after all images have been collected, create the collection
+ }
+ }
+ return SOAP::Data->type('base64' => (responseHeader("illuminae.com") . $MOBY_RESPONSE . responseFooter));
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