[MOBY-guts] biomoby commit

Mark Wilkinson mwilkinson at pub.open-bio.org
Wed Nov 12 17:31:43 UTC 2003

Wed Nov 12 12:31:42 EST 2003
Update of /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl
In directory pub.open-bio.org:/tmp/cvs-serv12338

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
Yay!  We have a Makefile and test suite again!  This is more simple than the one that Richard was working on at the Singapore hackathon (his was able to actually install and test local services), but this will at least install the modules and test the basic functionality of MOBY::Client::Central

moby-live/Perl Makefile.PL,1.4,1.5 MANIFEST,1.5,1.6
RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/Makefile.PL,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
--- /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/Makefile.PL	2003/10/09 16:49:22	1.4
+++ /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/Makefile.PL	2003/11/12 17:31:42	1.5
@@ -1,100 +1,101 @@
 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
 use FindBin '$Bin';
-#require 5.008;
-my $VERSION = '0.04';
-my $WWW_ROOT_PATH = "/usr/local/apache" ;
-my $CGI_BIN = "cgi-bin" ;
-my $WWW_USER = "www" ;
-# RMB - Singapore biohackethon - Work in progress, to make a cleaner installation
-# Welcome...
-print STDERR "\n\nMOBY Installation (Perl Implementation)\n" ;
-print STDERR "=======================================\n\n" ;
-my $line ;
-print STDERR
-    "I need to know your web server path...\n",
-    "This is typically something like one of the following:\n\n",
-    "\tStandard Apache Unix location: '/usr/local/apache'\n",
-    "\tTypical location under Linux: '/var/www/'\n",
-    "\tLocation under Mac OS X: '/Library/WebServer'\n\n",
-    "Path to your WWW server root \[$WWW_ROOT_PATH\]? ";
-chomp ($line = <>);
-$WWW_ROOT_PATH=$line if ($line) ;
-print STDERR "Setting WWW server root path to '$WWW_ROOT_PATH'\n\n" ;
-print STDERR 
-    "I also need the name of your CGI script directory there:\n\n",
-    "\tMost of the time, this is 'cgi-bin'\n",
-    "\tbut Mac OS X uses 'CGI-Executables'\n\n",
-    "Name of your CGI directory \[$CGI_BIN\]? ";
-chomp ($line = <>);
-$CGI_BIN=$line if ($line) ;
-print STDERR "Setting CGI bin path to '$CGI_BIN_PATH'\n\n" ;
-print STDERR 
-    "Your server runs under a specific user account.\n",
-    "\tUnder most installations, this is usually 'nobody' or 'www'\n",
-    "\tUnder Mac OS X, this is 'root'\n\n",
-    "Name of WWW server user account \[$WWW_USER\]? ";
-chomp ($line = <>);
-$WWW_USER=$line if ($line) ;
-print STDERR "Setting WWW user to '$WWW_USER'\n\n" ;
-print STDERR 
-    "A UNIX group is also generally associated with the web directories.\n",
-    "\tThis may be the same as the above user account name, or\n",
-    "\tin be something else, like 'admin' in Mac OS X\n\n",
-    "Name of WWW server group \[$WWW_GROUP\]? ";
-chomp($line = <>) ;
-$WWW_GROUP=$line if($line) ;
-print STDERR "Setting WWW group to '$WWW_GROUP'\n\n" ;
-print STDERR "Press any key to continue...\n\n" ;
-sub MY::post_initialize {
-    return <<"MAKE_FRAG";
+my $VERSION = '0.1';
+#my $WWW_ROOT_PATH = "/usr/local/apache" ;
+#my $CGI_BIN = "cgi-bin" ;
+#my $WWW_USER = "www" ;
+## RMB - Singapore biohackethon - Work in progress, to make a cleaner installation
+## Welcome...
+#print STDERR "\n\nMOBY Installation (Perl Implementation)\n" ;
+#print STDERR "=======================================\n\n" ;
+#my $line ;
+#print STDERR
+#    "I need to know your web server path...\n",
+#    "This is typically something like one of the following:\n\n",
+#    "\tStandard Apache Unix location: '/usr/local/apache'\n",
+#    "\tTypical location under Linux: '/var/www/'\n",
+#    "\tLocation under Mac OS X: '/Library/WebServer'\n\n",
+#    "Path to your WWW server root \[$WWW_ROOT_PATH\]? ";
+#chomp ($line = <>);
+#$WWW_ROOT_PATH=$line if ($line) ;
+#print STDERR "Setting WWW server root path to '$WWW_ROOT_PATH'\n\n" ;
+#print STDERR 
+#    "I also need the name of your CGI script directory there:\n\n",
+#    "\tMost of the time, this is 'cgi-bin'\n",
+#    "\tbut Mac OS X uses 'CGI-Executables'\n\n",
+#    "Name of your CGI directory \[$CGI_BIN\]? ";
+#chomp ($line = <>);
+#$CGI_BIN=$line if ($line) ;
+#print STDERR "Setting CGI bin path to '$CGI_BIN_PATH'\n\n" ;
+#print STDERR 
+#    "Your server runs under a specific user account.\n",
+#    "\tUnder most installations, this is usually 'nobody' or 'www'\n",
+#    "\tUnder Mac OS X, this is 'root'\n\n",
+#    "Name of WWW server user account \[$WWW_USER\]? ";
+#chomp ($line = <>);
+#$WWW_USER=$line if ($line) ;
+#print STDERR "Setting WWW user to '$WWW_USER'\n\n" ;
+#print STDERR 
+#    "A UNIX group is also generally associated with the web directories.\n",
+#    "\tThis may be the same as the above user account name, or\n",
+#    "\tin be something else, like 'admin' in Mac OS X\n\n",
+#    "Name of WWW server group \[$WWW_GROUP\]? ";
+#chomp($line = <>) ;
+#$WWW_GROUP=$line if($line) ;
+#print STDERR "Setting WWW group to '$WWW_GROUP'\n\n" ;
+#print STDERR "Press any key to continue...\n\n" ;
+#sub MY::post_initialize {
+#    return <<"MAKE_FRAG";
 # See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
 # the contents of the Makefile that is written.
-	      'NAME'	      => 'MOBY',
+	      'NAME'	      => 'MOBY-S',
 	      'VERSION'	      => $VERSION, 
 	      'PREREQ_PM'     => {
+              'SOAP::Lite' => 0.55,
+              'XML::DOM' => 1.42,
 	      }, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
 	      #'PM_FILTER'     => "", 
 	      ($] >= 5.005 ?    ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
-	       (ABSTRACT      => 'Perl module binding for MOBY',
+	       (ABSTRACT      => 'Perl module binding for MOBY-S',
 		AUTHOR        => 'Mark Wilkinson [markw at illuminae.com]') : ()),
 # Insert additional MOBY specific Makefile targets
-sub MY::postamble {
-	return <<"MAKE_FRAG";
-	echo 'Make (local) MOBY Central stub'
-	echo 'Make (local) MOBY Server stub'
-	echo 'Setting up MOBY WWW Client'
-	cp scripts/MOBY-Client.cgi \$(MOBY_CGI_BIN_PATH)
+#sub MY::postamble {
+#	return <<"MAKE_FRAG";
+#	echo 'Make (local) MOBY Central stub'
+#	echo 'Make (local) MOBY Server stub'
+#	echo 'Setting up MOBY WWW Client'
+#	cp scripts/MOBY-Client.cgi \$(MOBY_CGI_BIN_PATH)

RCS file: /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/MANIFEST,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
--- /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/MANIFEST	2003/11/12 16:49:13	1.5
+++ /home/repository/moby/moby-live/Perl/MANIFEST	2003/11/12 17:31:42	1.6
@@ -22,12 +22,7 @@

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